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How To Be Productive in 2021

How To Be Productive in 2021

Hello hello. Hope everyone is having an amazing week.

Today I wanted to talk about a solo podcast episode that Michael & I recorded on how to be productive in 2021.

2020 was fucked up. Obvs. It was challenging for everyone in different ways. Things are kinda normalizing, but a lot of us are still working from home, or are now working from home permanently.

We always talk a lot about mindset, especially Michael. Yeah, 2020 sucked, but it was actually a very productive year for my family, professionally & personally. There was a lot of time to slow down a little bit, think, & reach some of our goals.

We loved recording this podcast episode because we’re so passionate about productivity & things that have helped us, so I wanted to share some of the tips here too.

How To Be Productive in 2021

How To Be Productive in 2021 by The Skinny Confidential


♡ rid yourself of negativity.

When you have that light bulb moment & a great idea or goal comes to you, there is usually always someone in your life who will burst that bubble. Limit the conversations you have about your goals with these people. The same goes for watching the news. We go deeper into this in the episode.

♡ don’t check & respond to texts & emails right away.

This is essentially like batching, which you may have heard me talk about before. Michael batches too.

There’s no need to check & respond to correspondence as soon as you hear the ‘ding.’ Choose 1, 2 or 3 times a day that are designated to reading & responding. Those in-between times are when you’ll really get a lot of shit done.

♡ surround yourself with inspiring people.

You’ve probably heard that “you are who you surround yourself with.” Well, the same is true with who you follow on social media. Only follow people whose content you want to consume. For me, I want to be inspired, educated or entertained. Simple as that.

Reflect on how many people’s stories you watch on Instagram each day, now think about that total time spent in a week. Now think about the whole year. That is a lot of time watching someone else’s life. Right?

♡ schedule everything in your calendar, even when working from home.

That should almost be changed to ESPECIALLY when you’re working from home. It makes all the difference. Having every single part of your day scheduled means that you run the day, the day does not run you.

For me, I schedule my workouts, quality time with Zaza, driving time, when I shower, LOL. Like I said, I schedule EVERYTHING.

♡ declutter the fuck out of your space.

This is a hidden gem of a tip that I learned from Ria Safford of RiOrganize. If you haven’t heard of her, she is the QUEEN of organization. She has organized our entire LA home, & she’s organized tons of celebrities too.

Having your house streamlined can save you years in a lifetime. Having a coffee station, supplements, food, cabinets, skincare & more all organized will save you so much time & frustration. Stay tuned for Ria’s podcast episode that will be out later this month. But in the meantime, if you want more home organization tips you can stalk all of Ria’s guest posts here.

There you have it, 5 tips for being more productive in 2021. Be sure to listen to the podcast episode though, because we dive deeper into all these tips & tricks.

The Skinny Confidential Podcast

x, lauryn

+ if you like this post, check out this post all about emotional intelligence.

++ scope these 5 tips for mental toughness.


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