Pregnancy | The Skinny Confidential A lifestyle blog, podcast, and brand by Lauryn Evarts Bosstick. For the girl who wants to be the best version of herself, on her own terms. Thu, 02 Mar 2023 09:58:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best Supplements For Postpartum Depression, Gut Health & Nutrition Wed, 01 Mar 2023 22:57:40 +0000 We are in for such a treat today because Lauryn is sharing the postpartum supplement and nutrition plan that Dr.

The post The Best Supplements For Postpartum Depression, Gut Health & Nutrition appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

The Best Supplements For Postpartum Depression, Gut Health & Nutrition

We are in for such a treat today because Lauryn is sharing the postpartum supplement and nutrition plan that Dr. Daryl Gioffre recommended to her.

If you aren’t familiar with Dr. Daryl Gioffre or his brand Get Off Your Acid, allow us:

Dr. Daryl Gioffre is a highly sought-after longevity expert who uses a cutting-edge approach to nutrition to help his patients fight inflammation and achieve and maintain an optimal level of health and energy.

In his most recent episode (listen here) he discusses how we can heal our gut, tests we can take, how healing our gut can heal disease and how our overall health and performance will benefit from doing so.

Get off your suger book with Dr. Daryl Gioffre

And in case you missed his first podcast episode, you can listen to it here. He talks about changing your life by reclaiming your health, getting off your acid and making decisions that can have life-altering effects.

Highly recommend both episodes, especially if you’re into health & wellness. Dr. Daryl is a wealth of knowledge and shares valuable, useful, tangible tips that can help you & your quality of life.

He should know, he’s a former Sugar Addict turned Health Machine. So he knows firsthand what it takes to overcome challenges in the pursuit of superior health.

Anyway, he gave Lauryn this whole protocol to follow for optimal health, not only for her, but for Townes too (through nursing). These recommendations are good for the gut-brain connection, recovery, and overall nutrition.

Keep in mind Dr. Gioffre recommended this specifically for Lauryn but said we could totally share it as a general protocol on the blog. AS ALWAYS, do what works for you and check with your own healthcare provider on what is safe for you.

Let’s get into it:

The Best Supplements For Postpartum Depression, Gut Health & Nutrition

ultimate probiotic prebiotic silver fern | by the skinny confidential
ultimate probiotic prebiotic silver fern | by the skinny confidential


A note from Dr. Daryl Gioffre: An alarmingly growing body of new research has linked postpartum blues or depression to INFLAMMATION. This is one of the reasons why Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation is so critical.

We also now better understand the role of the gut-brain connection (via the vagus nerve) in regulating mood, and a 2013 study published in the Asian Journal of Psychiatry found a strong correlation between inflammation, serotonin levels (95% of serotonin is produced in your GUT) and postpartum depression, which is why it is so important we take a close look at our guts and keep them healthy.

Further, the research on the link between nutrient depletion during pregnancy and lactation and postpartum blues and/or depression has shown that nutrient depletion can affect the production of key mood-regulating neurotransmitters, like serotonin, and that lower levels of folate, Vitamin D, iron, selenium, zinc, fats, and fatty acids have all been associated with a higher risk of not feeling well postpartum. 

With that said, these are the key supplements I recommend for a quick and safe recovery, followed by the most important foods and nutrients to lower inflammation and support the recovery process.

Postpartum Supplements:

Alkamind Acid-Kicking Omega-3 Fish Oil:  

+ Take 4 softgels daily with food (2 with lunch, 2 with dinner). This will give you 4 grams of Omegas.

+ Omega-3 deficiency is the #1 cause of post-partum blues and depression, so keep it up.

Nordic Naturals Ultimate DHA & children’s DHA.

+ If you are breastfeeding, you need to take an ADDITIONAL children’s fish oil for your baby, as they need more DHA (and you need more EPA for inflammation). Baby will be stealing YOUR omega-3, so now you both get what you need.

Alkamind D3 + K2 

+ Take ½ dropper daily with first meal of day (12 drops daily in mouth = 6,000 IU).

+ Will pass through to the baby via breast feeding.

Innate Baby and Me Prenatal Supplement by Innate Response (without Omega-3 or Vitamin D3, as these will go RANCID in a prenatal, becoming pro-inflammatory)

+ Take 2 capsules per day. 

+ An excellent pre and postnatal multivitamin. Since the dose is only 2 pills vs the 10 that are in most prenatal packs, and it’s whole-food based, it offers the synergistic benefits that you get when using a food-based product.

+ Contains the B vitamins including folic acid (for baby’s brain development) you need for brain and nerve system support, as well as 18 mg of iron (will reduce fatigue, and for potential blood lost during pregnancy).

Acid-Kicking Minerals

+ Critical to get magnesium into the body. Drink twice daily (will also help to keep milk supply up).

+ I would also use a magnesium lotion daily.

Acid-Kicking Greens

+ Drink 1-2x daily 

Klaire Labs Therbiotic 

+ Take 1 capsule before bed

+ For healthy gut-brain connection


+ For tissue and cartilage repair, and preventing hair loss

Lauryn pregnant

Additional Tips:

All of the nutrients I am about to mention here you are getting in the ABOVE supplement list, however, would be good to focus on these foods rich in these micronutrients as well:


It’s important to replenish the iron you lose during childbirth. If you’re breastfeeding, your iron stores supply your baby with iron for their proper development and thyroid function. Good iron sources include red meat, clams, oysters, and my favorite, green leafy veggies.  Try to drink my Acid-Kicking Greens twice daily, as this will also STRENGTHEN your red blood cells, which will increase your iron levels.  

Vitamin B12.

B12 is required for proper red blood cell development, energy production, and helping to form our DNA. Babies with inadequate B12 levels are often more irritable, and have an increased risk for failure to thrive, developmental delays, and poor brain growth. The best sources are sardines, wild-caught salmon, clams, tuna, liver, and beef. There is also B12 in the Baby and Me pre/postnatal supplement I suggested above. 


An omega-3 fatty acid. Infants of mothers with a high DHA concentration in their breast milk have been shown to have improved brain and vision development. Even if you’re not breastfeeding, there has been research in the role of DHA in enhancing mental focus, and reducing inflammation and the risk of postpartum depression. Good sources include salmon, sardines, grass-fed eggs, as well as chia, flax, and hemp seeds . Most moms should continue to take a DHA supplement after pregnancy because many do not get enough in their diet.  This is why I suggest an ADULT Omega-3, as well as a children’s DHA. 


Choline is a nutrient similar to folic acid that is crucial for brain development. The needs for this nutrient increase during pregnancy and are the highest in breastfeeding moms. Choline is very important for infant memory and brain development. The best food sources of choline are grass-fed eggs and organ meats like liver.  I also love these plant-based options – raw nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, and flax seeds, all high in choline content. Edamame is also a great source of vegan choline. Legumes such as chickpeas, kidney beans, and pinto beans are also great sources of vegan choline.

Vitamin D.

It supports the immune system, brain, and nervous system and also reduces risk of postpartum depression and anxiety. The best dietary sources of Vitamin D are fatty fish like salmon and tuna, liver, egg yolks, and a 30-minute walk in the sun daily. 


Eat at least 2 Brazil nuts daily, to get the recommended dosing of SELENIUM (more is ok – you can also make my chocolate chia pudding recipe, and swap the cashews FOR ½ cup of Brazil Nuts). Also found in sunflower seeds and chia seeds. 


Important for baby’s brain and nerve system health.  Found in spinach, leafy greens, beef liver, black-eyed peas, broccoli, and avocado.


Have these sea vegetables – ¼ teaspoon of kelp OR dulse for iodine support to promote healthy thyroid function. 

To promote breast milk production:


♡ Dr. Daryl’s Acid-Kicking Tea  


+ 16-20 oz. of filtered water

+ 1 inch of fresh turmeric root                      

+ 1 inch of fresh ginger root

+ 1 lemon slice (do not boil, just add to tea before serving)


+ Peel the turmeric and ginger and chop it into small pieces (the smaller the better).

+Add turmeric and ginger pieces into a pot with water, and bring to a boil. Once boiling, bring to a simmer for 10 minutes and serve (simmer longer if you want stronger tea). Squeeze a lemon slice into the cup and enjoy.

+ Bonus – add a scoop of Acid-Kicking Greens to the cold tea. 

+ my wife drank a few cups of this DAILY postpartum, and was SO powerful with breast milk production. 

+ Store leftovers in the fridge in an airtight container for a healthy iced tea.

Best Foods for Postpartum Recovery:

These foods are very beneficial for postpartum recovery, so stock up. 

♡  Fiber-rich slow burning carbs (quinoa, wild rice, cauliflower rice, sweet potato with coconut oil and cinnamon, squash (butternut, spaghetti, winter), root vegetables, yams, etc).

♡  Raw nuts and seeds (almonds, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds).

