Business | The Skinny Confidential A lifestyle blog, podcast, and brand by Lauryn Evarts Bosstick. For the girl who wants to be the best version of herself, on her own terms. Thu, 09 May 2024 06:51:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore Sun, 05 May 2024 13:32:00 +0000 Branding. It’s something Lauryn has always been passionate about. Branding matters, your story matters and your product matters, too. But

The post How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore


It’s something Lauryn has always been passionate about.

Branding matters, your story matters and your product matters, too. But your product is nothing without proper branding, passion and a story.

We’re so lucky, because today Camille Moore is on the blog to talk to us about personal branding and brand stories AND why they both matter.

If you have yet to meet Camille Moore, she is a marketing expert and CEO of Third Eye Insights, a boutique agency specializing in creating powerful brand identities and strategic storytelling. And today, she’s here to talk about just that.

This post is useful to anyone and everyone, especially if you’re on the brink of an idea, about to launch a business, or just out of school getting ready to show the world who you are.

With that, let’s welcome Camille to the blog.

How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore


Is your personal brand holding back?

When you think of The Skinny Confidential, I guarantee it’s Lauryn Bosstick’s name that comes to mind. This connection is no coincidence; it results from a carefully crafted personal brand that Lauryn has created for over a decade. The connection between TSC and Lauryn’s name demonstrates the power and potential of personal branding done right.

Lauryn’s personal brand has become almost inseparable from her business. Her success lies in being unapologetically herself – she’s funny, controversial, straight forward and bold – and that’s what makes people want to follow her.

Creating a strong association between your name and certain qualities or areas of expertise is how you build a personal brand worth remembering. Lauryn has done this exactly, and it’s what you need to do to stand out. 

In today’s digital world, having a powerful personal brand is critical to survival and success, and too many are neglecting this area without focus or effective messaging.

Today, I will share my insights on the importance of a personal brand so you can have a following that believes in you and opens up opportunities you never thought would be possible.

Pause for a second and think…

When your competition, past clients, or the general public hears your name, what words and feelings come to their mind? 

It is important to be aware of this because this is how your story is spread. Consider for a second how you refer people you believe in to others, for example:

  • “You have to see Nicole—she is the best hair colorist on the planet. My gosh, does she know how to create a great blonde! She trained in LA under the top stylists and she does Taylor Swift’s hair.”
  • “My lawyer is a total killer. He speaks on TV about legal matters. He was a D1 tennis player who attended the same Law School as Robert Kardashian.”
  • “You have to try the new restaurant [name], the chef trained in Paris and lives in Europe half the year to improve his recipes and suppliers for the top ingredients. They change the menu weekly, and I’ve never had a bad meal.”

We sell through stories. We create micro-brands for the people we refer to in our lives, but we need to give stories to tell. Without a story, you are not interesting, and you won’t be remembered. Most people think they don’t have a story. This is wrong. Everyone has a brand and a story; you just have to invest in crafting your own narrative. 

Myth: Personal Branding Is Just for Entrepreneurs or Influencers

Contrary to popular belief, personal branding isn’t solely reserved for entrepreneurs or influencers. Everyone, regardless of their professional background, possesses a personal brand. Your online presence, from social media posts to professional profiles, shapes how others perceive you. 

You must ask yourself if your online brand is helping or hurting you. Chances are, it’s probably hurting you without you even knowing it. 

No matter where you are in your career, it’s time you start investing in yourself and creating a personal brand online. Whether you are finishing school, employed, starting your own business, or are job-confused, the best way to stand out and win is to have a strong online digital presence that captures and presents your personal brand.

How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore

You’re Missing Out Because No One Can Find You

The online world has changed. We no longer buy from influencers or faceless brands—we crave education and digital verification through human beings. We buy through our phones, and the competition is tough. The person who wins in the education war invests the most time, energy, and money to appear like the best person for the job. The catch is that the person who is best at marketing is not always the best person for the job– as often, the best is the worst at marketing themselves. Being humble holds you back. Your perfect job, client or business opportunity will never be realized because you can’t be found. 

