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A Real Throw Back: DIY Fruit By The Foot

healthy fruit by the foot | by the skinny confidentialhealthy fruit by the foot | by the skinny confidential

If you don’t know what fruit roll-ups are, have you lived?

I mean Gushers, Dunk-a-Roos, Capri Sun, Rippin’ Berry-Berry Fruit By The Foot were on repeat when I was a kid. Isn’t this everyone else’s childhood memories? I feel like orange soda & Lunchables were everywhere too. So crazy to think about…my how things have changed.

In regards to fruit roll-ups you remember the old slogan: “Real fruit and fun, rolled up in one.”

Except they were NOT JUST real fruit. The fun was a bunch of added bullshit like: corn syrup, dextrose, cottonseed oil, citric acid, sodium citrate, acetylated monoglycerides, fruit pectin, malic acid, ascorbic acid, natural flavors, and artificial colors.


If I’m eating something that’s 3 feet long ( insert sex joke ), that’s going to stain my tongue, it better be good…& contain simple ingredients. Which is why I’m sharing this EASY, QUICK, DIY, Fruit By The Foot à la TSC Style for ya:


3 cups washed stemmed organic strawberries
1/2 mango, in chunks
1-2 tablespoons of raw manuka honey
A few squeezes of lemon
A little water

1. Preheat the oven to 250°F & line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Place the strawberries, mango, & raw honey ( with a few teaspoons of water ) in a blender & puree until smooth.

3. Pour the mixture onto the baking sheet lined with paper and spread it into a large rectangle with the back of a spoon or spatula making sure that the mixture is spread completely even.

4. Bake for 2 to 3 hours, until the fruit leather is dry and not sticky to the touch. Remember, cooking times will vary depending on how thick you spread your mixture and how much water is naturally in the fruit.

Also, every oven is different, so the cooking time may be less than 2 hours if your oven tends to be hot ( my oven was 1 hour & 20 minute-ish ).

5. Allow the fruit leather to sit and cool to room temperature. It takes several hours ( like 6 to 8 hours ) for the fruit to soften up; when you first take the leather out of the oven the edges will be a bit dry and crisp, but if you allow it to sit overnight it softens up nicely.

6. Use a knife, pizza cutter, or kitchen shears to cut the fruit leather into 8 long strips, keeping the paper on the back. Roll the leather into “roll-ups.”

+ I put the tray in the freezer for a few minutes too so it was perfect. The fruit leather will keep for at least a month in a covered container.

{ adapted from Weelicious but I added my own touches like mango & lemon- do whatever works for you! }


GUYS make sure if you make this you have patience- it takes a LONG time to form into a fruit roll-up. Try not touch it, just let it chill for like 8 hours. The longer you let it sit, the better. Also right out of the oven it doesn’t look cooked- don’t worry, it will form perfectly after those 8 hours.

If you’re feeling crazy you can also cut out fruit roll-ups. If you’re wondering, there’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE between Fruit By The Foot & fruit roll-ups. Fruit By The Foot is long, thin, & rope-like while fruit roll-ups are a wide, small, & square. They’re very similar but I prefer Fruit By The Foot because it’s compact & for some reason it feels like you’re eating more.

I literally carried these in my handbag to LA, the office, & today to Vegas. They ARE SO GOOD. I will always have them on hand for a sweet treat because they’re QUICK to grab. The perfect sweet treat & you know the lowdown on the ingredients. And of course if you have kids fruit roll-ups are so ideal to have on hand.

A BUNCH of recipes just like this one are coming to my next meal plan- coming next week ; ). Hope you guys like.

OK! On that note, I am in Vegas with Revolve for a Girl’s Night Out. Tonight we are going to dinner at Jardin ( anyone been? ) & then to XS. Things could get crazy. Not really because I’ll probably be in bed with a book by midnight but you never know. In the meantime, follow along on Snapchat & Instagram.

Tomorrow Gary Vee is on the podcast…one of my FAVORITES. Anyone else a Gary Vee fan?

Alright, we are off to dinner! Happy Monday!

x lauryn

  1. I honestly question people’s integrity (who’s around our ages) if they try to act like they didn’t have Gushers, Fruit By The Foot, Dunkaroos, etc. when they were younger. Love this junk food upgrade recipe! And have a fabulous time in Vegas – I go there every year (have done so since age 6), so I know the place well, haha.

  2. This stuff was my JAM back in the day and don’t even get me started on the Capri Sun! Thank goodness we’ve wised up. 🙂 Can’t wait to try this recipe. Yum!

  3. I love this! Such a good idea to recreate these. So funny you bring this up too because one of the little girls who I teach at church gave me a valentine fruit roll up the other day and I was literally thinking about how I probably hadn’t seen one of them in like ten years.

  4. omg I need to make these immediately!!! I love the addition of mango & lemon. I’m totally with you, fruit by the foot was my jam & so much more fun to eat! I cannot wait to give this a go. I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like it’d be fun to make some ginger turmeric mango ones too!! xx Shannon
    PS – STOKED for this podcast too!! Have fun in Vegas & def stop by the Juice Standard in the Cosmo & pick up some spiked cold-pressed juices to go xx

  5. Omg taking me down memory lane. I was so mad when my mom would sneak “healthy” Fruit 2 Go’s in my lunch box. Give me the Gushers and Pop Tarts god dammit.

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