Fitness | The Skinny Confidential A lifestyle blog, podcast, and brand by Lauryn Evarts Bosstick. For the girl who wants to be the best version of herself, on her own terms. Thu, 14 Mar 2024 09:15:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Q&A with The Flexible Dieting Coach Erik Young Tue, 12 Mar 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Today we have Lauryn’s diet coach, Erik Young on the blog. He’s been working with Lauryn for 3 years and

The post Q&A with The Flexible Dieting Coach Erik Young appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Q&A with The Flexible Dieting Coach Erik Young

Today we have Lauryn’s diet coach, Erik Young on the blog.

He’s been working with Lauryn for 3 years and she’s always talking about how much he’s helped her lose weight and still eat what she loves. A couple years ago he was on the The HIM & HER Show talking about is counterintuitive approach to get your body back on track, lose weight (or gain weight) and still eat what you love. He’s worked with celebrities like Hilary Duff, Ashley Tisdale, Molly Sims, LeAnne Rimes and a number of soap stars.

Erik is here to answer all our questions about losing weight, exercise, and adapting a healthier relationship when it comes to food and dieting.

With that, let’s welcome Erik to the blog.


Q&A with The Flexible Dieting Coach Erik Young

Introduce yourself to The Skinny Confidential audience. 

Erik Young: Hi! My name is Erik Young and I am a nutrition coach. I work with everyday lifestyle clients as well as celebrities and athletes.  My passion is showing clients that there is a better way to improve their body composition without drastically changing the foods they eat. There are so many “dieting” options available these days but one thing to keep in mind is it needs to be sustainable. 

I have been doing this full-time since 2011 and love every second of it. My goal is to teach and guide clients so they will never have to worry about dieting again. They will have learned all the tools they need to maintain their physique once their goal is reached. 

What is flexible eating?

EY: Flexible eating is not a diet,  it is more of a lifestyle. Flexible eating involves counting and measuring foods to control calories and intake of macronutrients: protein, fats, and carbohydrates. It promotes the notion that there are no “bad foods” and allows you to choose any food, as long as it fits within your macronutrient needs.

As a coach, I like to use the 80/20 rule. 80% whole foods and 20% “fun foods.” With the 80% whole foods comes healthy fats, fruits, and veggies. Fiber is also very important and will be included in the 80%. The fun foods would be anything processed really. It could be chips, bread, chocolate or cereal. Like I said above there is no “bad” food. If you are craving something sweet we just have to make it fit into the plan for that specific day. 

What’s more important for weight loss, exercise or diet?

EY: Hands down diet is more important than exercise when it comes to weight loss. With that being said, getting your body moving will definitely help the cause. Eating less food and putting yourself in a caloric deficit is how to effectively lose weight. We have many clients that have families that work or go to school and just don’t have time to exercise during the day. They are still able to be successful and reach their goals. Ideally, diet and exercise is where it’s at! I don’t want to discount being active.

What’s an unsuspecting culprit of not losing weight?

EY: There are a few different things. 1. Food could be the culprit. In order to see fat loss you have to be in a caloric deficit. Let’s say you’re only eating 1300 cal and not losing weight. You want to start seeing changes so you cut out carbs for lunch and dinner. So now you are eating 1 cup less carbs a day since you were eating 1/2 cup rice or potatoes for lunch and dinner. That is only 160 cals a day less than what you normally eat. That’s not enough food to take away each day to make an impact. So in my opinion, not knowing your current caloric intake makes it impossible to know how big of a deficit you are in.

2. Alcohol could be a factor, even if you are compensating your carbs earlier in the day for alcohol. In my experience, if you’re drinking 4 or less drinks a week, you can still lose weight. During Covid times I definitely added wine to 80% of my client’s plans. Once you start having more than 4 a week weight loss starts to slow down. 

Lauryn gym

Tell us your favorite success story.

EY: My favorite success story was a client that I coached a couple years ago. When she came to me she had just gained about 15 pounds after eating very low calories for a sustained period of time. She was eating super healthy and lots of whole foods, but ended up binging two or three days a week on sweets and carbs. Basically everything she wasn’t eating.

Her goal was to change her relationship with food, lose the weight she gained,  and get her monthly cycle back from almost a year of very low calories. We worked together for about 13 months. During that time, I was slowly able to add in food over the next six months. She went from about 650 cal to 1500 cal. Her meal plans were flexible and she never felt like she was on a diet. The binges went away because of that. Her cycle ended up coming back around month 5 when we hit 1400 cals. During our time the weight ended up coming off and she couldn’t have been happier! This success story hit everything. Hormones, physical health, and mentally changed her relationship with food.

Can you tell us about some exciting celebrities you worked with like Molly Sims and Hilary Duff?

EY: Totally!  I’ve work with a handful of celebs that are on soap operas. General Hospital, Days Of Our Lives, The Bold and The Beautiful. Those clients are Kelly Brooks, Darren Brooks, Kirsten Storms, Emme Ryan, Camilla Luddington, and Marla Sokoloff. I worked with a couple music artists/ like Bebe Rexha, Sam Fisher, LeAnn Rimes, and Eddie Cibrian. I also worked with Ashley Tisdale, Mandy Moore, and Savannah Chrisley. I worked with a couple MLB pitchers also. It doesn’t matter if you are a celeb, athlete, or just someone looking to improve their physique while eating foods you love. We can help!

When you first started working with Lauryn, what was the biggest change you made to her diet?

EY: Lauryn and I started working together at the end of 2020. When she gave me her food journal, she was pretty low on her protein intake. She was eating 3-4 ounces of protein for lunch and dinner. Breakfast was hit or miss with protein.  Now she’s eating protein for her 3 main meals and she’s averaging 5oz of meat for lunch/dinner.

We also incorporated a collagen protein powder that she interchanges with a whey protein powder daily. Carbs have always been moderate, we have never really restricted those. The second significant change was the amount of food. She came to me after she had already cut calories on her own. She saw some changes, but then she plateaued. Her body had adapted to those lower calories so I needed to add food.  With the protein increase and the slow addition of calories over the next 3-4 months her body started responding very well and weight was coming off. 

Starting major lifestyle changes can be hard for some. What are some mindset shifts you encourage in your clients who are having a hard time with changes?

EY: I’m always telling clients to give themselves grace. They have to understand that not every day will be perfect. As long as they are making the effort to do better, that’s all that matters. 

If they do get off plan for a meal one day it’s not the end of the world. The week is NOT ruined and they don’t need to return to bad habits and start over the next week. I always say one bad meal will not ruin your physique. Just like one good meal won’t give you abs.  At the end of the day, this isn’t a race. It’s a marathon. I’m trying to help clients build lifelong habits to support their individual goals. It takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. 

I also tell them not to compare their progress to others. Everyone’s body has been through different situations that could cause them to lose slower than others. As long as we are moving in the right direction even if it is slower progress, it’s still progress and positive. 

If you have a client with the worst diet you’ve ever seen, who doesn’t exercise, what change would you implement for them first so they don’t feel overwhelmed?

EY: Honestly, it just depends on what their food situation looks like. If they are eating out a couple times a day then I would put plans together and still have them eat out. One of the meals out they could still get a meal they would normally order. The other meal out, I would have them do something healthier but still eating out. I would fill in snacks that are lower calorie but higher volume so they would stay more full. 

Another option would be to have the client just eat  50% less of their normal meal size for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Still eating the same foods but cut them in half.  Then, I would fill in the snacks with lower calorie food to keep them more full. 

What’s a book or resource or podcast you recommend to all your clients?

EY: The HIM & HER Show of course. And Alan Aragon’s book Flexible Dieting.

Where can everyone find you? Pimp yourself out. 

EY: Instagram and my website


Be sure to check out Erik’s podcast episode here and follow him on Instagram for client transformations, hot tips and quick recipes to up your protein intake.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ The best foods for hair skin and nails.

++ What Lauryn eats in a day here.


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At-Home Workout Equipment I’ve Been Loving Mon, 11 Mar 2024 12:01:13 +0000 In 2020 I started working out at home, like a lot. Just like most of the world, I’m sure. In

The post At-Home Workout Equipment I’ve Been Loving appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

At-Home Workout Equipment

In 2020 I started working out at home, like a lot. Just like most of the world, I’m sure.

In the last couple years I’ve been seeing a trainer, Brent Hruska (he has the best energy, more on him here), and he’s helped me get into weightlifting. As I’ve mentioned before I used to only be into Pilates and other workouts that were more ‘calm’ I guess you could say. Recently Pilates is back in my fitness routine, and I’m loving Classical Pilates with Bryony. It’s the best full body workout for rehab and posture. You can listen to her story here. She talks about how she got into Pilates after a car accident and how small changes can lead to big things.

After finding and meeting Brent I quickly realized that weightlifting is so good for women, and Brent is also a big fan of lowering cortisol, but lifting heavy. And I’m lifting heavy. On the pull up bar, on the squat rack, with free weights, the cable machine – I’m surprising myself! So if you’re a woman who is skeptical of starting to lift, these podcasts can shed some light on the myth of getting too bulky: Mari, Brent, Dr. Shannon, & my recent solo on how I lost weight postpartum. Combined with an eating plan from Erik Young, The Flexible Dieting Coach, my body composition is the best it’s ever been.


My point is that these days you can find me at Brent’s gym or whatever gym I’m at when we’re away lifting weights. However, I still love working out at home with Kim Kelly, doing Melissa Wood Health videos, Pilates and getting some steps in.

I’m kinda in love with it. Sometimes you just need to save time, stay home, but still get some movement in. That being said, I have some space-saving, strength training exercise equipment I like to use on these days, and I keep it all in a little pink laundry basket (except the ball – I keep that in Zaza’s room because she plays with it).

Pink Workout Equipment

The Skinny Confidential’s At-Home Workout Equipment Favorites:


I’ve always wanted a white yoga mat because I love how pastel colors look against it. I know that sounds weird, but I love things that make me feel good & when things look good, I feel good.

This mat is sticky in the perfect way. Not sticky, but like grippy. It stays put. So whether you’re doing downward dog, weights, or jumping around on it, it won’t move around & trip you up.

Townes also likes to do tummy time on this. This is a good tip if you’re at home trying to get a workout in but your baby is awake. You gotta find ways to make it work, ya know?