♡ Healthy proteins (organic eggs and chicken, grass-fed beef, bison, lamb, buffalo, wild salmon, sardines, anchovies, trout, herring, etc.)

♡ Seaweed.

♡ Legumes soaked to prevent gas (adzuki beans, chickpeas).

♡Coconut, avocado and sesame oils, pastured butter, and ghee for cooking vegetables.

♡ Olive oil for drizzling over fiber-rich fat-burning carbs or veggies.

Bone broth (a nutritional powerhouse and good for just about anything).

In addition to the above list of postpartum foods, soups are an essential part of the postpartum diet. They nourish on many levels and warm the body to improve circulation and metabolism. Healthy fats are key to sustain good milk flow and improve mental stamina. The foods listed above will not only facilitate tissue healing, but many of them also contain key nutrients that support hormonal health and hence emotional balance in postpartum recovery. 

Stay away from sugary and overly processed ACIDIC foods as these will just create more inflammation and greater imbalances, slowing recovery time.

Nutrition and eating the right foods are just one piece of the postpartum pie. 

Self-care is also about nurturing yourself with rest, and whatever else speaks to you, whether it’s music, nature, meditating, BrainTap, or journaling. Most importantly, take time for you DAILY.

The Best Supplements For Postpartum Depression, Gut Health & Nutrition

Consider adding these anti-inflammatory foods to your diet:

Anti-inflammatory foods are the cornerstone of healthy postpartum recovery.

Anti-inflammatory, nutrient-rich foods help inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines ―molecules that regulate inflammation levels. Since your goals are to heal your body, rebuild your tissues, protect your mental health (inflammation is the cause of postpartum blues and depression), produce nutrient-rich breast milk, and restore your nutrient levels, anti-inflammatory foods should be the cornerstone of your diet.

♡ A wide variety of fresh, colorful vegetables (especially leafy greens)

Think green juices, green smoothies, green soups, steamed or sautéed greens, and salads (with lime, lemon, ACV, EVOO…avoid other vinegars because of the yeast).

♡ Low-sugar fruits and berries

(especially blueberries which I call BRAINberries).

♡ Iron-rich proteins

Like grass-fed beef, buffalo, lamb, bison, and bone broths.

♡ Healthy fats

Like coconut oil, avocado oil, extra-virgin olive oil, and pasture-raised butter (i.e. Kerrygold brand).

♡ Fatty, low-mercury fish

Like wild-caught salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, trout.

♡ Fiber-rich slow burning carbs

for healthy gut microbiome (and gut-brain connection).

♡ Quinoa, wild rice, cauliflower rice, sweet potato with coconut oil and cinnamon, squash (butternut, spaghetti, winter), root vegetables, yams, etc. 

½ cup per meal, not to exceed 1 full cup/day

♡ Probiotic-rich foods

Like kimchi and sauerkraut help maintain a healthy gut, which helps quell inflammation throughout your body while improving digestion (but avoid the ACIDIC ones such as kefir, kombucha, and yogurt).


If you’re pregnant, postpartum or know someone who is SAVE THIS POST. As you can see Dr. Gioffre is so damn knowledgable when it comes to health & wellness. We’re so happy that we could share these supplement and nutrition tips with you. Be sure to check out his books too: Get Off Your Sugar and Get Off Your Acid.

Again, consult your own healthcare provider to see what works for YOU. Lauryn just wanted to share what was worked for her, as always.

x, The Skinny Confidential team.

+ you can meet Dr. Gioffre in his first guest blog post here.

++ if you’re into healthy & delicious food, check out this post.


ultimate probiotic prebiotic silver fern | by the skinny confidential

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Tips For An All-Natural Birth With Hope Dworaczyk Smith, CEO of MUTHA™ Sat, 13 Aug 2022 23:58:33 +0000 Today Hope Smith is on the blog and she’s here to give us all her tips for an all natural

The post Tips For An All-Natural Birth With Hope Dworaczyk Smith, CEO of MUTHA™ appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Tips For An All-Natural Birth With Hope Smith, The Founder of MUTHA

Today Hope Smith is on the blog and she’s here to give us all her tips for an all natural birth.

Recently Hope was on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER podcast discussing her natural birth journey, her experience with surrogacy, reality TV, & her time as a Playmate.

If you’re interested in a natural child birth, this post is for you. Hope is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all natural births & we couldn’t be happier that she decided to share her tips & tricks with us.

MUTHA Body Butter

Not only is Hope a mom, author, and philanthropist, she is also the CEO of MUTHA™. Lauryn is a huge fan of the body butter. Plus, Hope is an esthetician, former model, author, and wife to Robert F. Smith. She also focuses on nonprofits that support women, mothers, and children, including Conscious Kid, International Medical Corps and Together We Rise.

Anyway, let’s get right into it and welcome Hope Smith to the blog.

Tips For An All-Natural Birth With Hope Dworaczyk Smith, CEO of MUTHA™


My name is Hope Dworaczyk Smith and I’m the Founder and CEO of luxury skincare brand MUTHA™. Aside from being an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and author; my greatest achievement is being a proud mother to four children. My two eldest children were home births. After seeing how much my dedicated doula helped me throughout my pregnancy journeys, I trained to become a doula myself in 2018 to expand my knowledge of pregnancy and childbirth. When I had even more to share on pregnancy and childbirth, I decided to write a book! It’s so important for all of us to talk about childbirth and to raise awareness that every birth plan is unique.

The journey through motherhood can be daunting, but you don’t have to go it alone. When it comes to raising children, we talk about that “village,” but pregnancy and giving birth also shouldn’t be solo tasks. You should surround yourself with a team that brings with them all the skills that you require to bring a new life into the world. You might look for that team in your OBGYN’s office to start, but don’t end there. Even when you choose natural or home birth, that team is no less important. I chose many helpers to make my natural births the most amazing experiences of my life. Hopefully, you can too! Here are some tips I’ve learned that can help you on your own all-natural birth journey.

Hope Smith holding twins

Tips For an All-Natural Birth:

♡ Find the right midwife

Find an excellent midwife and doula whose energy is one you genuinely feel comfortable and connect with. A midwife is someone who assists with the medical side of pregnancy and childbirth, while a doula is an emotional and physical guide throughout your pregnancy. 

“For women who have no history of birth complications or medical conditions there is no difference in the safety or results when attended by a professional midwife in a home compared to a hospital,”

– “Your Body Is Magic: Wellness Strategies for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth.”

Hope Smith Tips For An All-Natural Birth

♡ Take hypnobirthing classes

Attend hypnobirthing classes or learn breathing techniques for pain reduction and mental focus during birth. Hypnobirthing helps mothers-to-be reduce potential fears and anxiety related to childbirth with a combination of hypnosis, visualization, and deep relaxation techniques.  

♡ Consider clean eating

Make sure you are incorporating good for you foods and clean eating into your diet and are taking additional supplements throughout your pregnancy. Unless you want to have a “basic” baby, don’t take a “basic” prenatal vitamin – your body needs so much more! Supplements can be great, but there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for every mama’s vitamin needs. So talk to your care team to get a supplement regimen that works best for you.

♡ Be mindful of chemicals in your home

Be aware of the chemicals you’re using around your house and in your personal care products. If you want to have a natural birth, you should be cognisant of the chemicals and ingredients surrounding your everyday lifestyle.

I created MUTHA™ Body Butter because I couldn’t find any stretch mark prevention cream that wasn’t loaded with fillers and synthetic ingredients that could potentially be harmful to my baby. Two pregnancies later, I’m stretch mark free. Oh, and our MUTHA™ Body Butter is clinically tested too.

Hope Smith with her twins

♡ Rest and bond with your child

Birth isn’t a spectator sport. Don’t allow anyone to attend the birth if even 1% of you is unsure about their attendance. It’s okay to tell even your closest family that they can visit at a later date to give you time to rest and bond with the baby. 

♡ Work out before and during the pregnancy

It’s so important to work out during pregnancy. Giving birth is a marathon, and you need to be physically fit for anything it might throw at you. Focusing on strengthening your pelvic floor is key for preparing to give birth, but it also is important after giving birth as well.

My friend Brooke Cates, an amazing pregnancy-focused exercise coach, created a series of workouts to empower women throughout their pregnancy. You can join her courses online or get a circuit of key exercises to incorporate during all phases of your pregnancy, as well as during those postpartum months, in my book, Your Body Is Magic: Wellness Strategies for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth. They include work on pelvic floor strength, core strength, breathing exercises, lunges, and squats. It’s intense! But it’s what you need to have enough strength (both mental and physical) for giving birth.

♡ Do perineal massages

Soften the vagina and perineum by doing perineal massages starting at 35 weeks. Perineal massages stretch the tissue between the opening of the vagina and anus. According to the National Health Service (NHS) in Great Britain (that included data from American mothers as well), up to 85% first-time mothers who have a vaginal birth will have some sort of tear, muscle injury, or episiotomy.

