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Hi, hey, hello! I’m back again this week with a new YouTube video- did you know we add new videos to the channel every WEDNESDAY. Yes that’s right- a fresh new video is waiting for you weekly.

Sick of me yet? HA.

This week I am sharing how I found a MAJOR FABULOUS Chanel briefcase on sale. Also in this video I share 3 tips for saving money that will also improve your overall health & wellness. $25 off your first Real Real order.

You should also know I have been looking for a chic, vintage briefcase for the new TSC HQ for freaking weeks. It was very hard to find what I was looking for because I need something that fits my laptop, specific pen, pink notebook ( it’s on sale btw )…& tangerine oil. LOL. This one does it all. I’m very happy about the fact that I found it for half off. As you know I like to spend money on my time, beauty services, & experiences, the whole handbag/shoe thing isn’t my vibe- it’s just not where I like to put my money. So I feel good about a slightly used bag. When it showed up too- it looked NEW NEW NEW. Which we love.

Here’s a tiny peak into The Skinny Confidential HQ. If you haven’t seen the beauty vault, you have to check it out here.

seen in this video:




CLEAR GLASSESpost on why I wear blue light blocking glasses here )


mentioned in this video:






You guys should know I’m releasing videos every Wednesday night. Think beauty, wellness, & lifestyle tips. So be sure you’re subscribed to my channel to get the latest updates.

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What are your favorite money saving hacks? Would love to know what you guys are using & why you love them.

x, lauryn

+ for more posts on $ saving hacks: drug store beauty finds | babes on a budget podcast | budget gift guide| rich bitch

++ for more posts on healthy eating on the go: cauliflower pizza | Kardashian Salad Bowls | Egg Salad | Summer Salad


  1. There was this podcast I listened to, and the speaker (an entrepreneur) described her relationship with money in the most phenomenal way imaginable: “I don’t save money for a rainy day, I save money for a good day.” That ultimately transformed how I view money now! Budgeting now has become a lot less dreadful–if anything, it’s actually really fulfilling to see where you get a deal! Anyways, thank you so much for sharing these resources to save money in small areas. Now I have to check out Real Real!

  2. I have had to learn quite a few money saving tips to help support my first love, shopping! & I am excited to try out The RealReal, as it sounds right up my ally! & It’s kind of funny you mention a library card because I just went to my local library this week and signed up for one. Per usual, thanks for sharing honest, genuine tips with your followers!

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