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Saint Tropez Style | By Michael

Saint Tropez Style 1 | by Michael

A couple weeks back, I wrote a St. Tropez itinerary for you all. A lot of you guys snapped me about what I was wearing while we were out there. Look at me, a style icon! Haha! Far from it but for those of you who are interested, I put together these collages for your men.

The last thing you want to do is read the badass itinerary and show up in St. Tropez (or anywhere in the South of France) with your man looking like a bum! Make sure he gets his shit together and wears the right gear. Can’t have him looking like a slob on your arm! Get him in this gear, feed him some rosé, let his moose knuckle hang out, and hit the town!


Saint Tropez Style | by Michael - Saint Tropez By The Pool

Ok first things first, time to hit the pool.

Tell your man that some color is a good thing; I’m feeling salmon or coral shorts right now. Then tone it down with a neutral shirt so that he doesn’t look like a total asshole. A basic black hat is always legit; keep the sun off his face.

Lauryn will kill me if I don’t mention sunscreen, so bring some SUNSCREEN. I’m also digging these easy slip ons lately.

Girls, on a side note: stop wearing those gladiator sandals! It’s a pool not the arena. You are not Russel Crowe (another Gladiator joke).

Saint Tropez Style beach | by Michael

If you guys decide to hit the beach instead of the pool, make sure you bring a beach bag. There is nothing worse than having to carry all of Lauryn’s stuff at the beach without a bag. If you want him to carry everything then give him something that looks good to carry it in.

Then grab some flip flopsshorts, and a linen shirt. Done deal. A Panama hat is always a nice option but it needs to be right. No short brims.

Saint Tropez Style Town | by Michael

When you decide to head into town during the day make sure he’s not in combat boots. We are in a beach town here. Think light colored shirts and colored pants. When else can you wear this stuff and not look like a clown? Loafers always, hidden socks / no socks are 100%.

DON’T forget sunglasses! Definitely essential.

Saint Tropez Style A Night Out | by Michael

Nighttime in St. Tropez (or in any city along the French Riviera) is when you should really do it up. People are dressed to the nines. Ladies, make sure you aren’t in a coverall that you throw over your swimsuit. Do it up! Throw your guy in some white pants, white sneakers, and a black tee or white dress shirt with a black blazer.



  1. Great post! These looks are so St. Tropez. I also think pastel colors are understated on men, saw men in pastel shirts everywhere in the French Riviera!

    Glad you had a good time!

    xx Bree |

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