A NHS study found that first-time mothers who performed perineal massage were less likely to tear, and even mothers who performed the massage and had less discomfort in weeks following childbirth. Talk to your care team, like your doula or OBGYN, about perineal massage and methods that would work for your body. Generally speaking, performing a perineal massage for about five minutes a day is plenty to get your body ready.

The tools you use are simple: your thumbs and a healthy lubricant for the skin. My midwife had me use Vitamin E on the vagina’s opening and perineum to prevent tearing of the tissues of the area during delivery. 

Your Body Is Magic: Wellness Strategies for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth

♡ Stay active

Keep it moving. During early labor, walk the halls, stay upright and active to speed things along. 

“Make no mistake about it: Birth is an athletic event. One of the best ways to prepare for all the physiological changes to come, and for the event itself – and to handle them with strength and grace – is to exercise. What’s more, exercise can help ease you through the mental and emotional shifts that often accompany the transition to motherhood.”

– “Your Body Is Magic: Wellness Strategies for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth.”

♡ Create affirmations for your partner or doula

Create positive affirmations for birth that your partner or doula can present to you during labor. This will help keep you in the right mindspace during this special time. Affirmations are the practice of stating (verbally or nonverbally) positive statements to help you navigate stressful situations in your life. Some examples could be: 

“I trust my body to know what to do.” 

“I relax and my baby relaxes with me.”

“Each surge of my body brings my baby closer to me.”

Affirmations can be very personal, almost like a mantra, so be sure to create ones that best fit your goals and mindspace.

♡ Trust your body

Remember that women have been giving birth since the beginning of time, and trust that your body knows what it’s doing. We’ve been preconditioned to believe that our only option is a hospital birth with drugs that block us from feeling feelings that are a part of life. Knowing that you have options and can fully control this experience on your own terms is so important during this time.

Hope Smith children

♡ A final tip…you’ve got homework

Do your research: there are tons of books, expert talks, and podcasts dedicated to educating around the natural birthing space. My book, Your Body Is Magic, is filled with wellness strategies and personal experiences from both of my beautiful natural home births. My website also includes tips on motherhood, skincare, and women who’ve made a change in the world. 


You can follow Hope on her Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram feeds.

Also, be sure to pick up Hope’s book if you’re interested in literally learning how Your Body Is MagicSo useful if you’re pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant one day, all-natural birth or not. 

Him & Her Podcast with Hope Smith

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ scope Lauryn’s postpartum fashion picks.

++ check out how she lost her pregnancy weight here.


The post Tips For An All-Natural Birth With Hope Dworaczyk Smith, CEO of MUTHA™ appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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Amazon Fashion: Lauryn’s Postpartum Picks Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:41:41 +0000 If you follow Lauryn on Instagram, you know that baby Townes arrived a few weeks ago & he’s fucking adorable.

The post Amazon Fashion: Lauryn’s Postpartum Picks appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Amazon Fashion: Lauryn's Postpartum Picks

If you follow Lauryn on Instagram, you know that baby Townes arrived a few weeks ago & he’s fucking adorable. There are some major fashion essentials that Lauryn has been wearing on heavy rotation that are perfect if you’re postpartum, or not, if we’re being honest. All of these items are tried, tested & loved by Lauryn.

Actually, if you’re pregnant, postpartum, or just looking for some casual, comfortable summer outfits, we got you. And duh, it’s all in the Amazon store for you.

SHOP TSC Amazon Store

Amazon Fashion: Lauryn’s Postpartum Picks

Quay After Hours sunglasses

cloud slippers

long-sleeved workout top

ribbed tank

Amazon Fashion: Lauryns Postpartum Picks

bike shorts

oversized flannel

Long-sleeve swimsuit


chic visor

cami dress (got white and navy)

Lulu Lemon bum bag


Ok ok, we know this isn’t fashion. But it’s been glued to Lauryn’s hand since giving birth, so she’s always hydrated with spa water, Pique ginger tea, Gangster Chic Inulin or the best iced tea in the world.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ stalk these 10 tips to help you start gardening.

++ stalk TSC team’s June favorites.

SHOP TSC Amazon Store


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Why I Fuck With a Girdle, Belly Band & Belly Binding Fri, 22 Jul 2022 16:43:33 +0000 Let’s talk about belly binding. Yes! Binding your stomach post pregnancy ( or in general ) because I feel like

The post Why I Fuck With a Girdle, Belly Band & Belly Binding appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Why I use a belly band

Let’s talk about belly binding. Yes! Binding your stomach post pregnancy ( or in general ) because I feel like it’s something that’s really worked for me. It’s important to say that I’m just sharing my journey- take what you like, leave what you don’t.

It’s truly helping my figure go back to how it was, pre Townes, so obviously I want to share the experience with you guys.

When I was pregnant with Zaza, I was very much into compression wear. And, well, now with townes I still am. Compression wear saved my life day after day. It helps with swelling, bloating, & works the lymphatic system too.

Think about how compression socks can get rid of cankles, but now picture that over your whole body. LOVE. Compression wear is really popular among pregnant women, postpartum women, & people who have just had surgery. It kind of trains your body to tighten inward so the whole thing just makes a lot of sense. Compression wear also supports your muscles, holds things in, & majorly helps reduce swelling.

Compression wear was staple during my whole pregnancy with Zaza, and now that Townes is here, I’m very into it again. , but now that Zaza is here, I’m still very into it.

In this post we’ll talk about a girdle, belly band & belly binding- I’ve tried it all, of course. Let’s get into all 3.

black and white pregnant mirror selfieWhy I Fuck With a Girdle, Belly Band & Belly Binding

Why I Fuck With a Girdle, Belly Band & Belly Binding

♡ Girdle:

This black one from Amazon is a girdle that’s good for post-pregnancy or not. You could totally wear this as shapewear, even if you haven’t had a baby. It’s black, has a touch of lace, & is definitely not the most unappealing thing I put on post-Zaza. LOL.

The pros of this girdle is that it’s stretchy & tight, but not super restrictive. You should also know that there are 4 hook & eye closures so you can adjust the size of it. This is perfect to wear under a tighter-fitting dress too. The way your body changes in pregnancy is such a mind-fuck, so to put this on, be held in in all the right places, & put on some pre-preg clothes can feel really good.

♡ Belly Band:

Big fan of this belly band. Actually I’m so into it. Kinda have them all over my house. It’s like a Velcro belt situation & has the most breathable fabric. And it’s really comfortable, let me tell ya. It’s so stretchy, but firm ( in the best way ), & you can adjust the straps to fit your body.

It’s important to note that this one can be used throughout all the postpartum stages. For instance, a week or 2 after birth you can wear it around your stomach, at 2-6 weeks after birth you can wear it around your waist only, & at 7-12 weeks you can wear it around your pelvis to support that area.

Wearing a belly band or postpartum belt can help with:

♡ a faster ‘bounceback’ rate.

♡ tummy support.

♡ reducing the enlargement of fat cells.

♡ posture & straightening your spine.

♡ compressing the uterus to return to its previous size.

♡ swelling & excess fluid removal.

belly binding benefits

♡ Belly Binding:

A couple years ago, you might have seen my chic, Barbie pink belly wrap on Instagram. BelliBind is this company that comes to your house & wraps you up. They also offer online appointments & tell you how to do it yourself so you don’t have to be in the area to use their services. You can purchase their binding materials on Amazon ( link here ) & they walk you through the rest.

Anyway, I was lucky enough that the founder, Princess came to Austin to wrap me up & show Michael how to do it too. She is such a master of her craft – which is the Malaysian tradition of bengkung belly binding.

I first heard about belly binding from Ingrid who did it with all 3 of her kids. She swore by it. Obviously I had to do it too. Now, the difference is after Zaza I did it for 5 days, but this time I’m doing it for 40 days.

Like I said, Michael learned to wrap me and every time we do it I’m cutting off ends of the strings because my uterus is totally shrinking. This works, guys. It’s such a commitment but my god it’s worth it.

Not only did Princess wrap me up, she also did a womb rub.

It’s like this gentle lymphatic drainage that reduces abdominal swelling and helps the uterus shrink quicker.

Anyway, @bellibind said that you produce a hormone called ‘relaxin’ during pregnancy ( it helps your body open for childbearing/birth ). Post birth, you continue to produce it to heal. Basically belly binding supports the natural healing process of the uterus & internal organs to find their pre-pregnancy place.

My posture has gotten WAY better & my stomach looks flatter- but, like, we still have a long way to go, ya know?

Ok, so let’s get into exactly what Princess recommended I do.

Wear the wrap for a minimum of 13 hours a day, and up to 48-60 hours, taking it off every 2-3 days to shower & exfoliate with the kit she gave me. Which deserves a moment because it’s major. The kit includes:

+ @prosperitycandle. The queen candle hand poured by women refugees.
+ @fractalista for crystals and Palo Santo “Bellibind Ritual” pouch.
+ @laliscious_la sugar scrub.
+ @bellibind Shine womb & body oil, Sitz bath blend, massage cream, cozy socks, & misting spray. It’s so luxurious you guys.
Plus, all the items are sourced from women-owned small businesses.