Anything you sell, whether it’s yourself or a product, becomes intensely more valuable when you wrap a personal brand around it. 

Here is a story that will teach you a critical lesson about personal branding: 

Take Arrae. This gut-focused brand, known for its bloating pills, has transcended product status to become a household name among millennials. And what catapulted Arrae to this level of success? The personal brand of its owner, Siff Haider. Siff Haider’s personal brand allowed consumers to connect with Arrae on a deeper level. By peeling back the curtain and sharing the highs and lows of running a business, Siff made Arrae relatable and authentic.

Without a personal brand, a business can only go so far in its educational efforts. When product-focused content is perceived as an ad, its impact is limited. However, when a human, like Siff, educates on broader topics such as gut health and health and wellness, in general, her message transcends advertising and becomes genuine education.

Consider how you get to know the brand– Lauryn and Michael interview Siff on The HIM & HER Show. As podcast hosts, the group can collectively speak on gut health, and Siff can show that she is a subject matter expert without directly selling her line of products. Without a personal brand, the business can only achieve so much with how it educates– and how willing someone is to listen. 

When you listen to that podcast, what do you immediately think of Siff? How does she look, sound, and dress? What details did you take from her? What opinion did you form? All of these are data points that your brain collects and sorts from your internal perception of Siff’s personal brand.

Trying to capture someone’s attention for an hour without a personal brand or explaining your product’s benefits is nearly impossible.

Without a personal brand, no one cares, and you will spend multiples higher on marketing because you’re hoping to convert on an ad alone. But by investing in a personal brand, you can have a more organic conversation about what you sell—it creates customers without them realizing they are being sold to.

If Siff hadn’t invested in a personal brand, Arrae would likely never have become the brand and business it has. The two arms of her marketing and branding strategy complement each other and work to make the brand stand out in a sea of sameness.  

Without a personal brand, your business is just a business, and you will have to spend way more resources on ads to get new potential clients. Not only is this expensive; but it’s also dumb. You developed a product or service because you are passionate about the category you are in. Showing your passion through a personal brand works, period.

The Takeaway 

What you can learn from this story is that the power of a personal brand is universal, and it’s how you stand out. Siff’s investment in a personal brand not only allowed her to sell more Arrae products but also launched her speaking career and a platform on which she could grow and evolve. You don’t need a product line to see the importance of a personal brand. Whatever your career goals are, they can be achieved better and faster by focusing on presenting your brand online. We all need personal brands because we all need to stand out.

Take Control of Your Career 

Your personal brand is your professional reputation. It’s not just about selling products or services; it’s about:

  • Establishing trust and influence
  • Securing thought leadership
  • Opening up more doors and opportunities 
  • Allowing you to make your mark in your industry

Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or building your own empire, a strong personal brand in 2024 is non-negotiable. 

Personal Branding quote

Crafting Your Narrative: Stand Out, Be Seen, Be Remembered

Your personal brand is your story. It’s what makes you unique, valuable, and indispensable. 

My personal brand is what has changed my career and my life, but I hated video in the beginning. When I first started my agency, I told all of my clients to be on video but didn’t make time for it myself. My partner told me to get a grip and start creating content, and it was the best decision I ever made.

Creating video-based content was uncomfortable in the beginning. I feared judgment and criticism from all the people I knew–not only did I fear looking stupid, but the bigger fear was that I didn’t feel like an expert or that I was good enough to share my opinion publicly. The success didn’t happen overnight; the videos compounded, and without excitement, you realized that people started to recognize you by the brand you display. 

Reaping the benefits of a personal brand takes time, but its power is evident in those unexpected moments when strangers recognize you as the ‘branding girl’ or whatever your equivalent will be. Or when business owners or past connections, who have been silently following you on social media, come out of the woodwork wanting to hire you because they see you as the only person for the job. Or when your dream client slides into your DMs and says their CEO wants to meet you ASAP.

