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BY Ylfa Grönvold | WORK HERE | @ylfagronvold

AGAIN! Remember when I did a post all about TSC READERS’ ART? SO fun for me to share YOU. And YOUR creativity.


Basically the gist of my idea ( it came to me in the shower, HA! ) is to showcase what you guys love to create. Some of you are artists, some are bloggers/vloggers, some are graphic designers, some are entrepreneurs, ETC.

& I want to share your work with TSC Community. This is a place to inspire.

Anyway, today’s the second installment of the “creative spaces” idea. Today’s theme is up & coming artists— each of them designed a very Skinny Confidential-ish piece. & honestly WHATTTTTT, I can’t believe how amazing these phenomenally talented artists are, AGAIN- I was just shocked! They crushed it. A bunch of these pieces are going in my office. All their bios/contact info is below.

Oh! If you are a creative, please share what you do so I can plan the next creative feature on TSC. Want to hear about what you guys do, what drives you, your passions…you get it. Leave your websites, Instagrams, whatever below too. You guys always support me, I love to support you.


+ Bio: Ylfa Grönvold is an artist & illustrator from Iceland currently living in Copenhagen, Denmark. She graduated from the Scandinavian Academy of Fashion Design in Copenhagen in 2012. After graduating she set up to merge her two passions of illustration and fashion design, where her career then took off and opportunities arose to design and illustrate for various fashion houses, television shows, movies as well as bridal dresses and stationery design. Having a positive approach to life, living life to it’s fullest and taking every opportunity with open arms has been the blossom of her career & taken her places she could never have imagined.

jenna webb x TSC | pink lip graphic

BY: Jenna Webb | WORK HERE | @jennawebbart

+ Bio: Contemporary mixed media artist Jenna Webb specializes in vibrant, unexpected & bold works infused with her positive spirit and energy. Numerous years of business management work in a left-brained space fueled Jenna’s drive to become a full-time artist. Her brave career transition has served her uncommon creativity allowing her to ultimately share her gift with you. She is passionate about nature, beauty, positivity, travel, and interior design. Her artwork reflects the beauty she sees and the light she wants you to feel. Jenna creates from her studio in Raleigh, NC, which she shares with Gus & Lola, her Boston Terrier & French Bulldog.

Caleigh Bird pixy and boone drawing

BY: Caleigh Bird | WORK HERE | @caleighbirdart

+ Bio: Caleigh Bird is a contemporary realist artist living the dream on O’ahu in Hawaii. She has been studying art her entire life culminating in a Master’s Degree last year and has since become a popular custom portrait artist for both families and their four-legged friends. Because of her hectic life-of-an-artist schedule and frequent travels, Caleigh isn’t able to have any pets of her own, but she enjoys living vicariously through her clients and feels like she gets to have a special connection with each sweet furry she draws. When not busy drawing and painting in her little tropical valley studio, Caleigh’s fingers can be found getting dirty in her organic garden or twirling her hula hoop.

BY: Olivia Dockerty | WORK HERE |@livdockerty_art

+ Bio: Liv Dockerty is a young emerging Contemporary artist. She studied Art and Design at Parsons in New York City where she graduated with a BFA and has since moved back to her hometown of Miami. Her art is inspired by the sky and you can find her painting on large-scale canvases while blasting 70s Rock classics. She recently had her art selected by Restoration Hardware’s new Modern Collection.

Jessica Rodriguez x TSC | sunglasses drawn portrait

BY: Jessica Rodriguez  | WORK HERE | @noemipapeterie

+ Bio: Jessica Rodriguez is a designer & illustrator from Dallas, Texas. She received a degree in Visual Communications from the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles. She has been drawing ever since she could remember and currently works a full-time job while illustrating on the side. Her work is inspired by fashion bloggers, brands, & beauty.

Chelsea Lundy x TSC | michael & lauryn

BY: Chelsea Lundy | WORK HERE | @chelsdrawsyou

+ Bio: In late 2015 in Canada’s capital, Chelsea Lundy began drawing her friends and favourite celebrities using a sketch app for fun. What began as a hobby quickly became a new passion. When she started her Instagram ( @chelsdrawsyou ) to showcase her finger paintings, the feedback was overwhelming. Requests started coming in, and, as her portfolio grew, so did demand for her artwork. She calls it finger painting because that’s exactly what it is – she sketches every single picture on her iPhone 6 using only her finger. Chelsea is constantly inspired by the people she draws, and she tries to capture each person’s (or animal’s!) aura through her artwork.

