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Gwyneth Paltrow on Career, Mom Guilt and Her Top Wellness Tip

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Do we need to intro Gwyneth Paltrow?

The legendary actress was recently on The HIM & HER Show for raw conversation about all the things.

Gwyneth was an open book, so humble, so real and raw. You can feel her calm, cool and collected energy throughout the podcast and her, Lauryn and Michael covered it all.

From her childhood, how she went from acting to being an entrepreneur, her take on social media, mom guilt, how she’d love to go off the grid one day and her nutrition routine (she shares her favorite smoothie and clears up the infamous bone broth stuff, so be sure to check it out.) Here are some top takeaways from the episode.

Gwyneth Paltrow on Career, Mom Guilt and Her Top Wellness Tip:

Entrepreneurship & Acting:

Entrepreneurs and actors are cut from the same cloth. This is why so many creators end up founding a business, because they both are ingrained to have ‘outside of the box’ ideals, and the courage to pursue something that not many people find success in. 

Longevity in Business:

A lot of people think a business will be an overnight success, but that’s not the case in a majority of cases. Gwyneth included. Goop actually began 15 years ago as an email newsletter, and has grown slowly since then. 

Struggling with mom guilt:

Mother’s often feel a sense of guilt when they’re working & away from their children. The most important thing to remember here is that you are not only modeling a sense of work ethic for your children, but your identity can be partly invested in other things outside of being a mother. This is allowed. Your kids can still be the most important thing in your life while you are thriving in your career, following a passion, or investing in yourself. Take a non-judgemental approach with yourself, because you’re doing your best!

#1 wellness tip:

FORGIVE YOURSELF. We all have things we wish we didn’t do, did different, regret, should’ve done better etc. Her tip is to let it all go, forgive yourself for everything and never hang on to your ‘sins.’

Of course, they went over the future of health and wellness and Goop’s new skincare line Good. Clean. Goop too.

Goop skincare line

Plus, we have a code for you. Use code 10SKINNYGOOP on at checkout for 10% off. Lauryn is obsessed with the Daily Juice Cleanser. It’s like a green drink for your face.

We’re not done yet. Gwyneth is doing a giveaway too. You can win the entire Good. Clean. Goop. beauty line by following them on Instagram, and commenting on Lauryn’s latest Instagram post with your favorite part of the episode.

Good luck!

x, The Skinny Confidential team.

+ Everything you need to know about vagina steaming.

++ Lauryn’s updated skincare routine.


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