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Zaza’s Eloise High Tea Party

A few weeks ago Zaza turned 4. It’s true what they say: kids grow up way too fast. The time

How To Get Yourself The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner & boy oh boy do I have you covered. Literally all you have

3 Important Questions You Need To Ask Yourself To Create The Life You Want

EVERYONE WANTS A LARGER PLAN, RIGHT? But really, life is full of decisions- so many forks in the road. What

How Naomie From Southern Charm Lost Weight, Toned Up and Her Body Transformation

This post is everything all TSC readers want more & more of. The details, the specifics, the nitty gritty, on how Naomie

The Skinny Confidential Community Holiday Traditions

I have scoured the internet, talked to friends and talked to family about some of their holiday traditions so you

The Ice Machine of Your Dreams

Let me set the scene.  There we were, in Palm Springs- me, Michael & all our friends. Gillian started describing

How To Make Christmas Not Totally About Gifts

Christmas is just around the corner. If you celebrate Christmas, you know it’s a magical time of the year. It’s

5 Reasons You Should Get to Know Your Human Design Chart

HUMAN DESIGN !! Ever heard of it? It’s such an interesting topic & something that some people swear by. It

Everything You Need To Know About Rescuing Animals From ISWMP

Just so excited to have my favorite charity on The Skinny Confidential. Since today is Giving Tuesday, I wanted to

Cyber Monday: High End Items Worth The Splurge

We hope everyone had the best Thanksgiving! You might be sick of shopping and sales but if you’re not, we’ve

Black Friday Deals Coming In Hot

Happy Thanksgiving to this incredible community. It’s that time of year where we want to save you TIME and MONEY.

Mauricio Umansky On Marriage Rumors, Housewives, Business and Success

Have you listened yet? The CEO and founder of The Agency, cast member of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,

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