If anyone is interested in @bellibind, which as you can see, I fully recommend, Princess was so kind to offer TSC readers 15% with the code SKINNY at Plus, she’s an author. Scope her book here to learn more about this traditional art. Because it really is in an art.

Anyway, those are the 3 things that totally work as shapewear or post-baby. But like, even if I never was pregnant, I’m into waist support.

By the way, breastfeeding has not made me lose any weight once again. Like WTF? That hasn’t been my experience at all. Speaking of breastfeeding, loving Anya lactation tea right now. If you want to try it you can use code SKINNY15 for 15% off

Just want to say again that I’m not trying to tell anyone what to do. I’m only sharing my experience & what is working for me. I’m totally listening to my body & just doing what feels good FOR ME. You do you, always.

Peace, love & girdles.

x, lauryn.

+ stalk the newborn essentials you actually need. 

++ shop the pregnancy fashion-must haves to save your ass. 


belly binding how-to

The post Why I Fuck With a Girdle, Belly Band & Belly Binding appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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Pregnancy Fashion Must-Haves That Have Really Been Saving My Ass Fri, 13 May 2022 22:17:37 +0000 MATERNITY WEAR. I mean, if we’re being real, most of it is pretty gross AND expensive. Am I right? Sure,

The post Pregnancy Fashion Must-Haves That Have Really Been Saving My Ass appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Pregnancy Fashion Must-Haves


I mean, if we’re being real, most of it is pretty gross AND expensive. Am I right?

Sure, there are SOME maternity brands that are cute – like Hatch, but in general from what I’ve been hearing ( & experiencing myself ), stylish clothes for pregnancy are hard to come by.

Since I’ve found it difficult & members of my team found it difficult to find clothes during their pregnancies, I wanted to put a list together of what WORKS. For us, anyway.

Love how my team & I can connect on things like this then bring them all to you as a resource for the blog. Now, full disclosure, I have the help of stylist Emily Lafitte. Check out her IG @emilylafitte. She just fucking gets it. I literally email her ideas & boy oh boy does she deliver, every.single.time.

Alright, let’s get right into it.

Pregnancy Fashion Must-Haves That Have Really Been Saving My Ass:

♡ DRESSES ( Skims all the way )

Pregnancy Fashion Must-Haves
Mom with toddler on her belly

Almost anything Skims is a YES for me, & that goes for pregnancy too. They’re neutral, flattering, comfy as fuck & one of my go-to looks has been a dress with an oversized blazer. My favorite dresses are this tank one & this long sleeved one. The tank dress is sold out in a lot of sizes but here’s a similar one, or this one looks like it would be flattering too. Black or neutral is the move here ( almost all Skims pieces are ).


LIVING IN THESE. Every pregnant woman should know about bumpsuits. You can wear them with a blazer, trench coat, heels, white sneakers, flannel tied around your waist, cute sandals, slippers around the house, LIKE RUN AND GET SOME if you’re pregnant. They have so many options but my favorite is The Kate. They also have tight, form-fitting dresses like Skims.


Like I said above, Hatch has some cute stuff & their crewnecks are a staple for me right now. They’re comfy, but you still look put together. Another fave that I live in is this Enza Costa tee.

These long-sleeved tees from Amazon are another go-to. They’re good quality, very stretchy, flattering & comfy. If you’re looking for more short-sleeved tees, Hilary from my team lived in these for both her pregnancies ( size down if you want it tight ).

If all else fails just grab a pack of men’s white tees, throw a flannel over it & call it a day.


Pregnancy Fashion Must-Haves

For me, Skims bras just work whether I’m pregnant or not. They recently launched nursing bras so I think I’ll be trying those out. It’s no secret I have huge cannons ( LOL ) so if you have fake tits or just really big ones, AND you like an underwire, I recommend the Fits Everybody T-shirt Bra.

Some other maternity bras my team recommends:

+ Bravado Body Silk Seamless Wireless

+ Skim’s Sculpting Bralette

+ Motherhood Maternity Seamless


Stylish clothing for pregnancy

Most pregnant people like to be comfy and so do I. Jeans during pregnancy just don’t scream COMFY to me. HOWEVER, with Zaza I loved 7 For All Mankind jeans. They’re comfy, stretchy, but also fit like a glove & make you feel really sucked in. But like you can move. For this pregnancy I’ve been opting for the dresses above & some pant/sweater sets that we’ll get to in a minute.

Around the house I’ve been living in these joggers, leggings, plaid PJ pants or oversized men’s sweatpants.

A couple recs from my team: Lulu Lemon Align Leggings, H&M skinny MAMA jeans ( cheap, thin, comfy & wash well – not the best quality but they’ll last you for your pregnancy ).


oversized jacket for pregnancy

Like I said, these go perfectly over the body-hugging dresses & bumpsuits. The blazer I’m loving right now is sold out but here’s a similar one & some affordable dupes here & here.

Stylish flannels for pregnancy

Flannels are such a staple for pregnancy or not. These are comfy & look cute over tighter clothes. I have this one from Acne in heavy rotation but also have this one from Amazon in a few colors. Men’s dress shirts work well too. Steal your SO’s or stalk this one & a cute silk blouse from Zara.

Some new favorite pieces that Emily got for me: this duster coat & vegan leather shirt ( & bonus, it’s on sale now !! ).


+ Lola Cruz Rika Sandals ( comfy if you need to dress up )

+ Bottega Veneta Lido slides ( you’ve heard me rave about these – worth the investment )

+ white sneakers ( like walking on a cloud )

+ slippers & Ugg booties ( every other second of the day )


+ Cult Gaia pink long knit sweater

+ buttercream sweater tank with slit up the middle ( you may have seen this on my IG ), paired with rib-knit pants. They’re sold out but these ones by Aimee Song look cute & so do these.

+ black vegan leather trench coat


+ cardigans

+ huge t-shirts with bike shorts

+ loose, flowy dresses

+ Smash + Tess rompers
( I tried these & they did not work for me. That being said, LITERALLY SO MANY pregnant people can’t shut the fuck up about them. Like raving & in love. I wanted to add them to this list because if you’re struggling to find cute outfits these might work for you. )

I put all of these things or their dupes in my Amazon store for you guys, so it’s all in one place. What am I missing? Sure, I’ve found some things that work with my stylist, but I’m going to need more to wear postpartum in like 3 weeks ( With Zaza I lived in this robe ). My god that’s coming up fast.

Let me know what I have to get below.

Stalk my Amazon Store

x, lauryn

+ stalk all my newborn essentials here.

++ check out this post for a little pregnancy #2 update.


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Pregnancy Musings: A Little Update For Ya Sat, 30 Apr 2022 16:30:24 +0000 Pregnancy Musings: A Little Update For Ya It’s been a while since I posted about my 2nd pregnancy so I

The post Pregnancy Musings: A Little Update For Ya appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Pregnancy Musings

Pregnancy Musings: A Little Update For Ya

It’s been a while since I posted about my 2nd pregnancy so I just wanted to come on to say hi & share what’s been going. This ride is just as wild as the first, but like, different? I posted a little update on my IG a couple weeks ago, but wanted to really lay it out here.

Just like with Zaza I’m obsessed with Bread Srsly sourdough & salted butter. You have to get this specific fleur de sel with grass fed butter though. I’ve also been eating tons of dried mango, pomegranate seeds & making protein pancakes like

+ one scoop of protein powder

+ 2 eggs

+ bit of almond milk

+ cinnamon & blueberries if that’s your thing.

Zaza loves them too.

protein pancake ingredients

But for months everything tasted like metal, so I wasn’t eating much. Did this happen to anyone else in pregnancy? I took herbal remedies, had NO CITRUS ( BOO, that was so hard ) & actually, taking daily minerals seemed to help.

For exercise, I’m still weight lifting with Brent ( @bodiesbybrentatx – & you can listen to him on the podcast & read his blog post here ) 3 times a week. WHAT A DIFFERENCE from my first pregnancy. Still doing Pilates, Melissa Wood workouts & lots of walking. Like so much walking.

Moving every day is important to me but I’ve noticed I have to get it done in the morning. By nighttime I’m fucking done. My stomach feels like it’s a million pounds & I just need to lay down with my toe stretchers. LOL.

Compared to my pregnancy with Zaza, I feel way healthier. At this point with her I had gained double the weight – probably all the Annie’s mac & cheese with lemon & chili flakes and chocolate chip bagels.

Here are other things working well for me right now:

Skin and Senses belly butter

ALL over the stomach & ass. Like, slather it on. It’s unscented so if ( like lots of pregnant women ) you’re sensitive to smell, this is the move. It’s vegan, cruelty-free & SO HYDRATING, but without being greasy.