Bruna Mebs x TSC | the skinny confidential flower

BY: Bruna Mebs | WORK HERE | @brunamebs

+ Bio: Bruna Mebs is best known for her watercolor paintings, ink drawings and pencil sketches. A nostalgic by heart, her biggest inspirations all derive from history, like period movies, vintage clothing, medieval tales and old books. Her work ranges from food, animal, fashion, costume, beauty and botanical illustrations to portraits. She currently sells originals, prints & custom paintings at her online shop.

Wei whitleigh x TSC | 5 sides of lauryn

BY: Whitleigh Kid | WORK HERE | @missywhitleigh

+ Bio: Wei studied arts & designs in college but later decided to pursue psychology related study and ended up working in the clinical field.  After all those years, she has returned to her ultimate passion and is planning on making her mark in the vibrant creative world this year.  She enjoys fashion and lifestyle illustrations and all things related. She finds inspiration everywhere- & of course The Skinny Confidential is her go-to source!

kevin glatt artist feature tsc by the skinny confidential

BY: Kevin Glatt | WORK HERE | @_kevvy_kevv 

+ Bio: Kevin Glatt is a multi-medium artist based in Santa Monica, California, who is a producer by day ( he produced TSC Show forever! LOVE YOU KEVIN! ), musician by night, & always conceptualizing art in all of its forms. He is a fluid artist by trade, that uses mixed-media paints & a two-part epoxy resin to achieve his glass-like & depth-filled abstract pieces. Kevin‘s art is driven by color in its purest state, music, & the everyday rhythm of life.

BY: Nina Romans | WORK HERE | @ninaromansdesign

+ Bio: Nina Romans is a multidisciplinary designer specializing in graphic design, brand design, illustration, & web design. She attended the University of California, Los Angeles where she majored in Design | Media Arts. She has experience collaborating & working with a variety of clients from boutique online businesses to big brands. She designs in hopes of making memorable and positive impacts on peoples’ lives and the world around us. Stay updated on her work by scoping her Instagram: @ninaromansdesign.

BY: Kelcey Vossen | WORK HERE | @knicolevossen

+ Bio: A Toronto-based creator who lived in and is continually energized by New York City. Passionate about design and illustration. Enjoys discovering hidden coffee shops, reading Greek mythology and epic poetry, and getting lost for hours in the European literature section of independent book stores. Loves the soft silhouettes and elegant femininity of the 1920s and 1930s, collecting silky robes and Art Deco jewelry from these romantic decades. Hopes her whimsical illustrations continue to inspire and be enjoyed. ( She actually made ME into a phone case too- which is nuts! Above is my Snapchat filters she designed for our wedding ).

I hope you guys enjoyed all of these up & coming artists. Insane, right? Let me know what kind of art you create below ( are you a: blogger, writer, actor, vlogger, producer, artist, designer, etc. ) so I can pick the theme of the next installment.

Happy Monday- see you tomorrow! x lauryn

+ first artist installment here.



  1. This is an awesome idea for a series! Can’t wait to see more xx.

    Amy //

  2. Wonderful post! Each artist your featured is uniquely gifted. Thank you for supporting artists! Please have a look at my own art to consider for your next posts on art and artists. I use recycled fabrics and papers to create sustainable art of various subjects.

  3. Wonderful post! Each artist your featured is uniquely gifted. Thank you for supporting artists! Please have a look at my own art to consider for your next posts on art and artists. I use recycled fabrics and papers to create sustainable art of various subjects. BTW – I follow just a few blogs and yours is the top – always encouraging and inspiring!

  4. Love that you’re highlighting artists & LOVE your blog!!!

    If you’re looking for more artists in the future please check out my website 🙂

  5. I’m so proud of Ylfa, she is so talented ! I love the other ones too obviously ! 🙂
    I’m working in sales but I do all I can to become an illustrator and fashion designer ! You can find my work here : and on my illustration instagram :
    I would LOVE to collaborate with TSC one day <3
    Keep going Lauryn, I love what you do and thank you for sharing so much !
    xx B.

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