Moments like these make you realize that having a personal brand is the only way to get the most out of life.

By embracing personal branding, you’re not just shaping your reputation; you’re shaping your professional career. 

If you want to learn more about how to build a personal brand as an employee, business owner or thought leader, leave a comment below. I would love to come back for a Part 2!

~ Camille


There you have it: the importance of a personal brand whether you have a business or not.

Do you have a personal brand? How has it helped your business or your professional life? Let us know everything below.

Should we get Camille to come back for Part 2? We think so…

x, The Skinny Confidential team.

+ Check out these tips for female entrepreneurs.

++ 10 ways to skyrocket your productivity.


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Maggie Sellers’ 8 Tips for Female Entrepreneurs Who Want to Break Into ‘The Boys Club’ Fri, 08 Mar 2024 19:12:45 +0000 Happy International Women’s Day! Today Maggie Sellers is here to give us her advice for female entrepreneurs, especially the ones

The post Maggie Sellers’ 8 Tips for Female Entrepreneurs Who Want to Break Into ‘The Boys Club’ appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Maggie Sellers Tips for Female Entrepreneurs

Happy International Women’s Day!

Today Maggie Sellers is here to give us her advice for female entrepreneurs, especially the ones who are sick of ‘The Boys Club.” You know the one – the male dominated club that intimidates, degrades and condescends their female colleagues who have just as much knowledge, just as much experience, bring just as much value and do just as much work as them. Of course that’s a generalization but The Boys Club is a real thing. Let’s not even get started on the pay grades.

Anyways, it’s International Women’s Day and we thought Maggie Sellers was the perfect woman to give some advice for women in business. If you have yet to meet Maggie she has an amazing newsletter that Lauryn can’t get enough of, is a media entrepreneur, angel investor, startup advisor and creator. Having experienced The Boys Club herself she is here to give us her top tips for women feeling intimated in business who want to step into their authentic power.

With that, let’s welcome Maggie to the blog.


Maggie Sellers’ 8 Tips for Female Entrepreneurs


I’m Maggie, founder of Hot Smart Rich and HSR Ventures. I’m a multi-hyphenate media entrepreneur, angel investor, startup advisor, and creator. I actually hate having to so closely define who I am. Because I would so much rather be known for what I do.

If you’re new to Hot Smart Rich, it’s my goal and life’s purpose to empower the next generation of women in business by creating access and democratizing the education, industry insights, and personal and professional development skills required to break through and get ahead all while becoming the hottest, smartest, richest version of yourself.

It all happened so organically.

I got really tired of being in my masculine energy, manipulating my authentic self to perform in business when I was confronted with the sobering realization that even with the improvements we’re making, women still only get 2% of VC funding. Even more sobering when you realize that the startup math ain’t mathing. We (women) control 85% of consumer spend in the US!!! It dawned on me that maybe if we stop trying to change who we are as powerful feminine energy, we’ll create the change that’s so desperately needed for women to rise above and win. Hot Smart Rich by Maggie Sellers is my company but it’s also a movement, think of Barbie IRL.

When Lauryn asked me to come on TSC blog for IWD, I was beyond flattered and knew exactly what to chat about – My Top 8 Tips for Women in Business who are Intimidated by the Boys Club and Want to Step Into their Hot Smart Rich Power. So without further ado, here’s what I’ve learned over the first 10 years of my career breaking into the startup and venture capital “boys club” for you to apply and step into your hot smart rich authentic power.

Maggie Sellers Tips for Female Entrepreneurs

Talk Nicely To Yourself

I wish I had figured this out earlier because I’d be so much further ahead. Stepping into your power only happens when you believe it will and it’s inevitable. Your future is the self fulfilling prophecy you tell yourself every single morning. And if you don’t believe you can do it, no one else will either. This is the first step to making it happen and getting the courage to dream big and take big swings.