This ball is not necessary but it’s been great for my back. It’s cute, light pink & kind of has this light metallic finish for a little sparkle. Zaza loves to play with this.

But like I said, I’ve been noticing that I use it for ab exercises & stretches. It’s made a big difference in my back pain because it’s very supportive.


These are just your regular old weights but they’re pink. They come in a ton of colors & also different weights, but I like the 2 or 5 lb ones. These have a nice grip & get the strength training job done. My arms burn after using them, even though I lift way heavier at the gym with Brent. Another good option if you’re just having some easy movement at home is the Bala bangles (that you can also use on your ankles or wrists).

If you aren’t a weight person, I get it. You can always use a band…


There are 2 types of bands I use. One is a set that I use for legs & comes in different shades of pink. Shocker. They come in all different ‘weights’ or resistance level so you can choose what works for you depending on what exercise and muscle groups you’re doing.

The other band is a long one that’s great for arms. You can put this under your feet and do bicep curls, tricep extensions, whatever you want.  You can use it to help you stretch too.


These are for water workouts so if you workout in the pool, these are ideal. They dry really fast & I couldn’t resist getting them. They come in teal & baby pink & remind me of Barbie.


These might just be my favorite piece of equipment, aesthetic-wise. They help me squeeze tighter during Pilates & they’re so helpful when you’re doing stretches & need a little extra lift. These are perfect for you if you aren’t super flexible.

Let me set the scene: you’ve finished a workout & you’re about to stretch by standing up, spreading out your legs, feet on the ground & hinging at your waist for a hamstring stretch. Only you can’t touch your hands to ground without bending your knees- ENTER YOGA BLOCKS.

Put the blocks on the ground, put your hands on the blocks, bend over & stretch. They’re very versatile & helpful in so many ways.


To me, looking and feeling your best for a workout makes a big difference. Even if you’re just at home, throwing on a cute exercise outfit can be fun. My recent favourites to workout in: Nike bike shorts, sports bra, Skims onesie, Waverles leggings.

What are your necessities when working out at home? Give me all your equipment, outfit and vibe recs below. You can shop all my recs in one place, right here.

x, lauryn

+ learn how to create a meditation space in your home.

++ stalk all these benefits of weightlifting for women.



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How To Invest In Your Health (It’s About Way More Than What You Eat) Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:18:00 +0000 We talk a lot about preventative beauty, but what’s most important is actually the way you FEEL. Nothing should take

The post How To Invest In Your Health (It’s About Way More Than What You Eat) appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

How To Invest In Your Health

We talk a lot about preventative beauty, but what’s most important is actually the way you FEEL. Nothing should take priority over our health, because success in literally everything else starts with your wellness. 

If you want to achieve your full potential, you can’t always be running on empty. You have to invest in your mind, body, and soul to feel your best and reach your goals. 

You deserve the best health, but it doesn’t just happen overnight. To improve your health, you need to make intentional changes that’ll minimize the negative and elevate the positive. So, today we’re sharing a round-up of our top ways to invest in a healthy lifestyle.

Just take Lauryn and Michael for example. A few years ago they got serious about their health and wellness by investing in healthy habits and removing all the unhealthy ones – they even went as far as moving cities. For more on how they focused on small changes to make a big impact over time, listen to this HIM & HER Show episode.

Let’s get into some little shifts you can start making today for big results this time next year.

How To Invest In Your Health 

♡ Focus on good eating habits.

Good food choices can literally change EVERYTHING about the way you feel. Healthy eating can change your body and your brain too. 

Start with small stuff like eating more fruits and vegetables, avoiding the center aisle of grocery stores, and cooking your own meals. 

Whether you have an animal-based diet or a plant-based diet, there are lots of different ways to form new habits around food. You can hear more about those in this episode of the HIM & HER Show and check out the episode on debunking common food myths too.

It’s important to focus on what you can add in, opposed to take away. Crowd out your not so healthy food with more healthful, whole foods and go from there.

Next, start a food journal, and then decide which habits you want to change. Document how you feel and keep on going, Keep things positive and give yourself lots of grace. 

♡ Take advantage of wellness apps. 

Forming new habits and routines can be hard. Studies say it takes about 66 days to form a new habit . . . and every time you mess up you start over. Luckily, health apps can help you keep yourself accountable. 

Some of our favorite healthy life apps are Headspace, MyFitnessPal, Pacer, Talkspace, and Waterllama. They can help you do anything from managing anxiety to drinking more water. As a rule, if you want to do something . . . there’s probably an app for that. 

♡ Cut bad habits. 

To live better, you can’t just add things we’ve got to take things away too. What are bad habits you want to ditch? On your phone too much? Still smoke? Drink too often? Bite your nails? Procrastinate too much? 

Whatever it is, if it’s weighing on your mental and emotional health, get rid of it. We know that’s easier said than done, so consider getting an accountability partner (like a family member/friend) or life coach to help you through. 

♡ Take the right supplements.

Okay, we’re kind of vitamin snobs around here, but nutrient deficiencies are real. And, when you lack the right nutrients your physical and mental health get all out of whack. 

We get it, the supplement aisle is overwhelming. However, some basics include vitamin B12, vitamin D3, omega-3, and magnesium. Most people should consider those.

Here’s a starter supplement guide to read and don’t forget to listen to the episode of the HIM & HER Show called Wellness Practices That Will Enhance Your Life, Essential Supplements and Nutritional Gaps. Then, you’ll have all the info you need to get popping.

If you find the supplement space overwhelming, Lauryn and Michael love Athletic Greens. It’s a good place to start and ensures your get all your daily vitamins and nutrients in one scoop (plus it’s great for your gut).

How To Heal Your Gut After Taking Antibiotics

♡ Actually see your doctors and dentist. 

Preventive healthcare is cheap healthcare. Getting an annual physical and seeing the dentist every 6 months are essential to being in long-term good health. They’ll catch stuff early, give you inexpensive solutions, and you can keep kicking and living your best life. For more on how vital oral health is (hi mouth tape and tongue scraper) listen to this episode called Ask the Dentist.

♡ Exercise regularly in a way that helps your body.

Physical activity is essential for a healthy life. Different forms of exercise work for different people. It’s important to find a method you love and will stick with. Whether that’s weight lifting, yoga, Pilates, long walks, tennis, or all of the above, focus on moving your body to get your blood pumping, lymph system moving and joints and bones working.

If you’re wanting to get started, check out this post by one of Lauryn’s trainers, Kim Kelly.

♡ Stay hydrated. 

If you want a really simple way to stay in good health drink more water. But not any water. Add electrolytes into your life for the ultimate hydration concoction. We know, we know, in a latte-loving world it’s really hard to get that H20 sometimes, but you need it. Your skin will thank you too.

We recommend spicing up your water (like with this spa water recipe) and getting a great water bottle (love a good tumbler and this strap) to make drinking water all day easier. You could try electrolyte powder too. 

Lauryn has 2 favorite drinks of the moment:

1: Kion aminos (love mango, use code SKINNY) and 3-5 grams of Creatine in a Stanley.

2: lemon juice, electrolytes (get the cranberry hydration and use code SKINNY), and Le Depuff drops in a glass tumbler. Sometimes I also do Le Depuff drops, lemon juice, hydrogen tablets and colostrum. *use code SKINNY for all.

♡ Budget and set money goals.

Financial stress can affect your health in a lot of ways. It can be hard to focus on health if your finances aren’t in order, so read our tips on money management, start a budget, and listen to this episode of the HIM & HER Show for some of Micheal’s finance tips.

♡ Meditate every single day.

Lauryn swears by starting her day with mediation. It’s one of the best ways to relieve stress, increase focus, improve relationships, and so much more. She calls it a strategy session for your entire life, with yourself. Here are all the benefits of meditation. For Lauryn’s exact meditation routine, read this post. It’s a life-changing habit you can add into your day and so many high performers swear by it.

meditation space

♡ Take a digital detox. 

A digital detox can calm you down and make you feel peaceful and content. All the stimuli from constant notifications and social media access can be super toxic. Start with just a day and then do longer detoxes as you see and feel the benefits. Your diet is much more than what you eat. The content you listen to, watch, and the people you surround yourself with all matters.

♡ Find go-to stress-management techniques. 

Stress wreaks havoc on your body. It can raise your blood pressure, lower your insulin sensitivity, and increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. Plus, stress just makes you feel like shit.

Find ways to decompress through self-care, meditation, exercise, or whatever helps you feel rejuvenated. Listen to this episode of the Show all about regulating stress and getting healthy.

♡ Try hot and cold therapy.

Hot and cold therapy is all the rage right now, and for good reason. It feels so good for the body and mind and can help with things like improving inflammation, immunity, sleep, and stress. 

For a lot of people, hot and cold therapy is jumping back and forth between a sauna and an ice bath. However, if the idea of an ice bath is not your speed, here are some cold plunge alternatives that still have loads of benefits. Lauryn recommends finishing your shower with a cold blast and work your way up to 3 minutes.

♡ Do morning light therapy. 

If mornings are tough for you, try light therapy. It’s as simple as going for a morning walk and soaking in those sunrays (protected by SPF, of course.) Sunlight promotes Vitamin D production and boosts serotonin, which helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. That way, you’re alert and focused during the day and drift right off to sleep at night. 

Lauryn and Townes get out for a circadian walk every day after breakfast. The key is to get outside within an hour of waking for ultimate benefits.

♡ Prioritize your sleep. 

Speaking of sleep… It’s one of the most important things for your health. Your skin, hair, body, and mind all depend on you getting your Zs. So, if you want to invest more in your health, master your sleep by establishing a solid nighttime routine. (Tip: mouth tape helps a lot)

♡ Stimulate lymphatic drainage. 

The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and circulatory system (blood flow), which means it’s essential to a healthy body. Through different techniques, you can stimulate your lymph system and encourage drainage of toxins and bacteria, which can boost your immunity, reduce swelling, improve headaches, and improve healing! 

We’ve been OBSESSED with lymphatic drainage since we heard about it. Try encouraging lymphatic drainage by dry brushing with Butter Brush, sculpting your body with the Le Spoon, and massaging your face with Pink Balls. Life-changing practices that give you instant results.