Loving all Skin and Senses stuff at the moment & a long time lover of their body oil.

Arrae ‘bloat’

Really helping my heartburn. I had it REAL bad with Zaza too. I heard it’s because of all the hair. Thx Michael.

But for real, Arrae is the real deal. I first heard about from Melissa Wood & the founders have been on the podcast too. They are my go-to after a big meal & they’re really helping me feel less puffy in this pregnancy. They have all natural digestive enzymes including bromelain ( from pineapple ) that is known for aiding digestion. Also has ginger root, lemon balm, dandelion root, peppermint, & slippery elm. It was formulated with a Naturopathic doctor, is 100% natural & filler free.

You guys can use code SKINNY for 10% off your first purchase or $25 off your first monthly subscription.

Pregnancy Musings The Skinny Confidential
Pregnancy Musings and updates

♡ Osea mists & serums

Specifically Sea Vitamin Boost, Undaria Argan Oil, Anti-Aging Sea Serum. Been using these a lot & really like this brand. It’s super clean & uses ingredients from the sea. The products are luxurious, the branding is on point & they’ve been around for 30 years.

Use code PINKSEAWEED for 10% off your first order.

Just Thrive probiotics

Long-time fan of this pregnant or not. It’s the first 100% all natural probiotic with antioxidants too. It’s clinically proven to address leaky gut within 30 days & supports immune, digestive & emotional health. ( Use code SKINNY for 15% off. )

Also I’ve kept taking Gangster Chic inulin for this pregnancy ( I did with Zaza too ) & it’s also so good for bloat & keeping you regular. My friend Ingrid, the founder of Gangster Chic, suggests not starting this if you are pregnant ( even though it’s safe for the baby ). If you’re already taking it & get pregnant, then it’s fine. At least that is my experience. As always, check with your own healthcare provider.

TSC Lauryn pregnancy selfie
TSC Lauryn pregnancy belly selfie


For a minimum of 25 minutes every morning. Bose white headphones are a must for this because they drown out all the background noise of kids, dogs, doorbells, coffee machine, EVERYTHING.

Also sleeping with 528 HZ frequency. It’s so healing and helps your body & mind repair.

♡ creepy foot spa once a week.

This is like my best tip for getting work done if you work off your phone. You’ll be completely relaxed & undisturbed. You can use this time to return texts, emails, plan content, you get it. It’s such a good tip that I wrote a whole blog post about it here.

♡ body scrubs from Pellequr.

Anna, the owner, has become one of my closest friends & her spa is THE place to go. Hailee is my go-to for facial massage & Anna does my scrubs. Just in love. They will both make sure you have the most incredible experience.

You go in & it’s the most clean, sparkly place you can imagine. There’s a big, beautiful table that you lay on & the girls come in to scrub & clean you while you lay there like a dead fish in a bathing suit. It’s so nice & relaxing, sometimes I even put on a podcast. Should probably just chill & listen to music or nothing, but I just can’t help it.

♡ red lights in the bedroom.

We have red light bulbs in our bedroom so when it’s down time this is our only choice. Red light promotes relaxation & really lowers your cortisol. Been saying for a long time now that artificial DMV light is just the worst for you in so many ways. Lots more on red light therapy here for you. ( Tippity tip: there’s a how-to for turning your iPhone on red light mode if you’re scrolling at night. )

Other little things:

Thieves for cleaning the house because it’s safe for the baby & Zaza of course.

THE HOT MESS ICE ROLLER. Constantly rolling away the pregnancy puff.

toe stretchers. If you know, you know. Whole post for you here.

Get Off Your Acid minerals & greens. For healing, revitalizing & energizing the body.

♡ electrolytes. Been getting these from drinking coconut water from an actual coconut. Such a craving this pregnancy.

Bodywork with Peak Wellness. Dennis literally moved the baby & it helped me breath so much better.

What else? Oh, Michael is still complaining to me about all his ailments. My fav? His hair hurts. I mean? The self-awareness is just too much. Very creative of him really. Some other favorites: his eye is twitching, his neck hurts, he feels tired, his @whoop is telling him he needs to rest. You can also use code SKINNY for 15% off at It’s this health & fitness app, but like so much more. It tracks your habits over time & gives you insight and feedback based on your goals AND physiology.

Lauryn and Michael

Being pregnant is ok, I guess.

There are pros & cons. I will never lie about how I’m feeling because I think you can be grateful but physically uncomfortable at the same time. Everyone is different – and thank god for that.

This pregnancy I’ve been making a conscious decision to protect my peace & that means lots of reading with my Kindle & popsocket & resting when I need to.

So that’s my little update of what’s working for ME. Whether you’re pregnant or not, be sure to check with your own health care provider to see what’s right for you.

xx, lauryn

+ check out how I lost my pregnancy weight from Zaza. 

++ scope these time management tips for new parents. 


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Addiction, Wellness & How To Get 1% Better Every Day with Khalil Rafati Mon, 28 Mar 2022 17:35:54 +0000 Just SO excited for my friend Khalil to be on the blog today. He is fun, witty, thoughtful ( recently

The post Addiction, Wellness & How To Get 1% Better Every Day with Khalil Rafati appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Khalil Rafati on Addiction, Wellness & How To Get 1% Better Every Day

Just SO excited for my friend Khalil to be on the blog today.

He is fun, witty, thoughtful ( recently gifted me the most amazing crystal I’d been wanting ), SO generous, & one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. His story is out of this world.

He was 33 years old, weighed 109 pounds, & was living homeless on the streets of Skid Row in Downtown LA. He was addicted to heroin & cocaine and was literally on the brink of death. Before his addiction took over, Khalil was very well connected. He worked for the estate of Elizabeth Taylor & had connections with some of Hollywood’s most elite including Guns & Roses & Anthony Keidis.

Now, Khalil is completely sober, looks like a completely different person & is the founder & owner of the wildly popular fresh juice, food, & clean living franchise Sunlife Organics, Riviera Recovery, & Malibu Beach Yoga. Plus, he is the author of 2 books, I Forgot to Die &  Remembering to Live

But like, you guys HAVE to listen to his podcast episodes. His story is incredible. He has been on the podcast 3 times. If you haven’t listened, be sure to here, here & here.  He has the most incredible story & has literally crawled out of hell to become the most amazing man, friend, & entrepreneur. Since he moved to Austin we’ve gotten to see him a lot more & he has become one of my & Michael’s best friends.

With that, let’s welcome Khalil to the blog.

Addiction, Wellness & How To Get 1% Better Every Day with Khalil Rafati

Introduce yourself to The Skinny Confidential audience. We want to know everything!

Khalil Rafati: My name is Khalil Rafati. I am the founder of Sunlife Organics, the founder of Riviera Recovery, & the founder of Malibu Beach Yoga. I’m also the author of the best selling novel I Forgot to Die, & my newest book Remembering to Live. I have two cats named Krishna & Nietzsche. I’m a recovered drug addict turned health fanatic. I am really into fitness & health & wellness alike. I do my best to stay present, be here now, live my life one day at a time, & stay focused on the moment that I am.

What does 1% better every day mean?

KR: I borrowed the 1% better ideology from the Japanese philosophy of kaizen, which simply means “improvement.” 1% better is essentially the act of making tiny, incremental changes consistently on a daily basis & then practicing those changes over a sustained period of time, bringing about monumental results.

I started practicing getting 1% better every day in the very beginning of my journey to recovery 18 years ago. The idea of never drinking or getting high again seemed like an insurmountable task. The very thought of it made me feel dread. I just couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life without drinking or doing drugs. I thought my life was going to suck; And I thought my life was going to be boring. Boy was I fucking wrong.

Khalil Rafati Sunlife Organics

How do you structure your mornings?

KR: I stay consistent. I get up really early, like 5:30 am. My body wakes up without an alarm clock. This habit is ingrained in me so deeply that even if I go to bed later, which I rarely do, my eyes still open up right around 5:30am. Starting out that early takes any pressure off of me in terms of what I want to get done in the morning. This means that I can go for a nice long walk, hit the sauna &/or ice tub in my backyard, meditate, & practice an assortment of bio-hacking activities. Or, I can just piddle around the house & waste a bunch of time on social media although I really try to shy away from doing that.

The point is when you get up that early in the morning you can do a combination of all of those things & still have enough time in your day to get everything else done.

How do you structure your evenings?

KR: I’m very selfish about my time. Since I often give my time away freely throughout the day, once 5 pm hits, I pretty much say “no” to anything other than alone time or time spent with my girlfriend. I love to watch documentaries but I also love to watch mind-numbing, ridiculous TV shows like The Real Housewives of New Jersey; I like watching shit that I can just totally not have to think about & just laugh & not be so consumed with all of my tasks & dreams & goals & aspirations. Then I usually go to bed around 9 pm, or 9:30 pm at the latest.

