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How to Host a Festive Candy Land-Themed Holiday Party

Do you see Pixy?

Because she’s peeking over to the right of me.

Isn’t she cute? I mean you know I just love her so much.

YES, she really is. And – AND !!! – you know what else is cute? YUMEARTH candy! I know, you’ve seen me brag about it on IG Stories & Snapchat but it’s one of those things I eat so frequently that I decided to share it on the blog. The candy is so on brand for The Skinny Confidential & I know the second your lips touch the peach licorice you will be bragging too. So there you go! Just being real.

( Do note that when you find yourself bragging about the organic watermelon, lemonade sour twists, I warned you. You can’t stop eating this candy- sorry in advance ).

This candy is my personal favorite ever.

Once you get your hands on it, you will see!

And maybe, just MAYBE – because you know I don’t say this unless I REALLY am into it, guys- you will let your boyfriend/girlfriend have a piece. Probs not though.

Here’s how I incorporate my favorite candy into my life:

So it’s like everywhere technically?

( I am PARTICULARLY fond of their peach licorice, post-freezer if we’re getting specific ).

AND SINCE WE’RE GETTING SPECIFIC- which we usually always do- I set this situation up to inspire you for your next holiday get-together.

I wanted the vibe to very much scream CANDY LAND.

Remember that movie? Or was it a board game?…or both?! Whatever it was reminds me of a land full of candy! Like the streets are paved in rainbow gum drops! Grandma’s house is made of chocolate! There’s a peppermint stick forest & a gingerbread plum tree! You get it.

This set-up is perfect for anyone who’s looking to do something fun for kids. But to be real Michael came home & stuffed his face with the gummy bears so you could set this up for a significant other too. Friends & family coming over? Got you covered.

What I did here is simple & something that anyone & everyone can throw together in 10 minutes because YOU KNOW HOW I ROLL.

WE G2G, so the quicker the better!

But still keeping it Instagrammy.



Can’t have a Candy Land shindig without candy, duh! YUMEARTH

Important: this stuff is OBSESSION level for me. It’s not even funny how good the peach licorice is— so shop accordingly. The candy contains no egg, no soy, no gluten, no milk, no tree nuts, no shellfish. All the candy is organic and non-GMO. A lot of the products are vegan too.

That being said, this is probably the first candy I think I’ve ever heartily endorsed. Woo-HOO!

There’s nothing better than sneaking this into the movies. And I’m telling you, it will NOT disappoint for an adult get-together OR a kid’s party. That’s right, guys- kids & adults will LOVE.

PLUS the candy steers clear from artificial ingredients.

Also be sure to try the sour twists, insane lollipops ( don’t mean to brag but I was eating a hot chili mango lollipop today ), & SOUR beans. Sometimes they’re fun to add to the freezer before you serve them too. Not ONLY do they carry peach licorice, they also have POMEGRANATE AND STRAWBERRY LICORICE!!!!!! LIKE!!! WHAT!!!

Anyway, when you’re serving it- have fun with it! Display the candy in pretty little bowls for guests.

** use promo ‘Skinny’ for 15% off through 1/31/18. & get the peach licorice!


Always champagne! Obviously serve kids ginger cider ( yes, this is a thing & kids love it! ) so the kids feel like they’re in on the fun. If it’s an adults-only party- which HEY!- I’m very much about- serve chilled champagne. I feel like you don’t need much detail here. Champagne is kind of an essential at holiday parties. Add pomegranate seeds to the champs to keep it holiday-ish. The champagne pictured is from We Drink Bubbles & it’s absolutely divine, guys! They have a monthly BUBBLES CLUB– imagine that, bubbles sent straight to your door every month. Into it!

ALSO you could do colorful, hard alcohol drinks like: caramel apple martinis, peppermint martinis, even CANDY MARGARITAS!! REMEMBER when I made candy margaritas?? Keep your theme strong here.


I actually did store-bought here. You know I’m not the best at time management so having the cupcakes ready & willing was ideal for me. If you have kids, let the kids decorate the cupcakes with candy. YUMEARTH is PERFECT for this because it’s pretty, not overly sweet, & it’s organic. YESSSS. You could also do gingerbread houses- I feel like you’re mom of the year if you do gingerbread houses. I was lazy & got store-bought cupcakes. Sugar cookies could be festive too. Whatever! You do you.


Candles because always candles. I’m obsessing over Ralph Lauren’s holiday scented candles. I cannot get enough really. The holiday scent is my favorite & the pine is a close second. Remember: you set the tone of a gathering with the scene. Music too though! Play the Candy Land soundtrack OR throw on Michael Bublé- his hottie voice gets me every time & his holiday album is gold. Chips too! Because chips always! Salsa, guac, some spicy hummus; everyone loves chips. One you start eating them, you can’t stop- you know?


The kingdom of sweet adventures! Nothing cuter than something that takes us right back to our childhood. The game is such a fun touch for a Candy Land party. Especially if you have kids. They will LOVE it. Lay the board game out to keep it festive for the kiddos…or the adults. I mean I feel like if you’re on a champagne/candy buzz anything can happen. Plus, it’s like $12 bucks so YES PLEASE! To get you going, remember the characters from the game? Plumpy, Jolly, Gramma Nutt, Princess Lolly, & Gloppy- just to get you REAL excited.

Have you started the holiday circuit yet? How’s everyone doing out there? Stressed? HAHA. Seems like it’s time for a champagne, candy-filled party. Am I right? December can be a little rough? Do tell.

With that! I’m off to stuff my face with peach licorice ( freezing cold, it’s so good in the freezer ) & drink some mint tea. It’s way past my bedtime.