How To Invest In Your Health | TSC beauty tools

♡ Invest in self-care activities. 

For a truly healthy lifestyle, you can’t just focus on your physical health. You need to be investing time in your mind and soul too. It’s self-care 101. Do things you love, go on vacation, journal daily, spend time with awesome people, and just show up for yourself.

Invest in your health with these killer tips.

Taking care of yourself takes dedication and work. It’s not always easy, but things worth having seldom are. Remember, taking care of yourself so you FEEL healthy, happy and content will help you show up as a better person to everyone and everything in your life.

Try starting with one thing from this list a week. Small steps will get you on the right track, minus the overwhelm.

Happy New Year to this amazing community. What new habits are you forming this year? Tell us below.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ learn more about Lauryn’s specific habits, routines and hacks.

++ check out these low acidic coffee options for ultimate wellness, with a kick.


The post How To Invest In Your Health (It’s About Way More Than What You Eat) appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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9 Double Chin Causes and Solutions to Keep You SNATCHED Thu, 02 Nov 2023 14:52:00 +0000 Tired of having more than one chin? It’s one of the few things we all want LESS of.  It’s time

The post 9 Double Chin Causes and Solutions to Keep You SNATCHED appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Double Chin Causes and Solutions

Tired of having more than one chin? It’s one of the few things we all want LESS of. 

It’s time we talk about the turkey neck in the room – that extra bit of fat hanging out under your chin. 

We’re talking about that dreaded double chin. 

Not only can it make us feel like we’ve aged overnight, but it also knocks our self-confidence on its ass (and then some).

Genetics, posture, and even your sleeping habits play a part in the ol’ neck and chin sitch.

So, today we’re dedicating this post to talking about the different causes of the double chin. 

We’ll cover how it can affect your aging neck skin and its elasticity, and of course, the solutions to kick its double-ass to the curb.

So, grab a drink, make it a double, and let’s get to work.

9 Double Chin Causes and Solutions

Now, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty. Let’s talk about one of the most ANNOYING cosmetic issues out there – the double chin.

Whether it’s caused by genetics, diet, aging, facial structure, or poor posture, having a double chin sucks. 

So, let’s discuss 10 causes of double chins and how to tackle them head-on with practical remedies.

+ Genetics

Unfortunately, some of us are simply more prone to developing a double chin than others due to our genetic makeup. It’s just the way the cookie crumbles. 

+ Mouth Breathing

Consistently breathing through your mouth instead of your nose can cause your facial muscles to weaken. This can then lead to drooping skin under the chin. For more on this, listen to Dr. Huberman’s HIM & HER Show episode.

+ Poor Posture

Believe it or not, something as simple as poor posture can contribute to extra fat and skin under the chin

Make a conscious effort to sit and stand straight so your head and neck can align with your spine.

+ Facial Structure

For some folks, their natural facial structure includes a less-defined jawline, leaving them more prone to developing a double chin. 

+ Chewing Gum

If you’re chewing gum constantly, that might lead to an overuse of the muscles in the chin and neck area. In turn, this can create a more prominent double chin. 

So, try cutting back or ditching it all together.

+ Aging and Older Skin

The older you get, the older your skin gets. And as we age, we naturally lose our skin elasticity, which can contribute to sagging skin and the appearance of having two (or more) chins. 

+ Misc. Health Issues

There ARE certain health issues, such as thyroid disorders or hormonal imbalances, that can contribute to forming a double chin. 

For this cause (or any of the other causes listed above), you should consult with your doctor if you suspect any underlying health issues.

+ Extra Fat

Excess fat is one of the most common culprits behind a double chin. 

+ Diet and Exercising

A diet high in fat and calories can contribute to excess fat storage around the body, especially under the chin.

Additionally, not getting enough exercise can slow down your metabolism, making it difficult to burn stored fat. 

So, keep your diet in check and make sure you move your body every day to fight the double chin.

Double Chin Causes and Solutions
ice rolling face with mask

Jaw-Dropping Double Chin Treatments

Mouth Taping

The benefits of mouth-taping are UNDENIABLE & go way behind reducing that under-chin fat. So, try mouth taping & thank us later.

Face Yoga

Incorporating face yoga moves can really help tone, tighten, and sculpt your jaw and facial muscles. 

Hot Mess Ice Roller

Thankfully, you can combat this by using high-quality skincare products & tools, including our ice roller.  

It can help boost circulation and firm up loose skin, giving you an instant facelift. Check out this post on what ice rolling can do for your face and neck

Pink Balls Face Massager

Seriously, the more you use the facial massager, the more likely you’ll see a more defined jawline and a less noticeable double chin. It contours and sculpts like no other.

Also, try incorporating Lauryn’s facial massage routine into your daily skincare regimen to help nourish and firm up your skin.

Air Sculpting

This minimally invasive procedure uses a laser to melt the fat under your chin before suctioning it out. It’s considered extremely safe with a very minimal recovery time.

Actually, Dr. Aaron Rollins, a prominent cosmetic surgeon for the stars, joined Lauryn and Michael on the HIM & HER Show. They talk more in-depth about air sculpting, its benefits, and how it really works. You’ll learn that non-invasive treatments like air sculpting can be super effective at targeting and destroying fat cells under the chin. 

Fortunately for you, if air sculpting is something you want to learn more about, you can check out Lauryn’s experience with it here.

excess fat removal surgery
light therapy

Lose Weight

This one seems a bit harsh, and also a bit of a no-brainer. But as we’ve mentioned earlier, body weight is one of the main causes of a double chin. Also, now more than ever, we’re more likely to develop double chins from tech neck, considering everyone is WFH these days.

So, losing weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you get rid of fat all over your body, including your chin. Just a little weight loss can make a noticeable difference, if these things are bothering you.

Not sure where to start? We get it! It can be totally overwhelming. Here are our top tips on how to stay consistent with diet & exercise.

Light Therapy

We have an entire podcast episode dedicated to light therapy where we feature one of our fave tech brands, Joovv. Lauryn and Michael talk with Scott Nelson, their co-founder, and Wes Pfiffner, their head of business development. 

Basically, light therapy uses light to stimulate collagen production, which can reduce the appearance of a double chin. It’s non-invasive and generally safe, but results may take longer to appear than with other treatments. 

Double Chin Surgery

Double chin surgery (or plastic surgery in general) can be a great way to ditch that double chin. With incisions under the chin, this surgery removes excess fat and tightens the skin for a more defined jawline. 

This is probably the MOST invasive treatment, has the highest risk factor, and the recovery time might be longer than other treatments. But, for some, the potential results are very worth it. 

So, just do your research, consult with a pro (like Dr. Kay or Dr. Gross), and make sure it’s the best fit for you.

The MAIN thing to remember throughout all of this, is that you should not stress about that dubious double chin.

Just remember, confidence comes from within, but a little extra help in the beauty/cosmetic department never hurt anyone.

Cheers to keeping your chin up.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ if you’re into skin, be sure to check out Lauryn’s book, GTFOOTS.

++ learn about the tightening & cooling facial mask you have to try.

Bye Chinny Chin:

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How To Stay Consistent With Diet & Exercise Sat, 08 Apr 2023 18:53:17 +0000 We’re so excited to welcome Kim Kelly back to the blog. You may have met her here, here or here,

The post How To Stay Consistent With Diet & Exercise appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

How To Stay Consistent With Diet & Exercise

We’re so excited to welcome Kim Kelly back to the blog. You may have met her here, here or here, but today she’s giving us her simple tips to help you stay consistent with diet & exercise.

If you have yet to meet Kim, she is a trainer based in San Deigo and has known Lauryn FOREVER. Lauryn has said many times before that Kim is a bright light, and she has the best energy about her. Now that Lauryn lives in Austin she still does virtual classes with Kim and loves every second of it.

In this post Kim is going to tell us a little about her journey as a trainer, tips that make all the difference when you’re trying to keep fit, plus she’s telling us about her new fitness app, that just sounds too good to be true.

With that, let’s welcome back Kim Kelly.


Hi y’all!  I’m Kim Kelly, and I’ve been training Lauryn for the past 12 years or so.  Lauryn and I actually met at Pure Barre in Solana Beach over 15 years ago. That was my first “leap” into the world of teaching group fitness. I stayed with Pure Barre about five years before transitioning to Pilates- Lagree Pilates specifically.  I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of these machines, and my choreography “freedom” really flourished here.

Although Pure Barre was VERY strict on choreography, rep counts, queuing, music, teacher involvement, etc., looking back I now realize that was probably the ideal way to dive into the fitness industry, as it gave me incredible structure and a very good foundation. From Pilates I segued to yoga.

Wait a second though, not just any yoga – crazy-ass HEATED YOGA SCULPT! 

I say crazy because I worked for a very independent studio who gave us lots of “freedom” on everything from the temperature of the room, to the volume of music, and our style of teaching. I truly thrived there, people started coming to my classes knowing that it was going to be HARD AS HELL (in a good way), challenging, FUN, high energy, good vibes, great music, leave with an incredible post workout high, and of course gain a banging’ bod & happy mindset. I mean really, what else could you ask for? 

I must say those were some fun years, but as with anything in life, you need to stick with it, learn from it, take that knowledge and MOVE THE HECK ON.  It was time for the next challenge.

That was when I started my own personal training business with outdoor park workouts and beach bootcamps. This was GREAT. My very own business, doing what I loved, making people fit, healthy, & happy. Life was good.

A couple years into that and practically living out of the trunk of my SUV, pulling weights, med balls, bands, mats, etc. out and loading the wagon up, rolling it across the parks/beaches was getting a bit old. Still loved it, but I could hear that voice inside, “You’re not there yet, time to change it up, take that next risk.” Well, the next step was searching for a studio, signing a lease, doing the buildout, buying the inventory, branding it, marketing it, and hoping people would come.

I opened the doors to my very own fitness studio, Kim Kelly Fit on December 10, 2018.

Kim Kelly
Kim Kelly on How To Stay Consistent With Diet & Exercise

The road is not flat, it’s not straight, it’s very bumpy with lots of hills, ups and downs, but that is life, and that is entrepreneurship, and I feel grateful to be on the journey. My plan is to continue to take risks, expand my knowledge & experience and ultimately reach millions of you so I can positively impact more lives through the power of my workouts & knowledge of health & fitness.

