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Get The Fuck Out Of The Sun – My 2nd Book Is Almost Here!

AAAHHHHHHH COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED! Why? Because I’m finally writing  a blog post all about my 2nd book Get

The Skinny Confidential Product is HERE

What a WILD ride. AND after about 12-ish years, here we are. Many of you have become my friends, people

5 Hustlers You Should Follow On Instagram

As you grow as a brand I think it’s really important to support other people in the space. For me,

5 Books To Keep You Entertained

Since I’ve become pregnant, I’ve gotten even more into reading. I always try to read for at least 30 minutes

10 Things I’ve Learned From Southern Charm’s Patricia Altschul

If you know me, you know I constantly am professing my lasting love for Ms. Patricia Altschul.  She is everything

Everyday Tips, Tricks & Hacks For a Healthier You

Hey guys, I hope everyone had a great weekend & if you indulged a little too much, well I got

Easy Ways To Add More Fiber To Your Diet

SUPER excited for this post. Today Danielle Hamo is on The Skinny Confidential. I initially met Danielle through my friend

The Breakfast Tray That Will Fulfill All Your Wildest Fantasies

I saw Patricia Altschul from Southern Charm using a chic breakfast tray so I went & bought a chic breakfast tray. No

Nordstorm Anniversary Sale: The Sets You Need To Have

The Nordstrom sale is so amazing to shop for yourself, but there’s an opportunity to shop for the holidays too

10 Life Hacks For The Softest Face, Cleanest Laundry, The Fizziest Champagne and More

Today we have Jule from Jule The Bee sharing her top 10 life hacks with us. Jule & I were


Hey guys. I wanted to compile all of the books you recommended on one of my latest Instagram posts. As

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