Find Your People

I always recommend that entrepreneurs find other entrepreneurs in similar stages vs. trying to network and grow with people so much further ahead or behind them. That saying “all boats rise with the tide” is so true. I’ve seen it happen in every industry I’ve been a part of and it’s no different as an entrepreneur. Relationships are two dimensional and if you aren’t able to offer something of value to people a heck of a lot further ahead than you, their participation and impact will likely stop at their name being involved. On the flip side, if you find other entrepreneurs in similar stages with a different focus (not competitive), you’re able to have eyes and ears in more places, making connections and scratching each other’s backs all the way to the top.

Lean Into Your Unique Superpower

Nobody is you and that is your superpower. Remind yourself of that. You bring something to the table that others can’t and it’s not replicable. Women control 85% of consumer spend, yet we only receive 2% of venture dollars. But I have a big feeling that our power is only going to keep growing as we keep building WITH each other and utilize our superpower that makes us unique and such great consumers. Remember that thinking differently, leaning into your feminine energy and perspective, and leveraging your life experiences is a differentiator against the boys club. So use it and don’t shy away!

Take Risks, Own Your Own Experience (and Your Narrative)

One of the best pieces of business advice I’ve gotten is to “always own the narrative,” good or bad. It’s ok to take risky bets if you’re okay with getting it wrong. BUT what will give you the confidence to keep swinging is what you do next. Lean into the experience and then craft and tell a damn good story as to what you learned and what you’re doing differently this time. People have a hard time arguing with someone who’s honest and vulnerable. And if you own your mistake or failure before others do, they really have nothing to say.

Be Direct; Find Fast No’s

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and deserve. The second best thing in business to a “yes” is a fast no. Don’t waste your time. Get a no and move on to find that yes.

Know and Build Your Worth

People will treat you exactly how you let them. I let the boys club push me around for far too long at one job. I thought that if I worked hard and let the results speak for themselves, things would change… and I was wrong. After getting strung along for months and responsibilities kept piling on, I gave an ultimatum. Either you pay me my worth, or I quit. I never thought he’d let me leave but I was wrong. I left the next week without a plan and had 60 days to find a new job or risked getting deported back to Canada. Although scary at the time, it really allowed me to level the fuck up in my career and bet on myself. Because I knew my worth was far greater than how I was perceived in that role.

Art of War

I’m a huge believer in studying history and the most impactful and influential strategy text in East Asian warfare is The Art of War. The thing I come back to most is “when you are weak appear strong and when you are strong appear weak,” especially as it relates to the boys club.

Play Nice and Win

Business is a game with no defined rules or end point. It’s a scary thing every single day because there is so much unknown and constant change. It’s also the best game you could ever play (IMO). I try to always play nice and do things because it’s the right thing to do, knowing that it will come back to me 10 fold. I do think keeping your eye on the prize and having a very clearly defined goal and working backwards from there allows you to win, even if it means you’re iterating frequently.

If you enjoyed these tips I’d love for you to become part of the HSR community and follow me on TikTok @maggiesellers_, Instagram @maggiesellers, and subscribe to my weekly newsletter to continue to get all the secret tips and hacks to becoming Hot Smart Rich.

Maggie xxx


Hope you found these tips valuable. If you loved Maggie’s tips you’re going to love her newsletter. Be sure to subscribe for the best business tips straight to your inbox.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ 7 books successful people read.

++ Check out these unique productivity tips.


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7 Books Successful People Read Fri, 01 Mar 2024 19:50:46 +0000 If you’ve been around for a while, you know Lauryn and Michael are avid readers. It’s such a good habit

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Books Successful People Read

If you’ve been around for a while, you know Lauryn and Michael are avid readers. It’s such a good habit to get into. It keeps you both interested and interesting. That’s why they always make time to read, whether it’s a quick five minutes with our Kindles or curled up with a hardcover.