MORE GIVEAWAYS HAPPENING THIS WEEK so make sure you’re following along on Insta for a surprise one tomorrow.

See you soon-

x, lauryn

+ leather jacket | fav black skinny jeans.

++ this post is in collaboration with YUMEARTH. As always, all opinions are my own.

{ pics }


  1. It’s not a great game at all, but it’s definitely full of nostalgia and when you’re in preschool, a colorful game full of luck can be appealing. The pure luck definitely helps even things out when adults play the game with small children.
    Check out my recent post: Using Adverts to experiment and become a wealthy affiliate – Experiment 1

  2. Would love to try the sour twists and the gummy bears! I passed out the fruit snacks for Halloween, hope the kids liked them!

  3. I am dying over this idea. Not to mention i might be drooling a little bit…? Talk about boujee candy. WOW. The flavor combos are what really gets me going. I think the watermelon sours and pom flavors sound devine. And honestly that love chub thing..yah. Need to get my boyfriend and I on this ASAP?. ps. loving the freezer trick!

  4. You made the peach licorice sound WAY TOO GOOD on the podcast! Would love some of these to munch on during work and grad school! I used to love going to those candy shops and buying gummies, these remind me of those! YUM
    IG: ketoforthemind

  5. I cant wait to try the sour jelly beans!! I love sour gummy candies and these sound amazing!!?? Whether or not I win the contest I will definitely be stocking up on some of their candy. Healthy and delicious, yes please! ????

  6. Okay, I NEED to try the sour twists like yesterday. And peach licorice? I’m dying! This party idea is adorable, and the candy looks so damn good!

  7. Okay, I NEED to try the sour twists like yesterday. And peach licorice? I’m dying! This party idea is adorable, and the candy looks so damn good! xx

  8. Sour lover over here! I need those sour jelly beans & watermelon lemon twists! Love their lemon mints so much already.

  9. Ok first of all – this idea is amazing.
    I love candy. I’m a pig so I want to try that peach licorice since peach is amazing and also wanna try sour jelly beans AND gummy bears. Basically everything. It all sounds hella good.

  10. I love all of this. Ordering sour jelly beans AND the peach licorice now. PLUS I’m totally hosting a girls night in-house spa slumber party situation so this is all perfect!!! ??

  11. I love how it is organic and non-GMO. I am kinda obsessed with the fact their is pomegrante licorce. I must try!

  12. YUM mouth watering at the description of these tasty flavors! Need to try the peach licorice and the sour twists!! ?

  13. Well you’ve totally sold me on the peach licorice! Peach licorice and champagne sounds like a match made in heaven. ??

  14. Definitely will have to do cupcakes, candy, and champagne after the holidays with the girls! Watermelon sour twists & champagne sounds divine together!!

  15. I just played candy land with my niece!! The pomegranate candy looks amazing! I even noticed some pomegranate gummy bears…. omg! I’ve got to get my hands on those!

  16. Drooling over candy land!!
    I’d love to devour the peach licorice FIRST, ? and then ? lemonade …. And all the gummies!!
    ohhhh the sweet tooth is so real!!

  17. Ahhhh I saw some of these at Home Goods the other day and am kicking myself for not getting them! I’m dying to try the sour lemonade twists! ?

  18. This post makes me want to try everything but I’m most dying to try the peach licorice!! ?

  19. Dying to try the peach licorice! Sounds amazing! My husband has Crohn’s disease & can’t have gluten, so winning the $500 would be awesome to try some new candy!

  20. Big fan of anything peach flavored but peach licorice?! Dying to try! I’m sure the strawberry and pomegranate flavor are bomb too! Thanks for continuing to be a bad ass and put out great content 🙂

  21. UMMMM GUMMIES?! YES! I would love to try the gummies because who doesn’t love those?! Ps I love candy more than life

  22. I am dying to try the peach licorice and the sour beans!!!! So yum!!! No articficial ingredients? Count me in! Loving todays podcast as well. Candy and champagne…. my 2 fav things.

  23. I am dying to try the peach licorice and the sour beans!!!! So yum!!! No articficial ingredients? Count me in! Loving todays podcast as well. Candy and champagne…. my 2 fav things. Hope i get that $500!!! ;P

  24. Omg I’m just dying to try all of these! My friends always make fun of me because im such a healthy eater but also a candy fanatic!! Looking for something healthy to ease my sweet tooth. Love jelly beans so would looove to try the sour ones!!! ?

  25. Love this!
    Hmm def peach licorice, besides the fact that I’m already licorice obsessed, I’m about to leave the peach state for Las Vegas. ?

  26. L- you made my sweet tooth wake up this morning too early! Straight up yum on the candy snaps! 🙂 I teach kindergarten in Portland, OR (am always sneaking them a lil gummy here and there to reinforce good habits). I would love to try these and get these kids hooked on actually good for you candy! Sour jelly beans!? Yes please

  27. Dying to try the Watermelon Lemon Sour Candy. My husband loves sour candy too so if I can just get my hands on some healthier candy then THANK. GOD.

  28. Wow! I’ve got to try this candy, especially since I cannot seem to kick my sugar habit. The peach licorice sounds too good! Torn between that and the peppermint lollipops ’cause ’tis the season and I’ve been obsessing over peppermint everything lately! 🙂

  29. I can’t wait to try the Pomegrante licorice. I’m so happy I saw these from your post, I’m obsessed with fruit snacks and freeze them. But I haven’t been eating them bcus the original ones have so many bad ingredients. What a find 🙂 thank you! I’m gonna go eat a bag now.
    K bye.

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