Now that you know who I am, what I stand for, and my goals, I want to share with you my top tips for health & wellness:

How To Stay Consistent With Diet & Exercise:

♡ START! Just pick one thing. 

If you’re looking to add fitness into your life or be more consistent with your fitness, CHOOSE ONE THING you can COMMIT to, and I mean COMMIT and then SCHEDULE it out.

I’ll give you an example. Let’s say you decided you want to start group “circuit training” classes. Pick a studio. Immediately pull up their schedule.  Then, go to your phone and decide what 2-3 times during the week, you can schedule those classes. BUY THE PACKAGE. Sign up for the classes, put it in your phone/calendar as a non-negotiable appointment and DO IT.

Yes, asking a friend to join is a great idea, but let’s face it, coordinating schedules nowadays is like herding cats. Talk about it, tell friends what you’re doing, (and by the way, they’ll notice regardless, because your state of mind will be elevated, happier, positive etc.) and yes POST about it! Social media can be used for so many positive things. You’ll be holding yourself accountable and possibly inspiring others to level up their fitness regimen too. 


I know I’m not the first one to preach this. I will tell you the one reason I have stayed this fit and healthy in my life is the fact that I am a VERY consistent person.

I may have a bit of an addictive personality, but I thrive on things that make me happy, healthy and fit. I make it an ABSOLUTE NON-NEGOTIABLE to exercise. In other words, I do not miss my workout or my run/walk for ANYTHING. I do this by looking at my week ahead every Sunday (I do it weekly, while others might prefer monthly), and I find the “pockets” in my day where I’ll have time to get that in. I immediately schedule it in my phone, and I won’t adjust it for clients, a phone call, anything other than an emergency. Consistency feels good.  It becomes our “schedule,” and I believe just like children, adults thrive off schedules & structure too.

How To Stay Consistent With Diet & Exercise
Kim Kelly fitness tips

♡ Nutrition.

We all know there are like 48 (or more) types of nutritional lifestyles out there – Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Raw Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescaterian, Carnivore,  Intermittent Fasting. I kid you not, I even heard of a man swearing by eating meat and salt ONLY in his diet. Geez. 

So, I’ll tell you what works for me. I am a Vegan, but I don’t necessarily recommend that for everyone. What I do recommend is 20-25 grams of protein at each meal and sneaking it into your snacks.  I also believe in healthy carbs and healthy fats. 

My Favorite Plant-Based Proteins: black beans, quinoa, nutritional yeast, almond butter, hemp seed, chia seeds, cashews, tofu, oats, almonds, amaranth, pumpkin seeds, peas, Vegan protein powder.

My Favorite Healthy Carbs: whole grain pasta, sweet potatoes, broccoli, blueberries, cherries, sprouted bread, spinach, cauliflower, tomato, mushroom, cucumbers, asparagus, apples, banana, celery.

My Favorite Healthy Fats: almonds, walnuts, avocado, dried seaweed, olive oil, coconut meat, hemp hearts, nut butters.

In every meal I try to include the 20-25 grams of protein with a small amount of healthy fat and a handful of healthy carbs. I also believe in having light healthy snacks every 2-2.5 hours throughout the day. I am a BIG believer in a hearty breakfast and a good dinner. But because my teaching/training schedule is pretty stacked throughout the day I have less time for lunch, so I make sure I bring 2 protein shakes to work, snack bag of nuts and a huge container of chopped celery, cucumber with berries and coconut meat.   It’s satisfying, covers all my non-negotiables (protein, healthy carbs and healthy fats) and is loaded with water content. Win-win.

♡ Sleep.

Lack of sleep, bad sleep, interrupted sleep can literally throw your entire day off. The long term effects of sleep deprivation are real. They range from memory loss, mood changes, weakened immunity, risk for diabetes, low sex drive, trouble with thinking & concentration, accidents, high blood pressure, weight gain, risk of heart disease, poor balance – I mean that’s a REALLY LONG LIST OF NEGATIVE EFFECTS.  So, how can you get better sleep?

I am very strict on my sleep. Now, I wasn’t always this way, but when I got serious about it, I noticed so many positive changes in my life from better mood, glowing skin, pep in my step, coming up with more ideas and ability to EXECUTE them, increased intensity in my workouts and even my creativity expanded. I wasn’t exhausted or slightly hungover. I could focus and function, grow my business & my mind and actually enjoy time spent with family and friends. I don’t think you need more reasons than that.

You just need to get STRICT and SERIOUS about your sleep schedule.

I go to bed no later than 9:30 PM and get up between 5-5:30 AM. I enjoy the quiet time I have in the mornings to myself before my hectic day starts. And I love waking up. I love my morning routine. I have my greens, my chia parfait, make my snacks and shakes for the day, get my son’s breakfast ready and even have 10-15 minutes of meditation before I head out. This is CRITICAL for me.

In order to give to other, I need to take care of me – my nutrition, my sleep, my mind. Please look at your schedule. What time do you need to get up by?  Make sure you’re in bed at least 8 hours prior to that. I have a cool dark room with no TV or phone in it. I usually have a cup of herbal tea 1-1.5 hours before bed & spray lavender around my pillows. I do a five minute meditation in bed.  This can be just drifting away with happy thoughts about one of your favorite vacation spots or something else you like thinking about. As you can see, I don’t mess around with sleep. This also means you really have to limit your alcohol, because we all know alcohol disrupts sleep 100% of the time. 

♡ Balance.

Of course I need to wrap it up with this one, I am a Libra after all.

By now, you get that I am consistent & committed to a healthy, fit lifestyle. But I do like to have fun and every so often indulge. I do not believe in “I will NEVER eat ____,” or I will “NEVER stay up past midnight,” or I will “NEVER have a lazy day.”

We need balance. I’m sure you’ve heard of the 80/20 rule. I like to live by that as well – I might lean a bit more 85/15, but for the most part do the right thing for you, your health, your longevity, for your family, then the other 15% of the time, go on that girls trip to Cabo, go dancing at the cowboy bar downtown, or go see a live concert where the opening band goes on at 10 PM. Enjoy, but put you first.

Make your non-negotiable list, commit to it and stay consistent. Sometimes people think it needs to be harder than that or they want one pill to fix it all. Put the work in, get the results, feel better, happier, stronger and then show others how you did it.

Kim Kelly fitness app

I love sharing my passion for health & wellness with others so thank you for reading. You can find me on Instagram @kimkellyfit or in studio at, and my latest venture: the NEW Kim Kelly Fit App.

I am offering all TSC followers 20% for a lifetime!

Use this link to sign up and then download from the app store. You do get a 7 day free trial period. But I’m convinced you will love these workouts and become addicted to the fun, happy, fit lifestyle we promote at Kim Kelly Fit.

I have over 60 videos already loaded on that app ranging from 10-45 minutes. I suggest trying out my signature class Fit Factor for the best full-body sweat. You’ll also find the following categories:  Abs only, Arms only, Lower Body, Booty, Barre, Yoga Sculpt, Fit Factor Express, Fit Factor Full Body – there’s so much to choose from.

I am also still offering virtual private training sessions, and for TSC community I’m offering buy 3 get 1 FREE. Choose from 30 minute sessions for $75 and 1 hour for $150. Please email to inquire.

Sending strength, courage and positivity to you all.

Love, Kim Kelly


Hope you found this post as inspiring as we did. Kim Kelly is a master motivator! Let us know what you think of the app and be sure to follow @kimkellyfit for quick tips & inspo. 

x, The Skinny Confidential team.

+ try this quick & easy strawberry milk recipe.

++ stalk Lauryn’s post partum weight loss experience here.


The post How To Stay Consistent With Diet & Exercise appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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Postpartum Weight Loss Experience, #2 Mon, 19 Sep 2022 18:58:06 +0000   Well, well, well, if postpartum weight loss hasn’t been a total BLAST. Kidding. It’s no fucking joke. This time

The post Postpartum Weight Loss Experience, #2 appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Postpartum Weight Loss Experience 

Well, well, well, if postpartum weight loss hasn’t been a total BLAST.

Kidding. It’s no fucking joke. This time around, after Townes was born, has been WAY easier than when I was postpartum with Zaza, but it’s still no walk in the park.

In case you missed it, my entire pregnancy weight gain (& therefore loss) journey with Zaza was a real bitch let me tell you. To recap:

+ I gained 55 lbs.

+ was addicted to carbs.

+ if you opened my fridge you’d find raw cookie dough with spoon marks all over it.

+ the amount of butter I put on sourdough bread, was just, out of this world LOL.

+ I had a serious addiction to Annie’s Mac & Cheese with chili flakes & lemon.

Just being honest.

I recorded an entire solo podcast episode to go over all the things I did to lose the weight with Zaza, and it involved a ton of little tips, tricks, & hacks (some are the same as below), but you gotta do what works for you. Let’s just say there were A LOT of ingredients going into that recipe. So there’s not just one thing that worked for me, it’s small daily habits that led to results.

Anyway, back to present day- by no means am I where I want to be. I’m still working on tightening up, but I wanted to share what’s been working well FOR ME so far.

Lauryn pregnant mirror selfie
Lauryn pregnant mirror selfie

Postpartum Weight Loss Experience, #2:

♡ weight lifting

Weight lifting has been such a game-changer. I’m so used to doing Pilates and low impact exercises (I still do them, we’ll get to it), that when weight lifting came into my life I was so shocked with the results. In fact, a fellow client of Brent Hruska was just on blog to talk all about the benefits she’s experienced with weight lifting.

Just in awe of how much lifting weights has toned & tightened me up. So I think adding some weights into your workout along with some Pilates style movement is just such a good idea.

In the past, I’ve stayed away from gyms & weights because I don’t want some cortisol-raising workout where someone is screaming at me & I’m dripping in sweat. It’s just not for me. Brent’s gym is basically outside & he’s so relaxing to train with. He’s been on the podcast & on the blog so be sure to check both of those out.

♡ daily hot mom walks

LOL, hot mom walks are the perfect way to get fresh air, spend time with your baby (or not, but like, strollers welcome), start your day with movement & light and set the tone of the day. Now, that being said, your hot mom walks don’t need to be in the morning. They can be at any time of day.

