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One Of My Favorite Podcast Episodes: OUR RELATIONSHIP STORY


VERY FITTING to have a relationship storytelling podcast the week before our wedding, right?

If you follow along on Snapchat, you know Michael & I are currently in Cabo planning the last details of our 4-day wedding shenanigans ( they begin today at 4 pm, EEK! ). In true wedding spirit, we figured it would be fun to take a walk down memory lane. So a few ginger margaritas deep, we set up our podcast equipment & just kind of went for it.

This episode is obviously very special to me for a multitude of reasons. One being that I’M MARRYING THE MAN I MET WHEN I WAS TWELVE…so weird. You can listen to the whole story on the latest episode. Don’t want to give too much away.

There’s more where that came from too: you can expect a wedding podcast. We’ve been planning something fun for you guys…so stay tuned.

Also, if you want to listen to some other feisty episodes be sure to check out the “GIRLS ONLY” podcast AND our two latest guests: Adderall and Compliments & Ms. Gaby Dalkin of What’s Gaby Cooking AVAIL on iTunes or just click the PLAY button above on top of the site ^^^.

With that, I will leave you with this: the support you guys have given me & Michael through social media and The Skinny Confidential is just fucking astounding. I am so lucky to have such an incredible community of people. This whole process has been so much fun to bring you all along.

SO, thank you all for joining us on our crazy ride. We love you guys! x, lauryn

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  1. You guys – I loved this podcast! And I have to say thank you x 100000 because I really appreciated you touching on how it’s no one’s business but your own what you and your partner do in terms of getting engaged/married. I’m (happily!) going into year 3 of my engagement and someone asks if we’d “firmed up our plans” or “locked down a date” and it’s getting on my last nerve.
    You’re such a fantastic couple I wish you guys the best day ever. Definitely excited for what will be shared on snap!
    Congratulations! <3 <3 <3

    1. Congratulations! I LOVED being engaged. Just keep doing you Virginia! It was so fun sharing on Snap. Thanks for following along : ) xx

  2. I absolutely loved this episode. It’s really sweet to hear your story and know how you guys came to be. Y’all were truly meant to be! Congrats on the wedding and enjoy your time in Cabo!

  3. Can’t wait to listen to this!! A huge congratulations to you guys. I’ve been following along on snapchat as always, and I can’t wait to see the rest of the wedding festivities. You two are just the sweetest. Wishing you all the love and happiness this week and always xx

  4. I loveloveloveLOVED this episode! You guys are so sweet!

    And even though Michael seems to have been an ass towards those others girls – I think it is so romantic at the same time! Because he knew they were not the one!!

  5. FAVORITE episode! Also loving all your snaps 🙂 Hope you guys have an amazing wedding day. It sounds like you both deserve it.

  6. This was my FAVORITE podcast! Loved hearing all of the stories. Congratulations and enjoy all the wedding festivities!! xx

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