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Spicy Habanero Peach Salsa Coming In Hot (Take a Seat, Cowboy Caviar)

Spicy Habanero Peach Salsa


It’s me again, Michael & Lauryn’s EA, Katie Hobson. I’ve got an insane recipe for you all today: PEACH HABANERO SALSA.

It’s perfect for your summer menu & of course, all your Peaches LA (the best peaches ever) is now shipping out their perfectly ripe peaches, which we used for this recipe.

My garden popped out a bunch of habaneros & this is my favorite way to use them while simultaneously burning my lips off ( my fave hah).

Not a big fan of spice? Reduce the amount of habaneros or increase the amount of peaches.

No access to habaneros? Any spicy pepper will work in its place.

I love to serve this with a big bowl of guac and tortilla chips. If you’re grilling a protein, this salsa is DIVINE on chicken and fish as well. Snag your favorite tortilla chips (mine are the Siete lime!) and get ready to feel the burn (and peachy sweetness!) with this one.



♡ 4 peaches, peeled 

♡ 4 large tomatoes

♡ 5 habanero peppers

♡ 2 cloves garlic 

♡ 1/4 cup cilantro 

♡ 1/2 cup red onion, diced

♡ juice of 1 lime

♡ salt and pepper to taste

Spicy Habanero Peach Salsa ingredients  Habanero Peach Salsa ingredients


+ Char the onion, tomato, habanero, and peaches. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop EVERYTHING roughly, and add to a big stock pot.

+ Hit it with a bit of salt and let everything reduce to a more jam-like consistency (30-45min on low/medium heat).

+ Add in chopped cilantro and lime juice. Let it cool in a bowl or jar, scoop with chippiessss! If it’s too spicy, add in some sugar or honey to sweeten it up. But don’t be a baby, enjoy the spice!

Spicy Habanero Peach Salsa

I hope you dive into this one and give it a try. It’s one of my favorites. Your friends and fam will obsess over this at your next summer event. If you loved this recipe idea, come back for more on my IG @hangryhobson. & if you really want to see this salsa in action, check out this Reel. 

xx KH

+ for more recipes, stalk this page.

++ for Lauryn’s kitchen favorites, check out this post


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