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Yes PLZ! Unreal Lentil, Avocado, Tomato Salad



They’re full of benefits like fiber, minerals, vitamins, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, they keep everything moving, if you know what I mean. Winky, winky.

Lentils are your friend.

& when you mix them with avocado ( hello healthy fats!! ), fresh herbs, & some olive oil…


This recipe comes from my friends, Megan & Peggy, over at Curry Girls Kitchen. They’re a mom & daughter team who I’ve known since I was born! I adore them both & their recipes are spot on. Highly recommend them all.

AND UM they EVEN DO A FUNFETTI gluten-free cake… I feel like I need to make this next? Funfetti is so festive & nostalgic, this cake is calling my name!

Anyway, this recipe is easy breezy.


Curry Girl Kitchen Lentil Tabouli Salad
by: Megan & Peggy

{ serves 2 }


1 cup lentils, cooked
1/2 cup tomato, diced
1/2 cup Hot House cucumber, diced
1/4 cup green onion, diced
Handful fresh parsley leaves, minced
3-4 tbsp olive oil
1 Lemon, juiced
Pinch of Celtic sea salt

+ directions: mix ingredients together & enjoy. It gets even better as it marinates. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Watch the recipe video HERE for more info.

+ Note: I added avocado to the recipe!


You can keep this in your fridge for a few days of quick & easy lunch recipes. Just throw it in your Kardashian salad bowl & you’re good to go really.

You should know when eating lentils that “they’re a good source of potassium, calcium, zinc, niacin and Vitamin K, but are particularly rich in dietary fiber, lean protein, folate and iron. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that eating plenty of nutrient-dense foods like lentils can lessen your risk of many serious medical problems.”

They’re known as one of the world’s healthiest foods. Just make sure you’re cooking them yourself and not getting them from a can filled with random unhealthy ingredients.

ALSO, Curry Girls Kitchen & I did a virtual recipe swap! How 2016 of us, right? They whipped up a sandwich from The Skinny Confidential Book which happens to be one of my favorites: The Half Ass Sandwich. YUM.

Be sure to follow Peggy & Megan on Instagram. They share tons of different recipes, including gluten free & dairy free ones!

Hope you’re all having a very relaxing Sunday. I’m off to celebrate my girlfriend’s birthday which will include lots of Kombucha & champagne gummy bears.

Chat tomorrow, lauryn x

{ PC }


  1. Looks so yummy and it’s so healthy – a perfect summer salad 🙂
    I need to try that recipe!

  2. This looks delicious! Lentils are one of my favorite foods and I love how you can do so many things with them! Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to make it 🙂

    xoxo Alexis @

  3. As a vegetarian, lentils have been life saving! I don’t want to eat tofu and soy every day, and with lentils you can be pretty creative and get a good amount of protein at the sam time.

    xo, sofia

  4. LOVE lentils! This sounds so healthy and delicious – perfect for a summer work lunch or a light side dish! Def giving this a go this week, love the added avocado to this! Now, I just need to get my hands on those champagne gummy bears! x SS

    1. Perfect for dinner one night and lunch the next! It seriously gets so amazing as the flavors sit and marinate. xx

  5. this looks absolutely delish!! I read this article today and it made me think of you and Michael so I wanted to share.

    I know you guys are always reading…such a good reminder!!

    hope you’re having a great week! xo

  6. I know homemade lentils are the best, but I also love the Progresso Vegetable Classics lentil soup! Very salty and good.

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