You could do a podcast (our latest episodes with Chervin will really light a fire under your ass to get going with all things wellness, it’s a must listen), Audible book, call a friend to catch up, or just enjoy time in nature with your baby.

Oh ya, if you’re in LA, be sure to grab your PINK DRINK from Erewhon while it’s available (until October 15). You get your steps in WHILE drinking a delicious pink drink with just all the beauty benefits. Think sprouted, raw almond milk, strawberry compote, sea moss, silica, vanilla coconut collagen, vanilla camomile yogurt, & coconut/almond cold foam. Like, it’s so delicious.

Anyway, I’ve really fallen in love with just walking. It can be almost meditative. Also, sometimes I opt for my treadmill at home instead of going outdoors, just anything to get steps in & the circulation going.

Lauryn pregnancy photoshoot

♡ other forms of movement

It’s a priority for me to move every single day. It’s a non-negotiable and I schedule it in my calendar. It gives me so much clarity, is amazing for my mental health & it’s become a habit that’s just part of my day. At the moment I’m loving all these:

+ Kim Kelly Fit

My friend Kim Kelly has been on the blog before and the podcast. She always has the best tips & tricks when it comes to diet & effective workouts. If you’re in Del Mar you can go to her studio (I love it there) the cutest studio in Del Mar, but she also does Skype sessions. So if you aren’t in the area you can still have her as your trainer. Plus, her energy is always on point which is just so important if you ask me. You can find her here.

+ Melissa Wood Health

You may have seen one of my recent highlights answering all of your meditation FAQs. Well, Melissa is the one who got me into meditation in the first place. She told me to just do it, so I did, and it was so hard to get into, but now I’m addicted. You can check out my post about it here.

Anyway, I love fitting Melissa’s workouts into my day too. She has Pilates/yoga inspired videos, guided meditations, prenatal, postnatal workouts of all different lengths. I love to fit in a 10 or 15 minutes Pilates video between Zoom calls. Just like Kim Kelly, Melissa’s energy is always exactly what I need.

+ p.volve

These are such good workouts to tone & strengthen your muscles. You can do live, on demand or in studio classes. They’re so gentle and effective and mostly use your own bodyweight.

♡ healthy eating

Duh, everyone knows this a big part of the weight loss equation. Erik Young aka (he’s been on the podcast too) has been helping me with meal plans that include foods I actually like. Which is nice. LOL. But really, it’s been working for me because I don’t have intense cravings or feel deprived because I am eating what I like.

He’s all about this counterintuitive approach that gets your body on track and functioning properly.

This helps us feel balanced and improve how we eat (and look).

So what he does is he looks at a food journal that you give him. After he reviews your existing diet, he gets an idea of what you like to eat, and you can also just tell him the kinds of foods you want in your life. For me that was, eggs, a specific hot sauce, red lentil pasta with Rao’s Arrabiatta, & wine or a spicy margarita at the end of the day. He took all this in, and YOU GUYS, I’ve never eaten more in my life. I was like “wtf, I have to eat again?”

Then, he removes a bit of food and weight loss begins. My issue was that I wasn’t eating enough and I was being too restrictive. In fact, before Erik starting cutting my food back, I lost 6 lbs while eating so much food. Anyway, he really knows what he’s doing and has worked with Hilary Duff & Molly Sims. Be sure to check him out if this sounds like something that might work for you.

Another thing I love about it is that it takes out the guess work. I love having my meals laid out for me, straightforward, so I know what to do and eat. It saves me time, and I’m a creature of habit anyway. LOL.

♡ belly binding

One thing that tightened the shit out of my waist is @bellibind.

A couple years ago, you might have seen my chic, Barbie pink belly wrap on Instagram. BelliBind is this company that comes to your house & wraps you up. They also offer online appointments & tell you how to do it yourself so you don’t have to be in the area to use their services. You can purchase their binding materials on Amazon ( link here ) & they walk you through the rest.

Anyway, I was lucky enough that the founder, Princess, came to Austin to wrap me up & show Michael how to do it too. She is such a master of her craft – which is the Malaysian tradition of bengkung belly binding.

I first heard about belly binding from Ingrid who did it with all 3 of her kids. She swore by it. Obviously I had to do it too. Now, the difference is after Zaza I did it for 5 days, but after Townes was born I did it for 40 days.

Like I said, Michael learned to wrap me and every time we did it I was cutting off ends of the wrap because my uterus was totally shrinking. This works, guys. It’s such a commitment but my god it’s worth it.

Not only did Princess wrap me up, she also did a womb rub.

It’s like this gentle lymphatic drainage that reduces abdominal swelling and helps the uterus shrink quicker.

Anyway, @bellibind said that you produce a hormone called ‘relaxin’ during pregnancy ( it helps your body open for childbearing/birth ). Post birth, you continue to produce it to heal. Basically belly binding supports the natural healing process of the uterus & internal organs to find their pre-pregnancy place.

My posture has gotten WAY better & my stomach looks flatter.

Ok, so let’s get into exactly what Princess recommended I do.

Wear the wrap for a minimum of 13 hours a day, and up to 48-60 hours, taking it off every 2-3 days to shower & exfoliate with the kit she gave me. Which deserves a moment because it’s major. The kit includes:

+ @prosperitycandle. The queen candle hand poured by women refugees.
+ @fractalista for crystals and Palo Santo “Bellibind Ritual” pouch.
+ @laliscious_la sugar scrub.
+ @bellibind Shine womb & body oil, Sitz bath blend, massage cream, cozy socks, & misting spray. It’s so luxurious you guys.
Plus, all the items are sourced from women-owned small businesses.

If anyone is interested in @bellibind, which as you can see, I fully recommend, Princess was so kind to offer TSC readers 15% with the code SKINNY at Plus, she’s an author. Scope her book here to learn more about this traditional art. Because it really is in an art.

The wrap was on my for 40 days postpartum and like, I’ll just say it again, it really worked.

belly binding benefits

♡ cold plunge

Cold plunging or 3 minute freezing cold showers has really been tightening me up. It’s helps balance hormones and I just notice a real big difference in so many things.

All The Ice Bath Benefits:

+ Speeds up muscle & injury recovery

+ Reduces inflammation

+ improves fat burning

+ improves skin conditions

+ builds mental toughness

+ Supports a healthy immune system

+ Improves lymphatic circulation

+ Increases red blood cell count & growth hormone levels

+ Improves levels of endurance & recovery

+ Increases cardiovascular health

+ Improves sleep & reducing stress

If you’re new to cold plunges, it can be hard to get started. Me, I’ll do anything for beauty & health and I’m obsessed with anything ICE (I mean, that’s why the HOT MESS is here.)

If cold plunging is something you’d like to get into, here are some tips from Dr. Andrew Huberman:

♡ use it to protect yourself from stress.

To get better at dealing with stress, you can work at increasing your stress threshold. Ice baths test you physically and mentally, but by breathing, realizing you WILL feel agitated, and powering through (to a safe limit) will increase your adrenaline levels. Your body will become comfortable with adrenaline surges (hello fight or flight!) and you will be able to handle sudden, stressful situations much better. Like, there’s a reason they use cold exposure to in the special forces, guys.

♡ cold plunge early in the day.

“Why? Because it gives you a shot of adrenaline and when you’re in the cold, yes, your body temperature goes down, but when you get out, the metabolism increases due to an increase in body temperature.

An increase in body temperature wakes you up. Sauna, or any kind of hot environment, is the opposite. So even 20 seconds at a very cold temperature, or 20 minutes at a moderately cool temperature, causes a massive increase in epinephrine, adrenaline, and dopamine that lasts several hours. So improvements in alertness & in mood. These are healthy increases in dopamine and epinephrine and in metabolism.”

Ice Bath Tips & Tricks

♡ ease into it.

Start slow, challenge yourself, but don’t get hypothermic.

Lauryn’s Hot Tip: start with some freezing cold showers. Just 1 minute can be really beneficial.

♡ get comfortable with the cold, but not too comfortable.

“You actually don’t want to cold adapt too much because then you won’t get the benefits. You’ll still get some benefits, but not too many. So the pain is a good thing, provided it doesn’t harm you.”

♡  end on a cold note.

If you’re doing hot/cold therapy, you’ll probably want end with the sauna. Try to end with COLD. This allows your body to heat up naturally which will stimulate your metabolism.

For more wellness tips, tricks & hacks from Dr. Huberman, be sure to check out his 2-part podcast episode here & here. I’ve literally never filled a notebook while interviewing a guest as much as I did during this 2 + hours. Must listen episodes for sure.

Our outdoor ice bath is by Blue Cube Baths and you can use code SKINNY for $500 off. The one we have indoors is The Cold Plunge and you can use code SKINNY150 for $150 off.

Postpartum Weight Loss Experience

♡ supplements.

For supplements, again, you need to check with your own health care provider to see what is safe & what’s right for you. But for me, this is what’s working:

+ lot’s of fiber through food & Gangster Chic inulin.

You can listen to the founder, Ingrid on the podcast here.

+ Quinton minerals ( got to for an exclusive discount ).

Listen to the founder & water scientist, Robert on the podcast here.

+ Cymbiotika favorites: The Omega, Topical Magnesium oil spray, Super Greens, Liposomal Vitamin C, Vitamin B12 + B6, Vitamin D3 + K2 + CoQ10 ( use code SKINNY for an extra 15% off your order ).

Listen to Chervin’s latest episodes here & here.

+ Sakara Detox Drops & Beauty Drops. ( Use code SKINNY for 20% off your first order ).

Listen to Whitney & Danielle’s podcast episode here.

+ Athletic Greens ( use code SKINNY for a free 1-year supply of immune supporting Vitamin-D and 5 free travel packs with your first purchase ).

+ Beekeeper’s Naturals B-LXR and Brain Fuel. ( use code SKINNY for 25% off your first order ).

You can listen to the founder, Carly on the podcast here.

+ Feel Free tonic ( use code SKINNY for 25% off ).

You can listen to the founder on the podcast here.

+ Just Thrive probiotics ( use code SKINNY for 15% off ).

You can listen to the founders on the podcast here.

+ Get Off Your Acid coffee alkalizer & blood orange minerals ( use this link for a special discount off a lab package ).

Listen to Dr. Gioffre’s latest episode here.

