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him & her book club | by the skinny confidential & Michael


Michael & I really make an effort to read for at least an hour per day. REALLY just a great way to de-stress, chill, and gain some knowledge. All in one.

We usually do these book club posts separately, but since it’s the holidays we figured why not do it together? So here’s a little TSC HIM & HER Book Club action for you!

I’ll let Michael share his TSC Book Club picks first.

Take it away, babe:

him & her book club | by the skinny confidential & Michael

What Makes Sammy Run by Budd Schulberg

This book was published over 50 years ago and it’s one of my favorite books of all time. The main character Sammy Glick is the character we think of when we think of a Hollywood big shot in the glory days of Hollywood. The book follows Sammy’s progress as he climbs to the top of his craft doing whatever it takes along the way. It’s a harsh look behind closed doors in the darkest corners of Hollywood. This is a quick read but it always entertains.

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson

I had read some of Mark Manson’s articles on his site and always liked what I read but it wasn’t until I read his book that I really became a fan. It’s rare that I agree with an author on so many things and was surprised when I read this book at how much my head was nodding yes. Mark Manson takes a very practical and unapologetic (shall I say no fucks given?) approach to self-help in 2016. His writing is in your face no BS but you can’t help feeling a sense of relief as you cruise through each chapter. One of my favorite chapters is called “Happiness is a problem” and this is one of my favorite passages from the chapter:
“Life is essentially an endless series of problems, Mark,” the panda told me. He sipped his drink and adjusted the little pink umbrella. “The solution to one problem is merely the creation of the next one.”

A moment passed, and then I wondered where the fuck the talking panda came from. And while we’re at it, who made these margaritas?

“Don’t hope for a life without problems,” the panda said. “There’s no such thing. Instead, hope for a life full of good problems.”

Read this book, don’t be fooled by the absurd amount of F*cks in each chapter. This guy is smart, and he knows exactly what he’s talking about.

Ego is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday

A couple months ago I read Ryan Holiday’s book “The Obstacle is the Way” and really enjoyed the messaging behind the book. It’s basically a modern age look into stoicism and it provides a very strong message on how to keep pushing when life throws obstacles in our way. When I read Ego Is The Enemy I was even more impressed by Mr. Holiday’s ability to tell a compelling yet thought provoking story on an issue that affects all of us. EGO. Ryan Holiday uses real life examples and people throughout history to show us the negative effects ego can have if we don’t keep it in check. The author makes it very easy to understand because he uses extensive research and historical facts to show us the perils that some of history’s most famous players have faced because of ego. The most refreshing angle this author takes is that he is able to present his advice and thoughts using the stories of others. I highly recommend his work.

Paris: The Novel by Edward Ruthefurd

I love a great historical novel and Edward Ruthefurd is one of the best to do it. After spending some time in Paris it was really intriguing for me to learn more about the city. The book takes the reader through different time periods and gives the reader different perspectives through the eyes of different characters throughout the city’s history. If you like history and you like Paris. Read this book!

him & her book club | by the skinny confidential & Michael

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris

I just picked this one up so I haven’t read it yet. Honestly I am a real fan of Tim Ferris & everything he puts out there, so I am sure it will be great. This book is all about the most successful people in the world, their habits their stories, routines, & what they all have in common that helped them reach success.

When I Stop Talking You’ll Know I’m Dead by Jerry Weintraub

Unknown by most people Jerry Weintraub has helped build & been a part of the careers of many in the entertainment industry. We’re talking people like Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, George Clooney & Bruce Willis. This memoir takes you behind the scenes & inside the crazy life of this successful Hollywood producer over the course of five decades. I LOVED THIS BOOK. Especially because old school biographies are my fav.

A Little Thing Called Life by Linda Thompson

Linda Thompson’s life is unreal. You might recognize this babe from Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Linda details her 5 year relationship with Elvis Presley, her marriage with Bruce Jenner, raising Brody & Brandon, the secret she kept for 30 years & her rocky relationship with David Foster. In between all of this she was building a successful songwriting career. JUICY.

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

As you guys know, I’m a real fan of Gary Vee & I’ve also been a guest on his youtube channel. I really appreciated this book as an influencer because it’s all about storytelling. Storytelling in the digital age is SO important, this book shares tools, tricks, & the best methods for telling YOUR story in craziness that is social media. Whether you’re a business owner, influencer, in PR, sales, or branding, or any type of career, you can utilize the info in this book. Definitely recommend it. Another favorite is Crush It!

These books are great to sink into while you’re relaxing during the holidays. What’s your favorite read lately?

– L & M

+ Looking for more? Check out my October book club & Michael’s August book club.


  1. so glad this post is up! i’ve consciously made an effort to read more because of you two! always great recommendations and i always try something i never thought i’d pick up otherwise. thanks for sharing!

  2. hi guys! I am hoping you can give me a book rec or two. I work in sales ops for a cloud software company and specialize in making my teams’ processes more efficient. You guys have gotten me obsessed with Tim Ferriss, and I can’t wait to read Tools of Titans. I want to learn more about efficiency/productivity, particularly as it relates to business processes. I also love anything about analytics and data. Nerdy, I know. Any books come to mind? Thanks in advance 🙂

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