What are some tools you used to overcome addiction?

KR: Exercise & nutrition would be the top two tools that I utilize the most on a daily basis. Doing a walking gratitude list is really really effective. I pray a lot. I pray throughout the day & usually before each meal as well. And I surround myself with people who are awesome; & I’m not just saying this because it’s on Lauryn’s blog, but Lauryn is one of my best friends & we talk & text a lot, most times daily.

We go on hikes together & we support one another. It’s people like Lauryn & Michael, who I have a separate relationship with, that I hold close to my vest. These are the people that are going to be there for me no matter what, not just during the great times but also when shit hits the fan. When I was going through some personal shit two years ago & my mother was dying, Lauryn & Michael were the first people to call me & offer assistance of any kind. They were both so supportive in their own unique way.

Michael is a guy; it’s important for me to have guy friends in my life so we can talk about guy stuff. And Lauryn is a woman. She’s maternal. She’s a goddess. I love joking with her & flirting with her & complimenting her. Michael is incredibly understanding of my infatuation with his wife. Not only does he just accept it but he actually encourages it. It’s a pretty fucking amazing feeling to be surrounded by such incredible, successful, & confident people. So yeah, I surround myself with great people, I read a lot of positive & spiritually uplifting literature, & I keep my head in the clouds & my feet on the ground.

What are some wellness practices you swear by?

KR: I love HIIT training workouts, yoga, intermittent fasting, heavy supplementation with vitamins, minerals, superfoods, etc., staying hydrated, & doing my best not to put poison in my body. I avoid wheat & sugar like the fucking plague. I also indulge in daily walks or hikes, dips in my cold-tub, & time in my sauna.

What are some tools in your toolbox that you use to make you a better person?

KR: The number one tool in my toolbox is self-awareness. I know exactly who I am & what I am. I understand my strengths but more importantly I recognize & understand my weaknesses. Self-knowledge is paramount. Authenticity is paramount if one is going to live any type of successful life whatsoever.

Nobody really fools anybody anyway. There’s a lot of truth to that saying, “I can’t hear a word you’re saying because who you are is screaming so loudly.” Just be honest with people – don’t try to bullshit anyone. Give compliments with complete abandonment, but don’t flatter people.

Flattery is gross but compliments are highly, highly underrated & most people don’t do nearly enough complimenting. If you love somebody, tell them you love them. If someone is beautiful, tell them.

Khalil Rafati Sunlife Organics

You recently moved to Austin. What are some positive things you’ve experienced from moving?

KR: Just like the saying goes, you come to Austin for the taxes but you stay for the people. The people & the food are the best I’ve ever experienced in the country. There is so much community here it is almost unbelievable. I feel like I am in some fantastic movie that I never want to end. The changing of the seasons is really cool as well. I love the fall. I love watching all the leaves falling off the trees. It’s a great reminder that this life is transitory & brief.

In living in a place where it’s sunny all the time you begin to delude yourself into believing every day is another dress rehearsal, but it’s not. This is all going to end probably someday soon, or at least way sooner than we think, or want it to end. Watching the seasons change is a beautiful reminder of the impermanence of life as well as the subtle knowledge that life is also eternal at the same time.

What advice would you give someone who feels ‘stuck?’

KR: There’s really no such thing as being stuck. Stuck is really just a state of mind. I mean if you’re in prison, okay then you can convince me that you’re temporarily stuck, but unless you’ve been locked up & all your rights have been taken away from you, you aren’t really stuck. You are just in love with the idea of being stuck, which is just a story that you are telling yourself.

If you truly want to change then make big, giant, bold moves; jump first & ask questions later, & I promise you, you will love the results. The only real sin you can ever commit is living a life of mediocrity. Be fucking awesome. Do awesome shit. BECOME A FUCKING LEGEND. 

If someone out there is using drugs or alcohol to cope with their feelings, what are 3 things they can do right now to better themselves?

KR: They can start by waking up. Nothing great is ever going to come from being numb. I guess if someone close to you just died, or you just got dumped, then of course I encourage you to take some time to grieve. But if you are trying to eliminate the cognitive dissonance inside your head as a result of the delta between where you are & where you want to be, there ain’t no fucking drink or drug that’s going to fix that. Only consistent, small improvements practiced on a daily basis over a sustained period of time are going to give someone a life beyond their wildest dreams.

Drugs & alcohol are comfortable. I get it; I get it more than most. But comfort makes us fucking cowards. Most people stay comfortable their whole life & then they wake up one day & they feel that it is too late. They continue to live out the rest of their life in sad, quiet, broken desperation & regret. Not me man. I am never ever going to be that person.

What’s a book, podcast or resource you recommend? 

KR: I love The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER. I love Joe Rogan. And I really enjoy waking up with Bill Harris. As far as books go, my top five absolute must-reads are Siddhartha, The Alchemist, Think & Grow Rich, A Happy Death, & The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

Where can everyone find you? Pimp yourself out! 

KR: People can find me at Sunlife Organics in Austin, TX. I’m there every day, 7 days a week. I’m fucking obsessed. And I’m constantly signing books, making new friends, & tinkering around with new recipes. Yeah, that’s about it. You can follow me on instagram too @khalilrafati

+ for more incredible stories on overcoming addiction, check out this section.

++ listen to Khalil on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER podcast here.


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My Latest Wellness Rituals For Pregnancy Thu, 03 Mar 2022 13:28:54 +0000 Pregnancy can be a real bitch sometimes because there’s a lot of stuff you ‘shouldn’t’ do. Like what, you ask?

The post My Latest Wellness Rituals For Pregnancy appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

My Latest Wellness Rituals For Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a real bitch sometimes because there’s a lot of stuff you ‘shouldn’t’ do. Like what, you ask? Saunas, The Cold Plunge, red light therapy, lay on a PEMF mat & even some herbs & essential oils are out.

Such a bummer, but there are still lots of things you can do for self-care & to make you feel wellnessy. Rituals & routines are THE MOVE, especially when you’re pregnant & need to take care of yourself just a little bit more. You should know these are all things you can do even if you’re not pregnant, of course. And if that’s you & you’re interested in The Cold Plunge stalk this post to learn all about the benefits & how to get one.

As I mentioned on a recent Instagram post, I want to share what’s been working for me during pregnancy #2. I’m also going to share codes for you guys to shop too ( totally inspired by @itsmetinx ).

Sidenote: you gotta check out her episode on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER podcast. She’s the real deal, so much fun & dives deep into her almost overnight TikTok success.

Anyway, let’s get into all the things that have been working well lately.

My Latest Wellness Rituals For Pregnancy:

♡  Meditations by @drjoedispenza  – the 24 minute one.

♡ Lots of reading – get a Kindle to help you read more.

Love the white one. HOT TIP: put a pop socket on the back to support your wrist.

♡ Breath Work by @iceman_hof.

Read more about it here & stalk his podcast episode here.

♡ Grounding, being in nature, fresh air.

So underrated. For more on ways you can ground yourself check out this post. And if you’re not pregnant & interested in a PEMF mat, head to & enter code THESKINNY10GIFT at checkout for 10% off, free shipping + a free gift.

Ginger Pique Tea

( use code SKINNY for 5% off + free shipping ) with Beekeeper’s Naturals honey ( use code SKINNY for 25% off your first order ).

♡ Walking every day.

I do this with a friend, Michael, Zaza, or by myself.

Cymbiotika B12 & liquid gold.

If you want to know more about this company be sure to listen to the founder on the podcast. You can create a custom bundle for 30% off & use code SKINNY for an extra 15% off. If you want to

Get Off Your Acid Minerals.

Here’s another episode where you can listen to the founder, Dr. Daryl Gioffre talk about reclaiming your health & wellness.

Summer Fridays, Osea and Skin & Senses skincare.

Ritual prenatal vitamins.

Use the code BOSSTICK10 for 10% off your first 3 months. For more on why I love Ritual check out this post.

♡ Weight-lifting.

Love seeing my trainer Brent in Austin. He is all about lowering cortisol & weight-lifting without screaming at you in a dark room. For more on why we love him check out this podcast episode & his interview on the blog.

Body brush from Pellequr with the body massage tool from Dela Heart.

Use THE ICE QUEEN FACE OIL while you’re doing it. My god, it’s a game-changer.

Gangster Chic inulin.

Long time fan of this. It’s a prebiotic & I like to have it in my coffee or sprinkle it on top of my fruit in the morning. My friend Ingrid is the founder & if you want to know more about inulin & how it works go stalk her Instagram @ingriddelamarekenny. She provides SO MUCH information, for FREE, & you can really learn so much about hormonal health & if her products are right for you.

Audible books & podcasts.

Get the white Bose noise-cancelling headphones & thank me later.

Canopy x The Skinny Confidential humidifier.