Gangster Chic inulin
Postpartum Weight Loss Experience
healthy green drink
Quinton minerals


+ getting hormones tested

+ lots of protein

+ green smoothies

+ drybrushing

+ sleeping

+ meditating

+ reading

+ nature walks

+ saunas ( if you’re interested in our indoor infrared sauna & outdoor barrel sauna situation, email for details ).

Lauryn's Postpartum Weight Loss Experience
Routines for Postpartum Weight Loss

Like I said, there are a lot of ingredients that go in the recipe. Still a long way to go but I’m enjoying the routines & rituals that are getting me there. This year Michael & I both put a huge focus on our wellness and it’s made all the difference. Let me know what practices you’re into right now & if anything specific helped you postpartum with your mood, weight loss, mental health etc.

x, lauryn

+ for more on my specific meditation routine, stalk this post.

++ check out my favorite at-home workout equipment.


Routines for Postpartum Weight Loss

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Sweats & The City is Back With All Their Workout Essentials Sun, 20 Feb 2022 18:32:20 +0000 Elizabeth & Dale are back on the blog today for part 2 of their 3 part series. And today is

The post Sweats & The City is Back With All Their Workout Essentials appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Sweats & The City's Workout Essentials

Elizabeth & Dale are back on the blog today for part 2 of their 3 part series. And today is fun because it’s a swap. That means I’m on their blog answering a little q&a from their audience. So fun. Be sure to check it out when you’re done here.

Today is about their favorite workout equipment & outfits. Plus, they’re sharing details about their new app ORRO which sounds very cool.

If you missed their first post where they shared a day in the life of eating, snacks & drinks, you can check it out here. But let me re-introduce you to these total hustlers again.

Sweats & The Citys Workout Essentials elizabeth & dale

Elizabeth & Dale have built an incredible brand, Sweats & The City. They saw a gap in the fitness space & went for it. On their platform they review & share boutique fitness studios & classes and have most recently launched their own subscription service, ORRO which brings these classes right to you.

ORRO is the perfect app to help you workout from home, when traveling or if you’re short on time & can’t make it to a class. So who better to discuss their at-home equipment & cute workout wear than Elizabeth & Dale.

Let’s welcome Sweats & The City back to the blog.

Sweats & The City's Workout Essentials elizabeth & dale
Sweats & The City's Workout Essentials & outfits

Sweats & The City’s Workout Essentials

Hi TSC, we’re Elizabeth Endres & Dale Borchiver, the duo that launched Sweats & The City & most recently the ORRO app.

Be sure to check out our first post we we share what we eat in a day & for a little insight into how SATC came to be!

Sweats & The City began as a fitness blog & social media platform, as a source for reviews of the many boutique workout studios popping up in NYC. Since then, we have expanded nationwide to review & discuss all things health, wellness & fitness.

Sweats & The City athleisure

Then in 2020, as the landscape of the world began to change, we launched an online workout platform, where we curated a live & on demand workout schedule, made up of handpicked top instructors from around the world. Through this platform, we were able to bring our industry expertise to a wider audience, in a different form.

At the start of 2022, we decided to relaunch & upgrade our platform to create ORRO. For $19 a month, subscribers can experience live + on demand workouts & self care classes on their iPhones, Androids & desktops, anywhere and anytime.

Now that ORRO – and thus working out at home – accounts for the bulk of our fitness routines, we have perfected the equipment & must-haves for online ( and mostly low impact ) workouts. Let’s get to it!

Sweats & The City workout must-haves

Here are all of our must-haves when it comes to workouts:


We’ve been longtime fans of Bala Bangles. They’re so versatile & chic, and we love that they can be used to level up almost any workout – whether that’s a sculpting class or a simple walk around the block. We generally use the 1lb pair ( they also sell a 2 lb pair ) – and find that they pair great with our favorite low impact workouts.


We know $100 for a yoga mat is steep, but when you use it several times a week, the quality of your mat matters. We love how this mat doesn’t slip across the floor, withstands all our weekly workouts & looks really sleek in our homes. A high quality mat is an underrated motivator!

elizabeth & dale on TSC
elizabeth & dale TSC part 2


Hair is something to majorly consider when it comes to exercise. We are big fans of the scrunchie, rather than the elastic for keeping your hair up while working out. The silk ones especially are a favorite, because they prevent breakage, while being more supportive than your average hair tie. 


Our secret sauce is committing to one hour of movement at least 5 days a week. For us, this is generally a combo of ORRO and walking. A lot of days look like 30 minutes of ORRO followed by a 30 minute walk. We’ve noticed a collective shortening of attention spans since the pandemic began, & we’re all about finding sustainable routines that feel good. When it comes to getting those steps in, we recommend using a walk to take calls or catch up with a friend, & 10K is our daily goal!

elizabeth & dale yoga mats

Our exact weekly schedule is posted on the app ( we have live classes almost daily, which you can add to your calendar so you don’t forget ). They usually consist of 20 – 45 minute classes that are typically low impact. If you can’t make the live classes, you can take them on-demand once they are done!


These bands are a great addition to at-home workouts. They’re travel-friendly, easy to store & you can find them on Amazon! They also come in different resistance levels & we love that versatility.


Hydration is KEY! We find that it can sometimes be hard to remember to drink enough water, so we always fill up our Manna Hydration bottles & keep them with us wherever we go. The wide straw & the fact that it always stays cold seriously helps us remember to drink! Something about an open cup just isn’t appealing & doesn’t get it done. Add in a good bottle with a straw and you’ll be drinking plenty more.

Sweats & The City fave workout outfits
Sweats & The City's Workout Essentials NYC


Hear us out: your Google Calendar can be such a great motivator when it comes to your workout routine – even if it’s a quick 20 minute class or a walk. We find that when you schedule your movement in, it allows you to visualize your day, & also holds you accountable. Sometimes we think we don’t have the time, but waste 20+ minutes scrolling on social media, when we could have put it to use.

Want a boost of motivation? Commit to a time & day with a friend, send them the invite & do it at the same time. Lauryn is big on this too!


Feeling good in your activewear is top priority for us. When you put on a set you feel good in, that’s comfortable, you’re so much more motivated. Here are our favorite picks:

Dale favorite workout outfits

Current pick from Dale:

I am loving the Airlift Yoga Legging + Intrigue Bra from Alo! I find alo sets to be super flattering, yet form fitting. They’re super comfortable & move with you! Not to mention, very chic & make you excited about working out. 

Elizabeth favorite workout outfits

Current pick from Elizabeth:

I am loving the Crossover Legging + Corso Crossover Bra from Le Ore – a Bandier exclusive brand. The style is super flattering & the cut outs are very chic! They stay in place when you workout, too!

We hope you enjoyed our top picks & if you download ORRO, you get a 7 day free trial! We hope you love it!

Be sure to follow Sweats & The City on Instagram & check out their new ORRO app! It’s just perfect for people who like to workout at home but want to try some different things.

Stay tuned for the 3rd installment of The Sweats & The City series where they’ll be sharing specifics o their morning & nighttime routines and wellness practices. Be sure to head to their blog to check out a little q&a with me.

x, lauryn

+ scope the at-home workout equipment I’ve been loving lately.

++ check out this post if you want to drink more water, effortlessly.


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Weight Loss, Healthy Hacks & Skinny Tips With Trainer Kim Kelly Fri, 07 Aug 2020 00:51:56 +0000   Hi, hello, what’s up. As you may know The Skinny Confidential BODY APP launched recently & my trainer/partner Kim

The post Weight Loss, Healthy Hacks & Skinny Tips With Trainer Kim Kelly appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.


Hi, hello, what’s up.

As you may know The Skinny Confidential BODY APP launched recently & my trainer/partner Kim Kelly & I are so excited about it. We really poured our heart & soul into this App to bring you all of our healthy tips, tricks, hacks, quick workouts, & healthy recipes for the girl who’s G2G.

If you missed this post, definitely check it out for a sneak peek into the App. You’ll find out how to download it, how to use it, & all the features. It’s really your one-stop wellness App.

Anyway, Kim was recently on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER podcast where we talk weight loss, healthy hacks, low cal recipes & skinny tips. It’s such a good episode, with so much value, so I wanted to bring the top 5 takeaways to the blog.

tsc body app by the skinny confidential

For those who don’t know, I grew up in San Diego & lived there for pretty much my whole life, until recently. Kim Kelly was my go-to trainer. We trained together almost every day & I just really wanted to create something with her. She’s amazing, smart, has incredible energy, & is certified in TRX, yoga, barre, BodyRok Pilates, Lagree Pilates, & personal training. Plus, she makes working out FUN. There is not one person I know of who knows more about health & wellness than Kim.

If you’re not already following her on Instagram, you’re missing out, let me tell ya. You can find her @kimkellyfit where you’ll get so many quick workouts, healthy tips & hacks, & she even does an Instagram Live workout every Wednesday morning on @tscbody account.

With that, let’s get into the top takeaways from her latest podcast episode.

Top Takeaways from Kim Kelly on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER Podcast:

♡ Recipes & Meal Plan:

Kim & I go over the whole break down of the BODY App. You’ll find out exactly what to expect down to the details of our grocery list, healthy carbs, our favorite chocolate, like just all the super specifics of what we like to get at the grocery store.

You’ll also hear about the 7 day meal plan in detail. It’s so helpful to listen to Kim explain it all & really lay it out. She also shares her favorite mason jar breakfast & the salad she likes for lunch. We’ll also talk about some of the other recipes you can expect. Think EASY, healthy, QUICK things that you can have in your fridge, because you’re a hustler & you’re always running out the door. There are so many mason jar recipes so you can just throw it in your bag & GO.

At the very end of the episode we dive deeper into skinny hacks, substitutions, portion sizes & tips that can help you when you’re out to eat with friends.

♡ Balancing Alcohol & Fitness:

Kim shares her rule of thumb for saying YES & NO. We all have shit to do: weddings, dinners, work lunches, baby showers, weekend getaways- sometimes it’s non-stop. Learn to say no, learn to say YES & also enjoy it. Kim goes over all of this, plus shares her alcohol tips for keeping it tight. She shares all of the ‘rules’ she has for herself & we go over all the skinny cocktails you’ll find in the BODY App.