There are a lot of different reasons why you might enjoy reading books: some read to be entertained, some want to be motivated, while some want to be educated and informed. No matter what you’ve got on your reading lists, reading can benefit you in a lot of ways. It keeps your mind sharp as well as receptive.

In fact, reading is one of the secrets of highly successful people. But these highly successful people tend to be picky with what they read. They want to ensure those books are going to feed and grow their mind. They read books that expand their perspective, challenge their ways of being, and bring something new to the table. So today, we’re sharing a round-up of those life-changing book recommendations from successful people.

*You can also check out our roundup of the best books to read to get to know yourself & books on business!

7 Books Successful People Read

Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins

From a nightmare childhood riddled with poverty, prejudice, and physical abuse to being named “The Fittest (Real) Man in America,” David Goggins knows what it’s like to have to work hard. He’s the only man to have ever completed elite training as an Army Ranger, a Navy SEAL, AND an Air Force Tactical Controller, but he didn’t begin with a privileged background. Instead, through self-discipline, mental toughness, and hard work, Goggins tapped into his unused capabilities to become one of the world’s top endurance athletes. This book shares his journey and his secrets to success.

The Third Door: The Mindset of Success by Alex Banayan

The Third Door takes lessons from a number of interviews with Bill Gates, Maya Angelou, Steve Wozniak, Jane Goodall, Larry King, Jessica Alba, Pitbull, Tim Ferriss, Quincy Jones, and many more. Through these interviews, Banayan found the key to success that each interviewee had in common: they took the third door. The concept uses three doors the first door (the main entrance), the second door (the VIP entrance), and… the third door. Read more to find out how to take that third door.

The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates

Recommended by Warren Buffett, Barack Obama, Malala Yousafzai, and more, this book answers the question: “How can we summon a moment of lift for humanity?” The answer Melinda Gates found is to uplift women. Melinda Gates wrote this book to share the inspiring stories of hope where women lift up the community, and to bring urgency to the movement to stop bringing women down. She backs this notion up with data of pressing problems and how the power of connection can solve them.

The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishigiro

Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and recommended by Jeff Bezos, this book was called “an intricate and dazzling novel” by The New York Times. The novel details the life of a butler, Stevens, who served the late Lord Darlington. As Stevens embarks on a countryside drive, he also embarks on a journey to the past to discover if Lord Darlington really was as “great” as Stevens remembers or if there might be some horror lurking in the truth.

The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human by Siddhartha Mukherjee

This book comes recommended by Bill Gates, The Economist, Oprah Daily, BookPage, Book Riot, the New York Public Library, and more. It tells the story of the cell, from its discovery to what we know and understand today. Now, we understand illnesses to be more than just illnesses, but also parts of a cellular ecosystem that are not functioning properly. This understanding brought us as humans to a new understanding of science and it’s told in a manner that is as captivating as it is informative.

The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves by Matt Ridley

This book, recommended by Mark Zuckerberg, provides an alternative to the economics of despair that is currently popular. It argues that despite the popular discourse that things are about to get much worse, life is actually getting better at an accelerating rate. The goal of this book is to change your way of thinking about the world for the better. 

Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck-Why Some Thrive Despite Them All by Jim Collins

Jim Collins, author of the bestselling book Good to Great, returns to answer the question, “why do some companies thrive despite uncertainty and chaos?” Based on nine years of research, Collins dives into the question, as well as providing insight on how to be a company that thrives in tumultuous times. He infuses the lessons with engaging anecdotes, making for an all-around great read. 

If you want to be successful, try doing what successful people do.

And successful people are READING. Fill your brain with knowledge, keys to success, inspiring stories and interesting viewpoints. Lauryn and Michael read far and wide. Anything they can get their hands on really, and both say they’ve learned most of what they know regarding business from reading.

You can find more of Lauryn’s favorite books here and be sure to follow Lauryn on Goodreads. Be sure to pick kup her book GTFOOTS too.

Finally, while you’re sitting back and relaxing with a book, take a moment to habit stack with The Skinny Confidential Ice Roller and a cold sheet mask. Sounds like the perfect evening to us.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ find out the best books to get to know yourself.

