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A Lil DIY: A Sexed Up Peacock Chair

Lauryn Evarts talks diet, fitness, and healthy cooking.

Lauryn Evarts talks diet, fitness, and healthy cooking.

Lauryn Evarts talks diet, fitness, and healthy cooking.

I love a good DIY.

But only if it’s easy, quick, & cheap ( << sounds kinda slutty ).

But seriously: who has time to like, sit down & whip up a gnarly-ass DIY with five million supplies?

Hmmm, eerr, ehh, I guess Erica from Fashionlush is pretty damn good at DIY’s…

But raise your hand if you’re good at DIY’s.


Not I, said fly.

Lauryn Evarts talks diet, fitness, and healthy cooking.

Lauryn Evarts talks diet, fitness, and healthy cooking.

Ok, so here’s a rad story: my cute, cute friend, Natalie ( << she’s seventeen!! ) from Halfway to Harmony helped me find something that I’d been searching high & low for…a vintage peacock chair.

I casually mentioned to her that my life would be over, like over, over, if I didn’t own a peacock chair.

No peacock chair= deep depression.


She goes to Palm Springs & finds not one peacock chair, but TWO!

Ya. TWO.

So now I have this white babe & another sex kitten, vintage peacock chair ( thx God! ) living in my casa.

Anyway, let’s talk about this DIY: Natalie brought the chair to my house & gave it a major facelift. Material used were:

DIY By The Skinny Confidential and Halfway to Harmony.

First we primed the chair & then we sprayed the whole thing stark white. This took about an hour & my finger(s) kinda hurt- if we’re being honest- BUT it was so worth it.

After the whole chair sprayed white, Natalie & I painted the little detail in gold with a tiny paint brush.

When the peacock chair was dry, we added Natalie’s handmade ( yes, I know right?! Handmade— this girl’s the ) teal/gold/white tassel. She specially made the tassel for my home’s color scheme. If you’re interested in ordering handmade tassel ( price: $49 ), e-mail her at: & she’ll kill it for you. Also, she sewed & designed the gold pillow…love.

Oh, did I mention she’s seventeen. Diiiiieeeee.

Me at seventeen= drinking a Coors Light in a random, abandoned high school parking lot attempting to break the midnight curfew like a loser.

Anyway, you can do this DIY to any chair in your home. Literally any chair works.

So find a random chair & make it pretty— because it opens the whole house x 10.

Everyday I look at my DIY peacock chair & freaking swoon.

I mean, I don’t sit on it- because let’s be honest, I’m too OCD for that. But hey, I look at it & smile real big.

Find more on Natalie & her sick DIY’s on her blog: Halfway to Harmony.


{ To follow this cute babe on Instagram, click here // find this DIY on her blog here }.

Lauryn Evarts talks diet, fitness, and healthy cooking.

Lauryn Evarts talks diet, fitness, and healthy cooking.

Lauryn Evarts talks diet, fitness, and healthy cooking.

  1. LOVE this! I’ve been dying for a peacock chair for ever now and just recently found and bought one!!! Might have to find another to fancy up like this! Also a huge fan of halfway to harmony, still don’t understand how she is only 17!! Love everything about this xo

  2. Im dying over this post!! Greatest chair EVER….. and now I am totally going to be on the hunt for one for my house!

  3. Hi, I just want to let you all know about my healthy lifestyle blog. I post everything from skinny recipes to workout outfits. Come check it out and follow at Have a beautiful Day!

  4. You totally inspired me with this and I just found one for $60 that I am going to update for the bedroom!!

    LOVE IT!

  5. Just revisited this post bc thus weekend I found a peacock chair at a yard sale for $20!!!!!! Now, to paint or not to paint???

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