♡ The Workouts:

The BODY App is based on working out 3 days a week. One day is dedicated to legs & ass, another to arms & back, & then another to the whole body. We didn’t forget about cardio & abs- don’t worry. Each workout includes your cardio & ab exercise so you don’t even have to think about it!

Kim explains exactly how to follow the workouts. For instance, each workout has 2 circuits that are 7 minutes long, & you do each circuit twice for a workout that’s 28 minutes long. She even goes over tips for when you don’t have time some days. That’s right- even if you don’t have 28 minutes, you only have 7 or 15, Kim will tell you how you can alter the circuits so there’s no need to skip a day.

♡ Facebook Group for Members:

Kim & I go over the private Facebook group & what you’ll get from joining. This group is for members ONLY so you can be sure it’s a non-judgmental space where people are sharing their journeys, before & after pictures, favorite recipes- you get it.

Kim will also be going in to share quick workout bonuses, new recipes & grocery finds. We’ll also post some new products if we find something we really like. It’s such a great way to meet each other, hold each other accountable, & maybe meet a new workout buddy.

♡ Wellness & Tips For Success:

Kim really recommends taking your measurements & a ‘before’ picture to track progress. Like, she’s a BIG fan of tracking progress & if you commit to yourself you WILL see that progress in your before & after photos.

We go over all the little tips that are in the app like celebrating little victories & talking positively to yourself. In the App there’s a Daily Habits Chart that you can fill out. Kim & I are so big on overall well-being. Working out is one thing, but you also need to drink water, aim for a certain number of steps, take time for self-care ( whatever that means for you ), have SEX, anything you need to do to feel good & LOWER YOUR CORTISOL. Kim goes over how tracking all these things can help you in your wellness journey. They’re all just as important as the actual exercise.

I’ll also share the one thing I’ve been doing in the morning that has absolutely changed the game for me. Kim started doing it too!

tsc body app by the skinny confidential

So those are some of the top takeaways from the podcast episode featuring @kimkellyfit. As I said, be sure to follow her on Instagram & @tsbody. So much value, you guys.

Definitely listen to the full podcast episode to really hear all the ins & outs of The Skinny Confidential BODY App. I just thought it would be fun to do a little quickie break down of the episode for you.

If you’re a girl on the go, a busy mom, an entrepreneur, or just short on time THIS APP is for you. It’s really a whole 360 look at wellness.

x, lauryn

+ get to know Kim Kelly from her other podcasts here & here.

++ scope the low carb, high fiber tortillas I’m loving right now.

tsc body app by the skinny confidential



The post Weight Loss, Healthy Hacks & Skinny Tips With Trainer Kim Kelly appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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HOT OFF THE PRESS: The Skinny Confidential BODY APP Is Here! Wed, 22 Jul 2020 14:00:29 +0000   DRUM ROLL PLEASE. The Skinny Confidential BODY APP featuring my fabulous trainer Kim Kelly is here. I am so

The post HOT OFF THE PRESS: The Skinny Confidential BODY APP Is Here! appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.



The Skinny Confidential BODY APP featuring my fabulous trainer Kim Kelly is here.

I am so fucking excited, I can’t even tell you. This APP has been in the making for the last year & a half. We’ve been working on it every single day to make sure we’ve brought you the most efficient, streamlined way to workout, go grocery shopping, make easy, healthy recipes that taste amazing, & stay in touch with like-minded people- so ta-da…The Skinny Confidential BODY APP is just that.

Anyway, this is NEW & improved. How? Well the previous version was an eBook that you bought & could view as a file on your computer or phone or even get printed at Kinko’s ( like I did, LOL ). This new version is an APP & super easy to access on your phone. If you want to get really micro, you can listen to all the details on the latest podcast.

tsc body app by the skinny confidential

What Is The Skinny Confidential BODY APP?:

This APP seriously has it all. 12 weeks of workouts for any fitness level ( beginner, intermediate & expert ). Think moves that you can do from ANYWHERE- a hotel room, a park, your garage, like actually, anywhere. You’ll find moves like walking lunges, frog jumps, hip dips, high knees & butt kicks. Don’t worry, cardio is built in to every circuit, so you don’t even have to think about it.

The recipes are all super & easy quick, which you guys know I’m all about. So many of you are always G2G like me so this section is made for YOU. You’ll drool over GG French toast, Kim’s sweet popcorn, almond nice cream & salmon arugula wraps. Trust me, everything is SO EASY to throw together with simple, delicious ingredients. We also wanted to include our favorite cocktails so expect to see the recipe for Glitter Pink Champagne. It’s to die for.

We don’t want anyone getting hungover & missing their workout so there are so many tips for when you’re drinking & you’ll even find a ‘Hangover Elixr’ recipe just in case you get a little too buzzed one night.

Kim & I both believe that WELL-BEING isn’t just about what you eat & how hard you sweat. The Skinny Confidential BODY includes a Daily Habits chart so you can track how much water you’re drinking, how much sex you’re having ( meow ), how many hours of sleep you get, & anything else that’s important to you. You can also see why protein is so important & how to get it ( lots of plant-based recs here ! ) & 8 tips for success, which we’ll get into more in a minute.

Most important though is the community that you can become part of. There’s a private Facebook group totally dedicated to members where we can share progress, hacks, tips, favorite recipes & grocery store finds. TSC BODY really is a one-done wellness APP that Kim & I are so excited about.

Because of Kim’s expertise & my complete obsession with becoming a practitioner of health & fitness, we wanted to find a way to bring all of our skinny hacks & tips together, & share them with YOU. ESPECIALLY right now because so many people are at home in quarantine. For me, I still have 20 lbs to lose after giving birth, so I’ve been using this guide on myself. I figured it was perfect to partner with my trainer Kim, who is the expert, & use me as a guinea pig ( the practitioner ) & then bring you all the goods.

How To Download The Skinny Confidential BODY APP:

Simply go into your app store, type in ‘The Skinny Confidential‘ & you’ll see a pic of me & Kim. Download & voilà! When you go into the app you’ll be asked your height, weight, sex & birthday. From there you can choose a 14 day free trial, after which you’ll be charged $7.99 USD each month. Or right out the gate you can sign up for a year for $74.99 USD, which works out to $6.25 USD per month.

Honestly, this is like bringing the gym to your home $6.25 per month with one of the best trainers. Kim knows her shit, & if you can pick up her tips & secrets, you’ll be golden.

tsc body app by the skinny confidential

Why am I charging?

There are a lot of expenses that go into running this. The cost is truly the bare minimum to cover costs of running the app, graphic design, time & labor, photos, etc. There’s also been a whole team of people working on this project.

Ok, so back to actually using the APP. I want to walk you guys through each section so you know what to expect. When you open the APP, at the bottom of your screen you’ll see 5 categories: Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness, About, & Community. Let’s break down each one together.

If you’re more of a visual person, like me, then I created a video for you too. I like to see what I’m getting. ( Just note that the video & the pics were all shot pre-pregnancy, so I’m currently in the midst of getting back into the shape I was in before baby ).

{ subscribe to The Skinny Confidential YouTube Channel }

The Skinny Confidential BODY APP Tour:


♥ Prepare: 

In this section you’ll find a workout breakdown & how the whole plan works. We go over what to expect from your weekly plan & things that you can do on the days that you don’t workout. Think- stretch, yoga, walk.

You’ll also see instructions on how to measure yourself to track your progress, which we recommend doing every 2 weeks. Once you get used to the workouts, there’s also a ton of tips to ‘INCREASE THE BURN.’

From this section you can ‘START WORKOUT’ which will take you to plan for Beginner, Intermediate, & Expert. Within each of those there are 12 weeks of workouts ( 3 workouts per week ). For example, if you choose Beginner > Week 1 > Day 1 ( legs & ass ), you’ll then see all the moves for that circuit with GIFs of me & Kim doing it, plus how many reps you should aim for within the 1 minute time frame. To find out exactly how to do each exercise, just tap the i in the pink circle to the right for a step-by-step.

I highly recommend checking out the info on each exercise the first time around, because we don’t want anyone to hurt themselves. Form is key when exercising.

♥ 12 Week Workout Guide For Toning & Strengthening: 

Here is where you can find the full workout guide again. It takes you to the same place as when you tap ‘START WORKOUT.’ That means you’ll see Beginner, Intermediate, Expert & all 12 weeks of workouts within each.

♥ Workout Glossary: 

This is where you can find every single workout & stretch. At the top you’ll see buttons for ‘WARMUP’ & ‘CARDIO/PLANK.’ You’ll also find a ‘STRETCH’ section for after your circuit, or days that you don’t workout.

Again, there are little GIFs of me & Kim doing each thing, but just click the i in the pink circle for a step-by-step. Oh, & you don’t need any equipment for these workouts except some light weights, like 1 or 2 lbs, but you can also use water bottles, cans or just your body. You don’t NEED anything. Resistance bands are great & easy to travel with but not necessary. For the step ups & lunges using a box, you can get creative & use a stair, chair, stool or whatever you can find.


♥ Recipes:

Here you’ll find amazing, easy, quick recipes. QUICK being the key here. We all G2G right?

Think 3 ingredient pancakes, crunchy yogurt, mini frittatas & my favorite egg white omelette. There’s a whole section for Breakfast, Sweets, On the Go, Nourish ( for other meals ) &…DRINKS!! Did you think you couldn’t drink when following a workout plan? Kim & I both love a cocktail so there’s a whole section with yummy, satisfying drinks along with TIPS for when you’re drinking.

♥ Grocery List:

This is such a FUN & easy way to keep your grocery list organized while scoping my & Kim’s list of staples we like to have on hand.

Once you’re in the Grocery List Section, you’ll see some categories at the top. Simply tap the category, then the + to view a full list of our faves in that category. Tap & done! The item will be added to your grocery list. Also note that you can just type in whatever is on your list too.

If you’re more of a pen & paper type person, I feel you. You can download & print the full grocery list by tapping the button at the bottom of the page. Print it out, mark it up, cross things off, you do you here.

♥ 7 Day Meal Plan:

Here you’ll see a sample eating plan of how Kim & I both like to eat. You’ll see examples of what breakfast, 2 snacks, lunch & dinner looks like for each day of the week.

But again, you do you. The meal plan sheet is downloadable so you can fill in the blanks using the Recipes & Snacks listed as a guide.

