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Mini DeLites…& Other Stuff ( Like Threesomes )

{ homemade banana cake for Michael’s birthday…THREESOME! } { work flow | candle } Why HELLO there! Busy Monday for

UMMM, Freaking Zucchini Double Fudge Brownies. YES PLZ.

GAHHHHH. Just when you think brownies can’t get any better, PLOT TWIST— THEY CAN. BECAUSE when you get to eat

How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You Cranberry Scones ♡

Kind of a triple V-Day threat for ya today BECAUSE UMMM there’s a chocolate shake, candied rim margaritas, AND these cranberry


THE NANZ’ MAKES KILLER PECANS. Wait, backstory: when we were little, my sister Faye & I would go over to

Barefoot In The Kitchen…For 2 Minutes Though: Thanksgiving Fake Cake

Let me set the scene: Thanksgiving hits you in the face like a ton of bricks ( what’s new though,


BOY OH BOY. If this isn’t a Skinny Confidential Bombshell Body Guide recipe, then I don’t know what is? Also

OMG, Halloween-Esque Dirt Cups

DIRT CUPS. If they didn’t define your childhood, you sort of missed out. Kidding. But they’re seriously insane. My childhood was


Let’s Talk How To Make Slutty Brownies Sometimes a bitch has to live, you know? So I felt like this

Yum! Copycat Orange Julius Recipe

I found this post entirely appropriate for the month of October because this drink is ORANGE. Halloween-ish, no? It also

GET EXCITED!!! Pistachio ‘Nice Cream’…With 4 Ingredients

Not going to lie, I was pretty excited when I got my monthly Shape magazine BECAUSE THEY FEATURED MY PISTACHIO

TSC Healthy, Skinny Syrup…For Pancakes, Waffles, French Toast, You Name It

    I have this weird thing for syrup. It’s just so good. I remember when I was a “I’m too

How To Make Dole Whip From Disneyland

Ever had the Dole Whip at Disneyland? If you haven’t, you have to try it next time you’re there because

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