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PART IV: Wedding

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WHAT UP PART 4. That’s right it took four posts to break down the wedding.

And to be honest there’s still more- just want to make sure I squeeze everything in. Taking my time with the posts because I don’t want to overwhelm you. If you’re new to The Skinny Confidential be sure to check out the previous wedding posts ( Part I | Part II | Part III ) so you can get the full deets.

So where did we leave off?

Oh, that’s right- the outfit change.

I did an outfit change because the wedding dress needed to own its moment. And it didn’t need a whole night of dancing & getting ruined.

I wanted to leave the wedding dress as a moment in time- didn’t want to oversaturate it, you know?

So I worked closely with The Dress Theory Bridal Shop ( my shopping experience ) to design a two piece for the afterparty. Lace on top, skirt on the bottom. Bridal on top, kind of slutty on the bottom. You know just sticking with the contrast theme here.


Anyway Michael & I came in to the party after getting touched up & immediately danced to the song NOTHING ELSE MATTERS by Metallica. If you haven’t heard of it, I highly recommend you download it- it’s one of our favorite songs.

The lyrics are beautiful.

The whole song Michael was DRUNK. Grabbing my butt the entire dance- BAHAHAH. Sorry Daddy. After the song was over?

It was time to PARTYYYYYY.

EVERYONE was dancing- like everyone. Again it was a small wedding so there weren’t any Debbie Downers which was ideal for the energy. Fabulous energy all around. The playlist was a medley…& everyone was buzzed up.



My friend, Jeff, pulled me aside & asked if I cared if he told everyone to jump in the pool.

“UM NO, PLEASE DO IT,” I said.

So my entire wedding party ended up in the pool, Dad & all. In their clothes.

Michael was swimming around in his suit like a fucking tadpole.


I got a Snapchat of it, which I’m very happy about:

I mean!!! Do you see my stepmom walking into the pool at the end?

Could die happy after this display.


It really was a moment in time that was magical…& so funny. I mean everyone was screaming & chanting & just being drunk. Michael being the star of the drunk parade. LOL.

Included below are a few more photos of us looking presentable.


After the drunken poolscapades we headed back to our hotel room & had a party until 5 AM because that’s what you do when you get married right?

Like we needed more tequila & champagne for sure.

People even ended up sleeping in our hotel room- I didn’t care because that’s what I wanted- FRIENDS, FAMILY, FUNNY, CHILL.

Besides we could pull out the coconut oil after everyone went home, HA.

Oh, & if you haven’t watched the wedding video, watch!:


You should also know that our wedding filters were so fun! I highly recommend doing flirty filters for weddings or events on Snapchat. I worked really closely with Kelcey Vossen who’s this incredible artist & totally got my vision. We literally had a specific filter for every day. She even drew my friends- like she looked at their Instagrams & drew my best friends for a filter. How fun is that?

You can’t go wrong with a filter- everyone LOVES them. Trust me.

Note: if you have an event filter designed make sure you submit them to Snapchat 5 days before ( NO hashtags are allowed on the designs too ).

Check out the exact filters we used & follow Kelcey on Instagram to see more of her designs- she rocks:

wedding snapchat filters | by the skinny confidential

ANYWAY! So ya, that was our wedding.

We had such a ball bringing you guys along. I think I’m going to do a wedding Q & A to answer all your questions- maybe a video? Ask me anything below so I can shout out your username.

Again we also have to discuss The Hangover Brunch, wedding party PART 2, wedding website,…and THE WEDDING RESHOOT. HAHA, aware I’m psycho.

All in all besides my drunken bridezilla moment I was pretty chill?

Well kind of, Michael said I reminded him of Congo on the Friday before our wedding, so there’s that.

At least he knows I mean business.

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OHHH ANDDD our wedding was featured on Green Wedding Shoes– I’ve been a huge fan of their wedding site forever ( they just get it, you know? ). They basically broke down the whole event AND included a pic from our wedding re-shoot that I forced my whole ( poor ) family to do. Be sure to check it out on their badass wedding site, Green Wedding Shoes…& if you’re planning a wedding right now- they’re kind of a one-stop shop!

With that, I really hope you’ve enjoyed the wedding recaps. It was fun to re-live it.

Cabo is highly recommended if you’re looking for a chill place to have a wedding. I am very happy with how it turned out.

( Michael: can we please go back to celebrate our wedding anniversary? AHEM. Cough, cough ).

You can listen to wedding podcast ( ep. 36 ) if you want more- we talk all about how we got together in the first place. It’s a long one.

Thank you again for all the support & kind words on our marriage- we’re excited to see what’s next.

I love you guys! XO

The Welcome Party | Part I Rehearsal | Part II Rehearsal | Part I | Part II | Part III

photos | video }

SHOP SIMILAR: lace top | skirt | white pumps



  1. First of all,you 2 are THE hottest and sexiest and most adorable couple EVER!!Kick ANY fake ass celebrity couples’s butt!Secondly,love your blog!Am old enough 2B your momma,with 4 daughters of my own,all adults.But,I want to hang with y’all!Am from the Midwest and now live in the Phoenix area.Peeps my age(almost 56),SUCK!In THEE most biblical way!Always having 2B politically correct/anal retentive.Am always having a blast and my goal anytime I venture out of my home,is to get the CRABBIEST person I find,to laugh.Anyway,loved your wedding video.1 of my 4 girls got married a few years ago,and I hung with her and the wedding party(had to protect my then 18 year old baby,that was a bridesmaid)?!Got pretty Aah tipsy?!And I rarely drink.Limo driver was flirting,then got teased about that.So,had a blast and thank GOD,I did NOT hang with anyone my age!Ex husband,ex family…AWKWARD.Better stop or will go on and on …Have a major couple crush,lol.Not in a sicko way,rather endearing way.And I am ALWAYS late too!Darn ADHD!!?BAHAHA??

    1. Omg you are too sweet Teri! I love your spirit. Reminds me of The Nanz’ : ) xx

  2. Hahaha love these pics and your entire attitude at the wedding. Feel like I’ll be a bridezilla up until the moment we say “I do” and then I’m gonna be like, “fuck it, where’s the queso?”

  3. I love this so much. You are gorgeous. I know I’ve said this before, but I love your mindset on your wedding more than I can tell you!

  4. Lauryn…. We wore the SAME top at our weddings….your reception top was what I wore the whole day! Hats off to The Dress Theory!
    – Vivian

  5. Awesome wedding. Love everything about it. Please tell what is the song playing at the end of the wedding video?

  6. hey beautiful! just checked out Kelceys instagram for a geofilter and also snapchats official page and it says that México isn’t on the list of countries where you can do a personalized filter. I need to know howwwwww you pulled it off please! Since your wedding was in Cabo.. and I live in México City. Thanks!!!

  7. I loved the wedding video, it looked like the most amazing time with friends, so perfect and exactly how I would want my own wedding to be ♡ xx

  8. You guys look like a gorgeous and happy couple, wishing you a very happy married life. I can’t just say it’s a perfect wedding, it’s beyond perfect. Every glimpse of this wedding are so amazing. Thanks for sharing those beautiful moments.

  9. Even if a friend or relative can make a decent fist of the filming, they will surely come unstuck when it comes to editing. Without professional editing equipment and knowledge of what works when it comes to editing and producing wedding videos the final result will look very amateurish and certainly not provided a true reflection of such a beautiful day.

  10. What a beautiful wedding! Congratulation to you and your husband! Great set of photos and it really looks like you were having a lot of fun. Good luck on your married life and looking forward to more of your adventures!

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