♥ Skinny Hacks:

This is my favorite section. The Skinny Confidential was built on hacks & quick, easy tips so I’m all about having a whole section dedicated to this.

We talk about the best times to eat your meals/snacks, easy tips to keep you prepared so you don’t end up at a drive-through in a hungry rage, tips for drinking alcohol, why fiber is sooooo good, & substitutes for keeping snacks healthy when you’re out with your friends.

YES !!! There are even tips for when eating out at restaurants, plus a portion control guide that is super easy to remember. Also the list of things to avoid & add in is super helpful. Try not to think of it like depriving yourself of foods, but instead crowd out the bad stuff with better stuff. Make sense?


♥ Daily Habits:

Daily habits are things like: drinking water, working out, counting steps, sleeping, sex ( it’s important! ), nutrition, & self-care. You can download the ‘DAILY HABITS CHART’ to track these things & hold yourself accountable ( ahem, really how much water did you drink though? ).

For me, I love counting steps. I walk while on a conference call, try to get on the treadmill while I answer DMs & emails- you get it. Kim parks further away from where ever she’s going which is such a good hack.

Small daily habits can lead to big successes so it’s important that you make time for yourself to do whatever you need to do to feel your best. That could be meditation, reading, or cuddling with your dogs.

In this section you’ll learn how much water you should aim to drink, how much sleep Kim & I like to get each night, & how we practice self-care. Facials, reading & rosé for me plz.

♥ Protein Guide:

Here you’ll find a list of plant-based proteins & a breakdown of what ones to avoid. We go over why protein is so important & what to look for whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle, or are vegan.

♥ 8 Tips For Your Success:

We’ll go over 8 tips to help you succeed in your journey. This is a great place to go if you’re feeling frustrated or need a little boost of motivation. Think things like:

+ positive talk: Celebrate your victories, big & small. The way we talk to ourselves matters & your thoughts become your actions, so it’s important to give yourself positive reinforcements.

+ time: You wouldn’t miss your hair or nail appointment, so schedule your workouts & don’t skip them. Commit to the time you set aside for yourself to achieve your goals.

+ consistency: Results happen from true, consistent work. Put in the effort & honor yourself to make health a priority.

+ commitment: Why are you doing this? What do you want from the plan? Write it down & even put it on your mirror to remind yourself often.

+ preparation: Set yourself up for success by preparing things that could hold you back. Fill up your water bottle & have it ready at your door, lay out your workout clothes so you can jump out of bed & throw them on, have snacks ready to go for the day to help you make healthy decisions.

+ effort: Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Know that you’ll have to PUSH yourself!

+ openness: Get ready to hurdle obstacles because there will be some. A pile of cookies or skipping a workout won’t make those obstacles go away, they’ll create more.

+ being realistic: Be realistic about your time frame when it comes to results. Change comes with commitment, time & effort.


On this page you can learn more about the guide, creating your healthy future, & meet Kim & I. You’ll find our Instagram handles too so you can learn more about us if you’re interested- @kimkellyfit & @theskinnyconfidential.

Ok so, who is Kim Kelly? She is not only my rock star trainer from San Diego, she has become a great friend who I adore. She has her own studio in San Diego, she’s an entrepreneur, & helps women all over the world GET FIT. She’s an expert in the space & one of the best trainers I’ve ever met.

You can go train with her in studio, or she offers virtual workout classes with on-demand videos. Kim is certified in: TRX, yoga, barre, BodyRok Pilates, Lagree Pilates, & personal training. What I love about Kim is that she makes working out fun, she’s always laughing & her energy is just what you want in a trainer.

If you want to find out more about Kim, follow her on Instagram @kimkellyfit where she is always sharing so much VALUE ( including Instagram Live workouts ). Definitely check her out.


This is where you can join the private Facebook group specifically for body guide members. Kim & I will be checking in to touch base with everyone & help you stay motivated. We want to hear about everyone’s journeys, favorite tips, hacks, recipes, snacks & PROGRESS.

It’s a fun, non-judgemental space where we’ll be sharing new grocery store finds, the latest recipes, giveaways & more.

We really want everyone to stay connected, accountable & inspired.

So there you have it- a full breakdown of The Skinny Confidential Body Guide. Kim & I really poured our heart & soul into this project because it’s so important to us. We really hope everyone likes it & finds it as effective & efficient as we do.

Would love to hear what you think below or in the Facebook group. In the meantime, be sure to check out the latest podcast episode where we talk everything BODY GUIDE & follow @kimkellyfit on Instagram.

x, lauryn

+ get more acquainted with Kim.

++ check out this badass playlist, perfect for your workout.


The post HOT OFF THE PRESS: The Skinny Confidential BODY APP Is Here! appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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10 Fitness Tips To Keep It Right & Tight In Isolation Sun, 10 May 2020 03:00:54 +0000 This post is so fitting right now. My friend Jenna Willis is back sharing her 10 fitness tips for quarantine,

The post 10 Fitness Tips To Keep It Right & Tight In Isolation appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.


This post is so fitting right now. My friend Jenna Willis is back sharing her 10 fitness tips for quarantine, isolation…whatever you wanna call it. Really, this could not come at a better time.

If you need a quick refresh, Jenna Willis is a trainer who I heard about through watching Vanderpump Rules. Lala Kent had just gotten in such good shape, even though her body was bangin’ before. So, as I do, I stalked Jenna on Instagram & started working out with her for the first 5 months of my pregnancy.

Jenna works with a lot of the same moves that are in the TSC Body Guide, but I wanted a pro to help me through them when I was pregnant ( I moved to LA & couldn’t see Kim Kelly anymore ).

She has an amazing eBook coming out soon on fitness & she’s tight as fuck. Not only is Jenna cool, she’s super knowledgeable when it comes to nutrition & is a total master of her craft.

Without further ado, let’s welcome Jenna back to The Skinny Confidential.


Working out with an active schedule was hard, but for some reason, now that we are stuck at home, it feels even harder! It’s super important to keep yourself feeling healthy & happy during isolation. Hopefully these tips will help with both!

10 Fitness Tips For Isolation:

♡ Stay hydrated.

You should be drinking 1 liter of water for every 50 lbs you weigh. Hydration keeps your muscles relaxed, tension low & skin shining!

( Scope this post on how a Hydro Flask can help you drink more water effortlessly ). 

♡ Sleep well.

Magnesium to muscle is what calcium is to bone. Magnesium not only relaxes your muscles, but also calms the nervous system down & helps regulate your blood pressure. Hello sleeping beauty! 

( Lauryn again. You guys know I love Calm tea & adding magnesium to my psycho-specific smoothie ).

glass water pitcher for fruit enhanced flat and sparkling water beverages and recipes | by the skinny confidential

♡ Get moving (QUICKLY)!

Give tabata a try. It is a full cardio workout in 4 minutes- 20 seconds on & 10 seconds off. Here is my favorite tabata routine:

Jump Squats 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Burpees 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Butt Kicks 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Mountain Climbers 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds 

( Repeat 2x through )

♡ Don’t get stiff.

Find time every 2 hours for dynamic stretching throughout the day ( stretching that also makes you move ). Our new ‘homebody’ lifestyle may be affecting your body more than you know.

My current routine is: 

Wall Angels. For 2-3 minutes stand flat with your heels, butt, shoulders & head against the wall. Put your arms out & up as if you are making a field goal. Slowly raise your arms up to the ceiling, keeping your elbows & hands against the wall along with the rest of your body until you stretch them up as far as you can go. Then bring them back down to field goal position. 

Piriformis Stretch. In a seated position bring one foot up & across your leg, almost like a #4, & slowly lean forward into it for a 10 second hold & then release. You will really feel your glutes stretching out. Repeat on each side for approximately 1 minute.

Text Neck Stretch. Take your first two fingers & press them on your collar bone take the skin & slowly drag it below your collarbone & then stretch your neck in the opposite position. Hold for 10 seconds & repeat again. Repeat on each side for approximately 1 minute.

♡ Keep your abs.

A side plank hold works ALL of your abdominal walls in one exercise! Try doing 3 sets of 30 seconds on each side!

♡ Reduce inflammation.

Stay clear of refined or pasteurized wheat, dairy & sugar products. My insider tip? Add organic berries to your diet as much as possible to keep your blood flowing during a time where the body is more stagnant. Add turmeric & fish oil as well to reduce inflammation & increase blood flow.

( Another good tip is to dry brush every day & do lots of facial massage! )

♡ Fuel yourself.

Not just with coffee, but with B vitamins. B vitamins transfer food to fuel. If you are deficient, you won’t have the ability to convert your food to energy!

Take 1 pill of a B-complex daily, or a good multivitamin. Also try get some dark leafy greens into your diet.  

fiber filled healthy quick french toast recipe bbg bombshell body

♡ Conquer the snack attacks!

We are all getting cravings & reaching for our favorite comfort snacks ( mine are honey roasted Biena Chickpea Snacks & Kween Granola Butter right now ). Don’t beat yourself up! 

Taking chromium supplements helps you burn off the sugar more efficiently in your muscles when you’re working out. Broccoli is also one of the best natural ways to do that. 

♡ Be sweet…with honey!

This one is shocking. Yes, take your zinc, Echinacea, & elderberry to stay healthy, but also enjoy your HONEY. Approximately 1 tbsp of honey is equivalent in antioxidants to a tomato & it doesn’t expire. Ever. 

♡ Wake up relaxed.

If you aren’t using the bedtime app on your iPhone, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Keep your cortisol levels at bay & wake up refreshed. Your phone’s alarm gradually crescendos its volume ( gets louder ) for a more relaxing morning. 

I love coming up with healthy hacks & fit tips & hope you enjoyed these ones!

Have any questions? Just need to talk to another human? Reach out at & check out


You guys should definitely check out Jenna’s programs & her Instagram here.

If you guys are looking for quick workouts, my trainer Kim Kelly goes on live on @tscbody every Wednesday at 9 am PST & the workout stays up for 24 hours.

Stay safe,

x, lauryn.

+ scope these 10 wellness practices to keep you sane in quarantine.

++ check out these everyday tips & tricks to stay healthy.


The post 10 Fitness Tips To Keep It Right & Tight In Isolation appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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