++ Kindle unlimited books you need to read.


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10 Marketing Tips and The Future of TikTok With Coco Mocoe Tue, 23 Jan 2024 16:45:53 +0000 What a treat today. Coco Mocoe is on the blog to give us her top 10 marketing tips for 2024.

The post 10 Marketing Tips and The Future of TikTok With Coco Mocoe appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Marketing Tips and The Future of TikTok With Coco Mocoe

What a treat today.

Coco Mocoe is on the blog to give us her top 10 marketing tips for 2024. If you have yet to meet Coco, she is a digital trend forecaster and marketing strategist who was recently on the HIM & HER Show. Coming from a background in entertainment she has a unique talent for predicting the rise of stars and trends across the internet. She is a master of her craft and we’re so excited to have her on the blog to give us all her tips.

With that, let’s welcome Coco to the blog.


10 Marketing Tips and The Future of TikTok With Coco Mocoe

1. “Authenticity” 

 It’s such a buzzword but what does it really mean? Authenticity is doing something you would be doing whether a camera was filming you or not. Audiences are getting smarter and can sense forced authenticity from a mile away. 

2. “Short form fatigue” 

“Short form fatigue” is going to grow in 2024. People loved the short, bite-sized pieces of content in the first few years of the 20’s when TikTok was taking over. But now, people are craving substance. I predict we will see the rise of a creator or brand in 2024 that leans into the 10-minute feature on TikTok or we will see a resurgence of the YouTube vlog. 

3. Ditch the trends. 

Trending audio was huge for a couple years but creators and audiences alike are realizing that the faster the trends rise, the faster they fall. Trending audio is fun and low-lift, but don’t make it your entire strategy if you want to build a loyal following. 

4. Live-streaming for companionship vs. entertainment. 

Live-streaming had a huge boom in 2023 with the rise of creators like pinkydoll and itzpsyiconic. Audiences aren’t tuning into live-streams for entertainment but rather companionship. They simply want to be in the room with you. We will see the rise of live-streams like “work with me” or someone proping their phone up in the corner of the room while they go about their daily routine. 

Lauryn podcast

5. Podcasting on TikTok. 

There is an interesting intersection we have seen rise between podcasts and TikTok in the last few years. The For You Page offers a discoverability unlike any other app. But where TikTok struggles is with substance and longer-form content. That is where podcasts come in. I believe we will see the launch of longer-form podcasts on to the FYP. I would not be surprised if we see TikTok launch a podcast arm of their company or sign exclusive deals with creators to bring their shows exclusively to a TikTok podcast platform. 

6. The rise of IG story creators.

As people complain more and more about their IG feed feeling disconjointed, we might wonder why they still use the app? I think the number 1 use for IG now is for stories and DM’s. That is why we saw the rise of accounts like deauxmoi who rarely posted any in-feed photos or reels, but instead grew by posting daily sightings and “tea” of celebrities on their IG stories. The IG stories became so popular they launched multiple podcasts and released a book

7. “Reinvention for Retention”.

The first few years of the rise of TikTok, I used to tell people “the nicher you go, the quicker you grow.”While I still believe that to be true, I also think we are now seeing creators struggle to find their footing as audiences move on from whatever niche thing made them popular. Instead, the creators who are able to survive and continue to grow their audience in a “niche” ecosystem are the ones who are able to reinvent themselves. Rebranding might be one of the hardest things to do on the internet. But it is one of the most important skills if you want to have a long-standing career. 

Lauryn Dear Media

8.The rise of “relatability fatigue.” 

People and brands loved talking about how “relatable” they were the last couple years. But the illusion of being relatable began to slip as people’s most favorite “relatable” influencers began making millions and going to the Met Gala. While people will always be naturally drawn to those that they relate to, I think audiences are growing tired of how forced it has become. Instead, we will see people be drawn to those who aren’t forcing it. Maybe they are extravagant or maybe they are interesting because they know that their ability to bond with their audience isn’t dependent on being just like their audiences. There is distance there and that is okay. 