Cute, pink, won’t grow mold, just the prettiest humidifier you could ever ask for. Tons of skin benefits too. More here & use code SKINNY10 for 10% off your order.


Life-saver if you run puffy or are pregnant. It instantly depuffs & soothes the skin while increasing circulation. It holds the cold for so long too. It’s the Rolls-Royce of ice rollers.

Just Thrive probiotics.

Get 15% off with the code SKINNY.

♡ Yoga by Melissa Wood Health.

If you’re pregnant or post-partum, Melissa is your new go-to. She has tons of gentle workout videos for when you need to be careful with your body. These WORK. Don’t let the word gentle fool you. She offers a 7-day free trial too. If you like it use the code LAURYNXMWH for 25% off your annual membership.

♡ Facial massage & facial acupuncture.

I see Brooke at The Road in Austin for this.

♡ Sun Life Organics açaí bowl & @khalilrafati spicy bone broth

Arrae bloat herbs.

Use code SKINNY for 10% off a one-time purchase or 25% off your first month’s subscription. Listen to the podcast episode with the founders on how they built this niche business from the ground up.

The Preggers Pantry roller ball, Nosh body scrub & K’pure essential oils.

♡ Practicing stoicism.

Check out The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday to help with this.

Noy Skincare or The Golden Secrets gua sha tools.

♡ Freezing cold showers.

Just try it. It’s so invigorating & wakes you the fuck up. If you can’t do 3 minutes of this, start by a cold blast to finish off your shower.

Sakara Life chlorophyll.

Use code SKINNY for 20% off your first order.

♡ Workouts by @kimkellyfit, @parkerpilates, @bodiesbybrentatx.

♡ Phone on airplane mode for days & like throwing it in the fucking closet to live my life.

Can’t help but share all the obnoxious specifics that benefit my life so much. What are you favorite rituals that you swear by? What should I add.

x, lauryn

+ check out these 10 things I love about being pregnant.

++ stalk how I lost my pregnancy weight with Zaza.


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How I Lost My Pregnancy Weight Fri, 11 Feb 2022 17:19:00 +0000 This post has been a long time coming. Actually I’ve been meaning to write this post for about 6 months

The post How I Lost My Pregnancy Weight appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

How I Lost My Pregnancy Weight

This post has been a long time coming.

Actually I’ve been meaning to write this post for about 6 months now. In fact, I recorded a solo podcast episode all about how I lost my pregnancy weight from Zaza, but as always, I wanted to share my tips here with you guys, too.

When I was pregnant with Zaza I gained 55 pounds. If you want to read more about that, scope this post, BUT let me just say: if you want a quick fix, this ain’t it. I’m not going to share any quick fixes here because that’s just not how it went for me. The whole process of losing that weight was a REAL fucking bitch. It took nearly 2 years !! I was grinding & working every single day.

This blog post & the podcast are just tools that might work for you because they worked for me. Not one size fits all. As I always say, take what you like, leave what you don’t.

TSC him & her podcast

After I gave birth to Zaza I was inflamed, I was bloated, I did not feel like myself. I did not feel good. And I know a lot of women feel like that obviously after birth, but this happened for a year. I just didn’t feel good. From the podcast & the blog I’ve learned so much & gotten to talk to some incredible guests, but I also have so much good information from all of you guys, the blog, books & my own research. It was kind of overwhelming actually so I really had to sit down & simplify it to find what was going to work for me.

Looking back, I was a little bit too hard on myself. There was a lot of negative talk that I could have changed. And that’s just one of the thing we talk about in this blog post & on the podcast.

Anyway, I want to get right into all the things that helped me lose my pregnancy weight, but be sure to listen to the whole podcast where I talk about specifics of every single thing I did.


♡ balanced my hormones

Two months after giving birth I was in Pilates, complaining about my weight when a woman overheard me & said “you have to go see my hormone doctor.”

It was so life-changing that I’ve done a whole podcast episode on it, so be sure to listen to that if you really want the nitty-gritty of hormones. It was the very first step to shedding the pregnancy weight. It’s important you do your research & make sure you find someone who can really test you for everything. I mean, we took so much blood, tested minerals, vitamins, everything – really, we looked a the whole big picture. I went to Dr. Shirley Elzinga in Beverly Hills & we found out that no matter what I did, I could’ve starved myself, taken diet pills, Adderall, exercised 2 hours a day & I still wouldn’t have lost any weight. For me it was my thryoid & it was working against me BIG TIME.

So that is the #1 & most important tip because women can do everything ‘they should be doing’ but it’s still not working. Just be sure to go to a good hormone or naturopathic doctor who will do a full scope of work. This isn’t something that GP can just draw a few vials of blood for.

How I Lost My Pregnancy Weight

♡ started walking

This is something that I made a habit in my life again. I just walked whenever I could, if I was on calls & if I couldn’t leave the house I would have my calls or answer emails on the treadmill. Walking is easy on your body if you’re postpartum, especially if you’re breastfeeding, & for me, it just helped me be more kind to myself. It’s easy to implement into your day too, whether you take your baby in the stroller to grab a coffee or have a quick walk with a friend. Obviously walking outdoors is much better with the plants, scenery & fresh air.

♡ held myself accountable with food.

I’m not someone who can go on a diet that’s totally restrictive of bread, alcohol or some other thing. It feels limiting & like, I would just binge sourdough a few days after I started. So I worked with The Flexible Dieting Coach ( he has been on the podcast before, you can listen here ) & with him, you can eat what you want to eat. Erik helped me be more conscious of portions so I could eat what I wanted to eat & drink what I wanted to drink. So if this sounds like a diet you could get behind reach out to him on Instagram

He laid it all out for me, told me what to eat each day & if I went out to a restaurant we just amde it work. I didn’t feel deprived, had so much fiber, protein & greens & it wasn’t super rigid. It’s the perfect diet if you like to eat intuitively.

♡ changed my thoughts to positive ones.

This made one of the biggest differences overall. Like many women, I’m hard on myself. Every day for a year I was waking up stressed. I hated the way I felt & my body looked & I didn’t realize how much negative talk I was giving myself until I stepped back & monitored it.

You’ll hear way more about this in the podcast, but I basically started waking up & starting my day with finding hwat was ‘right,’ not wrong. It’s a mindful practice & it does take work. A book that everyone should read that really helped with this is You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. Highly recommend.

It actually changed my life & once my mindset changed, the way I looked & felt changed too. It’s like $2 on Audible so just get it. Trust me.

♡ started weightlifting.

Now you guys know that I love Pilates, The Method, Melissa Wood Health, P.volve- they’re ride or die workout for me. But I found my trainer Brent in Austin & we incorporated weight lifting into my exercise plan. I can’t believe how much it toned & tightened me up. So I think adding some weights into your workout along with some Pilates style movement is just such a good idea.

In the past, I’ve stayed away from gyms & weights because I don’t want some cortisol-raising workout where someone is screaming at me & I’m dripping in sweat. It’s just not for me. Brent’s gym is basically outside & he’s so relaxing to train with. He’s been on the podcast & on the blog so be sure to check both of those out.

Ways to lose pregnancy weight

♡ some other tweaks that really helped me.

+ sLeep.

I started going to bed way earlier & made it a ritual with red light bulbs, salt rock nightlight, Hush weighted blanket ( use code SKINNY for $40 off ) among some other things.

+ put my phone away.

You’ve all heard this before, but I actually put my phone in the other room before I go to sleep & turn on some healing frequencies that I learned about from Mimi Bouchard. Post on healing frequencies is coming very soon. Sound therapy is the REAL DEAL & so relaxing.

+ supplements.

This is not one size fits all, you have to do what’s right for you & consult your doctor or health provider. For me, I love Gangster Chic Inulin, Arrae, Ritual multi-vitamin, cholorphyll & lots of other herbs I have from my acupuncturist. One thing that seems to be amazing across the board for skin, hair & your blood is cholorphyll. I love Sakara Life Detox Drops in my water in the morning. & you can use code SKINNY for 20% off your first order.

+ adding superfoods.

Chia seeds, hemp hearts, Sakara Detox Drops & green powders etc. are all in my ‘health’ cabinet ready & easy for me to use. I think these things played a big part in tightening me up because they gave me fiber & protein ( hemp seeds have 10 g of protein in 3 tbsp ! ). I loved to have them on fruit with berries with some Gangster Chic Inulin. To add some healthy fats I’d have a scoop of almond butter or have Coconut Cult yogurt ( the chocolate mousse one is out of this world ).

+ completely cut alcohol.

I had a Cabo trip coming up in about 70 days so I decided not to drink alcohol for 70 days. It made me clear, so focused on business, & it just wasn’t serving me in any way at that time. More on 70 days sober in this blog post.

the skinny confidential podcast

There you have it. Those are all the things that have helped me lose Zaza’s pregnancy weight. Just in time for baby #2, LOL.

