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The Makeup Hack of A Lifetime

makeup hack 3b | by the skinny confidential
makeup hack 8b | by the skinny confidential

Are you ready for the makeup hack of a lifetime?

Ok, so have you ever applied your foundation like this: open bottle, squeeze foundation on top of hand, grab makeup brush or beautyBlender, & then proceed to use the top of your hand as a makeup palette?

Everyone right?

Well, I do this every time I apply makeup.

& every time, I REPEAT: EVERY TIME, I think to myself “fucking gross, I don’t want this makeup sitting on my left hand ( right-handed, so think brush in right ) in the same spot.”

…………To be honest, I don’t want the makeup on my face in the first place because who knows what’s in it. Side note: I try not to wear makeup every day. I REALLY TRY to eliminate a bunch of weird shit on my face every day ( & pimples ).

But for some reason I really can’t get over the makeup on the hand thing.

There are not a lot of options for this when you’re in a rush though. You kind of have to use your hand/fingers.

Especially in my case, because my favorite CC cream on the planet ( if you haven’t tried this CC cream, you haven’t lived. JUST MAKE SURE it’s the ‘illumination’ one – I use the ‘light’ shade ) is liquid & comes squeezing out of the bottle.


OK, so one day I’m in New York working with this CRAZY talented makeup artist & she pulls out this tiny teal heart. While she’s chit-chatting, she proceeds to wrap it around her hand, kind of like a huge-ass rubber band.

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AND THEN GUYS, she squeezes her foundation out & puts it on the teal heart surface & starts using this tiny contraption as a little palette with her makeup brush.

You know like an artist. A painter. So very Van Gogh.

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makeup hack 5 | by the skinny confidential

She’s like blotting it & moving it around. Mixing in moisturizer & adding a dash of primer. Like she’s cooking or something.

NOW WHAT is going on? Obviously I was very much intrigued. And sure, I may have asked 108 questions because I knew immediately that I had to share it with my Internet friends. YOU.

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Some of my questions ( her answers in italics ):

WHERE DO I GET THIS? Etsy. A small little online store. The girl makes them herself. 

HOW MUCH? $22 bucks.

WHAT’S IT CALLED? A “Paw Palette” ( CUTE!!! ).

DO YOU USE THIS EVERY TIME? Yes, I can’t live without it. Especially for day long projects on celebrities or influencers or editorial shoots. It’s reusable.

WHY DO YOU LOVE THIS? Because it protects the hands from makeup & you don’t get crap all over your clothes. AND what’s also amazing is you can use it as a lipstick, foundation, OR an eyelash glue palette. It’s perfect to use with a beautyBlender or makeup brush. No makeup on hands, EVER. You don’t have to wash the palette every time. I wash it once a week with soap & water.


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makeup hack 10 | by the skinny confidential

This hack saves my life because WHITE. Yes, I wear a lot of white.

I’m one of those girls that does her makeup all cute with a beautyBlender – using my left hand as a palette and then casually throws on a white dress, then accidentally touches my white dress with foundation hands.

Always happens. Highly annoying.

The palette eliminates this foundation-y situation & preserves the whiteness of my linen off-the-shoulder tops. PLUS, no more makeup shit on my hand, day after day. No mess, no crap.

Not to mention, I’m always having problems with fake lashes. The fake lash application happens about once a month but STILL. The glue is always everywhere. When I use the Paw Palette the glue doesn’t stick everywhere.

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( Video tutorial on how to apply falsies here )

If you’re not a teal girl, no worries they have a baby black bat palette ( used for different lipstick shades – FESTIVE! ), huge gold lips palette, coffin palette ( gothic, right ), AND a mini set ( instead of a huge hand palette, it’s a finger palette ).

I really love my teal heart palette though. It’s an ideal size.


Ok your turn: what’s your makeup hack that’s totally, completely random but a real game-changer in the beauty department?

I kind of have to stop writing because I’m on the last episode of The Night Of. If you haven’t watched it, DO IT. Insaneness.

Good night guys! x lauryn

+ new episode of TSC HIM & HER Podcast is live. We’re talking birth control & what we would tell our younger selves. ALSO, BRAND NEW exclusive app content: “Purse Care: Tips For Taking Care Of Your Handbag” AND Michael wrote SUCH a savvy piece titled “Working In Your Business or ON Your Business?” It’s one of my favorites he’s written. Happy listening/reading!

++ neither of us are affiliated with this company, just love it. 

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makeup hack 1 | by the skinny confidential


  1. That’s honestly so smart! I usually end up doing that on my hand, which gets realllllly messy.

    xx. The Coastal Confidence

    1. This has been such a game changer for me Aubrey! I can’t imagine going back to using my hand. Do you have any make up hacks? xx

  2. This is adorable. But I’m not quite sure how it’s that much different than using your hand? I mean, you have to wash the pallet afterwards and you’d have to wash your hand. You’re still washing something. I guess maybe the pallet washes more cleanly with no residue?

    1. The palette works better than a hand for me Jillian! It’s straight across and has a different texture than mixing products on the skin which I find better for application. Also, you only need to wash the palette once a week so it’s easier than your hand. When I use my hand for makeup I end up getting makeup stains on so many things! Just a few reasons why I’m a fan. Thanks for reading and your support with The Skinny Confidential : ) xx

  3. Ummmm I seriously love you for this. I do this DAILY on my hand, and everytime I get so annoyed. It makes me feel so dirty and before I know it, I’m staining my shirts, my boyfriend’s shirts (he gets SO mad), getting makeup on my cat, and it’s just a mess all around. This is a serious game changer and something I NEVER would of thought of even existed! I feel like it’s a “cleaner” way of applying make-up, if you will! Soooo my beauty hack is right up your alley, but I add a few drops of tea tree oil to my beautyblender before applying my cc cream to keep things clear! It makes all the difference! 😉 xx Shannon

  4. This is amazing I always get makeup stains on my clothes when I use my hand!! Thank you for the helpful tip as always!! Xx

  5. I’m so in love with this!! My foundation almost absorbs into my hand and leaves a stain if I’m in a rush and don’t have time to scrub it real good (which honestly, I should be worried about what its doing to my face all day). Or I tend to forget it’s there and run my hands through my hair or something stupid. Super bummed the Batty Baby is sold! I must have.

  6. Is the It Cosmetics CC cream your day/night go to for foundation type product, or do you have another one in your makeup arsenal you swear by?

  7. This does look like a great gadget to have. I’ve been wanting to try this CC cream but I have such oily skin I didn’t know how it would work. What is your skin type?

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