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Wedding: PART III


Hey hey, more wedding!

We recapped PART I & PART II…so now PART III. Bear with me there’s a lot- & again, I don’t want to do 38723984732 gazillion posts, you know? Slow & steady is the theme here.

With that, I’ll get right to it.

After the ceremony was over, everyone went up onto a grassy area ( NO FEAR THOUGH, we had Solemates aka high heel protectors for our heels! ). Dean Martin was playing while everyone kind of mingled. We took a bunch of absurd group photos. Nothing serious for this group- everyone was trying to do the mannequin challenge but the Karma tequila was flowing sooooo it didn’t quite get there. HA.


Afterwards we had all the guests sit down at ONE, LONG table. Another tip: ditch the round tables if you have a small wedding. Reason being, one long table is so fun. It’s kind of medieval feeling. I choose all black for the wedding. No white. We did long black feathers, black huge plates, napkins, candles ( different heights, of course! ), black shot glasses, HUGE-ASS balloons covered in black tulle, gold silverware, & TONS of black callilies from Arete Florals.

Shoutout to Esoteric Events who really helped me bring my gothic vision to life. I worked closely with Kristen to create a table that was completely ours. Kristin really listened to me & was VERY organized. I needed strict management here. And staying off Pinterest was key for me. I didn’t want to be swayed.

And of course to Del Cabo Event Design ( << rentals! ), One & Only Palmilla ( << venue! ), & Arete Florals  ( << florals! ).

The second the guests sat down they were greeted with a letter:

our wedding | by the skinny confidential

Since you can’t see very well in the pic so here’s what the table card said:

“If someone were to harm my family or a friend or somebody I love, I would eat them. I might end up in jail for 500 years, but I would eat them.”
– Johnny Depp

You should know…
you’re all our ride or die family and friends.
The most important people in our lives.
The best of the best.

You get it.

Thank you
For enhancing our wedding & journey.
We love you guys!

So let’s let loose- k?
Sit back, relax & have a shot of tequila.



We stuck with the theme of our wedding invitations for the guest’s letter. All designed by my FAV, Bliss & Bone.

While the guests read their letter we started more speeches. Our friend, Westin, who is mine & Michael’s best friend started. Westin GETS SO NERVOUS. Literally though guys, he wouldn’t eat for like two days before his speech. He was sweating & freaking out. His speech was incredible though. So thoughtful. Westin has known us both since we were 12 years old. Both me & Michael have a special relationship with him. At first he can be shy but once you get to know him, he’s the best friend ever!

After Westin’s speech, Mimi & Jordan spoke together. And then my dad, Michael’s dad, Michael’s mom, & my sister spoke. All of their speeches were quick, funny, & endearing.

Then it was time for more shots. HA. More Karma shots were passed around because I feel like everyone wanted to PARTY.

the wedding | the skinny confidentiallaurynmichaelwedding-444-gt

The food was a medley. Nothing too fancy though. We kept it very casual. No filets. No halibut. No pork chop. Drinks were shots…margaritas & champagne ( HANGOVER CENTRAL ).

I didn’t do a cake because I didn’t want to.

The day after the wedding was The Hangover Brunch so I felt like we could do waffles, pancakes, cornbread, etc. then. So ya, skip the whole cake dance thing. Our focus here was on the booze to be honest.

If you haven’t watched the wedding video, watch!:


My dad was so cute. Basically my grandma & I had already picked out her Cabo looks. One of the looks was this teal kaftan ( CHIC RIGHT ). It was a beautiful beaded piece she choose all on her own. She was VERY adamant about this being her poolside moment. Really though, she couldn’t wait to rock it with her huge gold aviators & an absurdly wife-brimmed hat.

Anyway my dad brought it down to Cabo & then brought it to every single wedding event.

Michael & I sat in this huge black velvet chair ( it was like a love seat but not cheesy, one we could both sit at ) and over the chair my dad hung The Nanz’ teal kaftan.

I missed her so much the entire wedding.

the wedding | the skinny confidential


I went into my room with Michael ( who was WASTED, HAHAH ). When Michael drinks too much ( which is like never ) he gets this one erect hair that pops out of his perfectly gelled, man-scaped hair. And lemme tell ya, the one hair was VERY erect. The one hair was poppingggggg. Since I blacked out the night before, it was only fair he had his own diva moment.

