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Pomegranate, Goat Cheese Spaghetti Squash

pomegranate seed spaghetti squash | by the skinny confidential pomegranate seed spaghetti squash | by the skinny confidential

So I’m feeling very pomegranate-y for Thanksgiving this year.

Really though, pomegranate seeds have just been a real theme around my house lately. I’m on sort of pomegranate kick. Like it’s weird though: been adding them to salad, smoothies, pasta, yogurt…champagne ; ).

Firstly, we’ve talked about how the seeds are full ( FULL ) of benefits but I wanted to show you guys one of my favorite ways to eat them. Wait FOR IT…

…in spaghetti squash!!


Basically when you’re too busy to cook a full-on Thanksgiving meal? I got you covered. This one’s for you, procrastinators.

As we know I’m the Queen of Procrastination. So it’s no surprise that I’m UB-SESSED with spaghetti squash.

It takes hardly any time to cook & IT’S DAMN HEALTHY.

Some benefits include: vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. AND a cup is 42 calories & 10 carbs. Kind of tastes like pasta too.

pomegranate seed spaghetti squash | by the skinny confidential pomegranate seed spaghetti squash | by the skinny confidential

This recipe will FOR SURE be on my family’s Thanksgiving table made by yours truly because it’s 1.) healthy -gotta represent TSC. 2.) easy & quick. and 3.) contains pomegranate seeds…I mean who doesn’t like pomegranate seeds.

Also, it totally beats bringing boring-ass gravy in 800 year old Tupperware like every other Dick & Harry.

TSC pomegranate, goat cheese spaghetti squash will win you creative points ( I hope ) & make you friends ( it’s that good ).

Oh yes, you’ll probably need the recipe:

TSC Pomegranate, Goat Cheese Spaghetti Squash ♡

1 spaghetti squash
3 heaping handfuls of pomegranate seeds
Goat cheese, to taste ( I like A LOT )
1-2 handfuls of pine nuts
1 Meyer lemon
Pink salt/pepper, to taste
Chili flakes, optional
Rosemary garnish

+ Directions: to cook my spaghetti squash I just cut the squash in half, vertically down the middle, & put it in a clear rectangle dish with a half inch of water at 375 degrees. Make sure the squash is facing downward, not upward. Usually I leave it in the oven for about 20 minutes. (Another more detailed way to cook spaghetti squash).

For the pomegranate seeds, I buy seeds that are ready to go at Whole Foods. If you’re de-seeding a pomegranate, check out this EASYYYY method ( rad, right? ).

After your squash is cooked, simply take a fork & sort of comb ( think Ariel combing her hair at the table, kind of comb ) through the squash in a downward motion. Add all the pasta-like pieces to a big bowl.

Throw in 3 heaping handfuls of pomegranate seeds to the mixture. Sprinkle as much goat cheese as your little heart desires over the squash & seeds. I personally look for raw goat cheese at the market ( I LOVE goat cheese ). Add pine nuts ( option to toast them if you’re not a procrastinator like me ). From there sprinkle a few fresh sprigs of rosemary, squeeze a bunch of Meyer lemon on top, & add pink salt/pepper to taste. If you like it spicy ( HI, I DO ), add chilli flakes! Honestly I didn’t measure this recipe, so just do what works for you. Here’s a little video:

♡ ♡ ♡

Sometimes I cook a squash on Monday & the whole thing lasts me for three lunches. They’re a HUGE vegetable so have fun with it. Remember when I made it with pesto sauce & arrabiata sauce? YUM.

By the way, if you’re feeling this recipe with pasta? Go for it. You do you, boo.

Anyway, you’ll shock your family’s taste buds with this Thanksgiving dish— they won’t even care it’s not pasta, promise.

Ok, so I hope you enjoyed my little, easy Thanksgiving recipe! What’s your favorite creative ( QUICK ) recipe for the fam on Thanksgiving? Tell, tell.


+ if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, then DEFINITELY try this recipe for lunch. I eat it all the time when I’m busy & it really hits the spot.

{ PC | VC }

pomegranate seed spaghetti squash | by the skinny confidential

  1. This looks like such a good combination! Too bad they don’t sell a lot of spaghetti squash here in Belgium. I have been dying to try it. I will have to take your suggestion and make it with pasta then. 😉

  2. Yum!! Looks delicious! We are going to my in-laws this year and having the traditional fare, but I will definitely be trying this out when we get back! This is gorgeous too! Maybe I can get my husband to actually eat spaghetti squash this way 😉

  3. Dear Beautiful Lauryn!

    I can’t wait to share with your great uncle & aunt this Thanksgiving holiday! Cappy and Becki live in Corvallis, OR. Wonderful memories growing up with my family. We will share memories of your beautiful mother and I will tell our relatives how you and Michael are kicking butt. Thank you for making everyone’s world a little better.
    Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

  4. Thank you for this post! I made this dish for Thanksgiving and it turned out great and everyone loved it! I meant to send you a snap of it haha but didn’t get to it! I absolutely love all your posts! You are so inspiring! I used to live in San Diego but visit often, hope to meet you sometime soon! 🙂

  5. Great recipe! I’m always craving pasta but looking for a lower calorie option and this looks perfect. Really love your blog and enjoying browsing through it!

  6. This is SO delicious!! I made it today and it is totally addicting – my son saw me eating it and demanded his own bowl too. I can see I’m going to have to make it a lot in the future – luckily it’s quick and easy! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!!

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