As I said, this is just what has worked for me. These are tools that might work for you, or might not. For me, weight loss is about feeling good. I feel like I’m the best version of myself when I’m a certain size, & FEEL a certain way. And that’s just me. If the phrase ‘weight loss’ is triggering for any of you, maybe this isn’t the blog post or podcast episode for you. But weight loss is what it’s about so I’m going to say it.

This is a subject that I really wanted to start a conversation on because I think a lot of women see influencers or people in the media walk out of the hospital 1 day after giving birth in skinny jeans, but that just isn’t the case for so many of us, me included!

Anyway, I really hope you find value in this blog post, but be sure to listen to the full podcast episode because I break it down way more & get super micro, as always.

x, lauryn

+ check out this post if you’re dealing with anxiety or depression in pregnancy.

++ listen to my podcast where we dive deep into all things hormones.


The post How I Lost My Pregnancy Weight appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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Everything You Need To Know About Egg Freezing & IVF Mon, 12 Jul 2021 21:29:57 +0000 Dr. Ghadir is a reproductive endocrinologist & infertility specialist in Southern California. I have had the pleasure of meeting him

The post Everything You Need To Know About Egg Freezing & IVF appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Everything You Need To Know About Egg Freezing & IVF

Dr. Ghadir is a reproductive endocrinologist & infertility specialist in Southern California. I have had the pleasure of meeting him a few times, most recently for his episode of The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER podcast.

Be sure to listen because he talks all about conception issues, success rates & just everything you could ever want to know about reproduction. But today I wanted to dive deeper because this is such an important subject to discuss.

In this post you’ll learn all about IVF, in-vitro fertilization & egg freezing. Dr. Ghadir is a father, husband, entrepreneur & podcaster ( The Fertile Life ) who works with all kinds of celebs, influencers & the LGBTQ community.

With that, let’s hear from Dr. Ghadir.

Everything You Need To Know About Egg Freezing & IVF


Introduce yourself & give us your background when it comes to fertility.

Dr. Shahin Ghadir: My name is Dr. Shahin Ghadir & I am a reproductive endocrinology & infertility specialist with Southern California Reproductive Center. I’m double board-certified in obstetrics & gynecology & also infertility. I graduated from my fellowship program from a joint program between Cedar Sinai Medical Center & UCLA medical center.

Who is a candidate for freezing their eggs? What are the pros & cons?

SG: Anyone who has the smallest tiniest desire to be a parent in the future should be considering egg freezing. We recommend patient to do this as young as possible & in the 20s is a perfect time to do so. But since many women have not realized the importance of this we begin to really push it’s importance for any woman who is now 30 years old.

The pros of freezing your eggs is that if you are unable to get pregnant at a later age you will have access to your own eggs & not need to use donor eggs if needed. The downsides of doing it are unfortunately the cost. And there’s also a two week process that involves injections. But in the long run that is a true benefit & not really a downside.

Dr. Shahin Ghadir reproductive endocrinology & infertility specialist
Dr. Shahin Ghadir

What’s the difference between egg freezing, embryo freezing & IVF?

SG: The difference between egg freezing & embryo freezing & IVF is rather straightforward. During egg freezing, once the eggs are removed from the female, all the mature eggs are immediately frozen for use down the line.

When we are doing embryo freezing, the egg & the sperm are introduced together & make what’s called an embryo. And then this gives the potential for fertilization & growing the embryo until the full grown stage which is called a blastocyst. Then at that point the embryo can be genetically tested to make sure that it is chromosomally normal.

The word IVF means in vitro fertilization & actually in vitro means ‘outside of the body’ plus fertilization. This is when we fertilize the egg & sperm outside of the body.

Walk us through exactly what it is like for someone to freeze their eggs.

SG: The process of egg freezing involves the patient calling the office on the first day of their period & coming in over the next few days for ultrasound & blood tests & starting a birth control to stop their natural ovulatory cycle.

Then the patient is transitioned into 10 to 12 days of daily self-administered tiny injections with about 4 to 5 visits to the clinic to do a blood test, & an ultrasound to assess & see how the eggs are growing. The final stage is performed in the surgical center where a light anesthetic is given & with a 3 to 5 Minute procedure the eggs are retrieved vaginally with a special ultrasound & a needle at the tip. All the mature eggs will be frozen at that time.

Walk us through exactly what it’s like for someone to go through IVF.

SG: The process of embryo freezing involves the patient calling the clinic on the first day of their period & coming in the next couple of days to do blood work & a vaginal ultrasound.

At that time most of our patients are started on the birth control pill in order to stop their natural ovulation for approximately 1 to 2 weeks & then they transition into daily self administered injections that go into the belly with extremely small needles.

The injections last for approximately 10 to 12 days & there are generally about 4 to 5 visits to the office for blood tests & an ultrasound to assess how the patient’s eggs are growing.  Once they have reached a certain size the patient will be taken to the surgical center & under a very light anesthetic they’ll undergo a 3 to 5 minute procedure which involves placing a special needle through the ovary & the eggs are then retrieved. At that point the egg & sperm will be introduced to each other in the embryology lab & placed in an incubator for approximately one week for growth & then potentially genetic testing.

You’re a huge advocate of the gay community having babies which is so amazing. It’s gay pride month so I’d love for you to speak on that.

SG: The LGBTQ community is a large part of our practice & we have gone out of our way to set up an entire division which is called the third-party division.

This division involves coordinators that help people find their egg donors & their surrogates. And also their sperm donors if needed. They coordinate all the moving parts & allow many of our amazing same sex parents to start beautiful families.

You’ve worked with all kinds of people including celebrities, influencers & the everyday woman. What are some ‘wins’ that have happened in your career that you can tell us about?

SG: My career has had a lot of amazing moments & a lot of amazing families that I’ve helped. I think one of the biggest wins for me has been the openness that my patients have had on social media & in the press. And just in general talking to other people & taking the stigma away from infertility.  And teaching others who struggle with this that their goals are achievable.

Everything You Need To Know About Egg Freezing & IVF
Egg Freezing & IVF process
freezing eggs after 35 and 40

What is the typical outcome for a woman who is 35+ when they decide to freeze their eggs.

SG: A woman who is 35 years or older who has decided to freeze their eggs has a success rate that is truly dependent on the quality of her eggs. We have had patients up to the age of 44 freeze eggs & have beautiful babies, but unfortunately for some other patients that are even younger than that, we’ve had cycles with no success. I have to say the majority of patients, do incredibly well.

Should you freeze your eggs if you conceive naturally & then want to have more children?

SG: Even if you have had a child & desire more kids in the future the thought about freezing eggs should not be ignored. If you are in a relationship & have sperm available it is most recommended to make embryos which is the sperm & eggs together. However, if you are single & already have a child & may want to have more children in the future, then the idea of egg freezing should be definitely considered.

How has the technology changed in the last 5 years when it comes to this process?

SG: The technology in the world of infertility treatments has continuously improved over the last five years. The level of accuracy of genetic testing on embryos has increased. And success rates are still very very high.

We currently have an embryoscope incubator that allows 1000 pictures a day to be taken of embryos that are growing & gives us significant feedback about the well-being of the embryo, along with a genetic testing results.

Once you have embryos, what does the process look like from there when you’re ready to become pregnant?

SG: Once a patient has frozen embryos in our office & they decide to come back & use the embryos, they will start the process called a frozen embryo transfer.

FET generally starts by calling our office with the start of the menstrual cycle & coming in for a blood test & ultrasound & starting a birth control in order to stop the natural ovulation cycle. Next, about 9 to 12 days of estrogen pills are given to build up the lining of the uterus & once the lining is at a certain thickness then progesterone vaginal suppositories & a progesterone shot that goes into the butt are started.

The actual FET takes a couple of minutes. And there is absolutely no anesthesia involved. The patient can go home & relax around the house for the next two days. And then  10 days later we know if they are pregnant.

What’s something taboo about your industry that you wish people knew more about?

SG: There are many taboos about the world of fertility. However some of the most important ones involve patients thinking that we are going to remove all the eggs they have on their body & don’t realize that we are only taking some of the eggs that were going to die off that month during the ovulation process anyway.

People always think that they will go into an earlier menopause because we are removing a couple handfuls of eggs & that is completely not true. Additionally, people sometimes think that this process takes six months or can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars which is also not true.

Where can we find you & how can someone book a consultation with you? What does the process look like?

SG: Patients can book a consultation by calling Southern California Reproductive Center at 3-10-277-2393 & following the prompts to make an appointment with Dr. Ghadir.

Or they can go to our website which is & request the appointment on line.


For more info on infertility, egg freezing & IVF be sure to check out Dr. Ghadir’s podcast episode on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER & all his episodes of The Fertile Life.

the skinny confidential him and her podcast

x, lauryn

+ scope this post all about balancing hormones & fertility.

++ check out the 10 things I loved about pregnancy.

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The post Everything You Need To Know About Egg Freezing & IVF appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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