The reason I went to my room is because I needed to do an outfit change. As fun as it is to stay in a wedding dress…it’s also not fun. I mean it was kind of cutting off my circulation, Rose from Titanic corset tightlacing-style.

The outfit change was more of a party moment. We’ll get to the outfit & the party in the next post.

So you’re aware we still need to discuss: the party, The Hangover Brunch, the wedding party ( long story ), & my evil, diabolic wedding re-shoot………I told you- it’s a lot. If you’re not a wedding person- SORRY. Just want to make sure I cover my bases here.

laurynmichaelwedding-213laurynmichaelwedding-200the wedding | the skinny confidential

Lastly I have to say a huge thank you to Karma tequila. Because 1.) they’re my favorite tequila EVER— 100% agave, baby. And 2.) they literally got our friends & family buzzed for 4 days straight…also you should know their tequila makes a mean margarita. Trust me, I’ve had practice? ( A big tequila thank you Steve, Britney, & Devon !! ).

Michael is going to kill me if I don’t get off the computer, I’m clicking & clacking away while he is sleeping with his noise canceling headphones. Which, by the way, is the BEST investment EVER if you’re in a relationship. I JUST THROW HIS HEADPHONES OVER TO THEM & THEY WON’T BE ABLE TO HEAR ANYTHING.

Ok, going to make myself a piece of toast with avocado & chile flakes, lemon, & olive oil.

Happy Wednesday guys!

x lauryn

The Welcome Party | Part I Rehearsal | Part II Rehearsal | Part I Wedding | Part II Wedding

photos | video }

the wedding | the skinny confidentialthe wedding | the skinny confidential


  1. I love your wedding posts! Every little detail in your pictures is simply stunning!! I got married in October and still have stress dreams about all the planning that went into it LOL!! You did it flawlessly!! Can’t wait for the next post!! <3

    1. Thanks so much Chloe! I’m sure you’re wedding was beautiful. Stress dreams don’t sound fun. Have you tried magnesium before bed? xx

  2. I really cannot even begin to tell you how much I love every part of this. PERFECT. You are beyond gorgeous and I just am obsessed with how you only had the people there you really wanted there. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately for my own wedding. Why on earth would I want the people there that I feel like “have” to be there, but that I really never want to talk to in real life? Makes no sense.

    Your vision just turned out perfectly. You and Michael make me smile so big (:

  3. LOVE YOUR WEDDING ? I want to have mine in Cabo one day it’s been a dream of mine since I was little. Your wedding is GOALS and I’m so happy to be able to read about it !!

    Also, how funny is it that I can scroll through your pics & go oh “that’s her makeup stylist, that’s her personal trainer / friend” while looking through the pics!! ?

    Thanks for sharing .


  4. Such gorgeous photos!! I love seeing all the different parts. I LOVE the idea of a big long table vs all the round ones. The details on that table is seriously gorgeous & I am obsessed of the idea of a black velvet loveseat for the two of you at dinner – so cool. I also love that you had the Nanz’s faaaab kaftan with you at all times. Such a sweet tribute to her. Excited to see the party dress you slipped into!! xx

  5. I’m loving your wedding posts. It’s so not a traditional wedding but I love that about it. Sometimes when people say they hate weddings they mean they hate the stuff you cut out of your wedding – any of the obligation stuff. I personally love your focus on the friends and family above all else. I feel like that’s what I want.

  6. Sounds like the best wedding ever! I think it’s hilarious you both had a melddown tequila moment, that’s when the crazy happens ;-)! X

  7. BEAUTIFUL – all of it! We chose to have a destination wedding as well (Vegas) and we had only the peeps that mattered most, it was great. That’s how a wedding should be done! Margaritas and a big party! You guys seem like a really fun couple, best of luck and keep on being you!

  8. What made you decide to not have a wedding party? I noticed you didn’t have bridesmaids and I love the idea but I think my friends might feel left out. Been a reader for like 6 years now! So happy for you!

  9. I know I see you on the reg, and you already know how much I absolutely adore you, but your wedding…. It’ll never be beat. I’ll never get sick of looking at the pictures and I certainly won’t forget being spoiled and taken along to Cabo with you and some of THE BEST DAMN PEOPLE I’VE EVER MET! Forever a fan, forever a friend. Love you, mean it!

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