9. Comment replies 

Comment replies are still one of the most underused tools in marketing. We have seen creators make huge careers from using the comment reply feature. Think about Jake Shane who blew up earlier this year on TikTok by acting out historical scenarios that his audiences commented about. But we still have yet to see a brand lean into the comment reply feature to its full potential. I predict we will see a brand blow up online that uses the comment reply feature to come up with ideas or make their audience a part of the process like never before. 

10. TikTok Shop

10. After its first year comes to a close, TikTok Shop is facing valid skepticism right now from brands and consumers alike. But like all social media platforms and features that end up taking over, there is always healthy skepticism when it first comes around. However, the combination of the FYP discoverability plus the ease of ordering, it is only a matter of time before it takes over and competes with the likes of Amazon. One brand, Bad Addiction Boutique, sold 50,000 units of a pickle sweatshirt because of TikTok Shop. I believe once we see more legitimate brands get on the platform, we will see it become more normalized. But this is only the beginning of a changing e-commerce industry titan. 


Be sure to listen to Coco on the HIM & HER Show where she’s discussing the world of trends, impact of fame on the average person, strategies for growing your platform and maintaining a following, building credibility in any niche and the essential elements to succeed as a creator. Coco has also launched her own podcast called Ahead of the Curve so make sure you check it out if you’re into dissecting internet trends, hearing from celebrities, rising stars and influences and trend forecasting.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ check out the life lessons Lauryn has learned from podcasting.

++ learn more about launching a podcast and scaling a business.


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Tips for New Entrepreneurs: Purpose, Ideas, Community and Mindset Sun, 17 Dec 2023 16:17:00 +0000 A few months ago at The Butcher’s Daughter event for the launch of Arrae x The Skinny Confidential ‘Le Depuff’

The post Tips for New Entrepreneurs: Purpose, Ideas, Community and Mindset appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Tips for New Entrepreneurs

A few months ago at The Butcher’s Daughter event for the launch of Arrae x The Skinny Confidential ‘Le Depuff’ drops, Lauryn met the gorgeous Jackie Sweet. After talking to her and hearing about her company Sweet Life Sundays, Lauryn wanted to invite her on to talk to us about her top tips when starting as an entrepreneur.

Jackie is smart as a whip, drop dead gorgeous, creative and our favorite part: found a white space in the wellness industry and set out to fill it.

In this post Jackie is sharing the tips that helped her the most when starting her business and we hope they help all you first time entrepreneurs out there, too.

With that, let’s welcome Jackie to the blog.


Hi TSC readers, my name is Jackie Sweet, and I am the founder of the community-focused lifestyle and wellness brand Sweet Life Sundays. I met Lauryn at the Arrae x TSC ‘Le Depuff’ launch at The Butcher’s Daughter in September. Though, I have been an avid Skinny Confidential reader since 2015.

I began and grew my career in wellness by working for SoulCycle as an operations and community manager and had the pleasure of opening studios in new markets. I own the title of wellness enthusiast and queen of self-care. I’m the go-to friend who recommends where to work out, where to eat, and where to go for self-care. You get it; I have my finger on the pulse for all things wellness. However, I noticed the lack of diversity from patrons to instructors and the overall community in the wellness space. Specifically within the boutique fitness studios in Los Angeles.

I often recall being at a sound bath ceremony in 2016 and saying, “Where are the women who look like me and enjoy elevated wellness experiences.” It was then that I decided to create Sweet Life Sundays. If there is something that you desire that you would love to see and it doesn’t exist, make the decision to build it if you want it bad enough.

Jackie Sweet

Tips for New Entrepreneurs:


If you want to become an entrepreneur to increase your income, create your schedule, etc., that’s great. However, you will have difficulty sustaining your business if you don’t have a more significant “WHY” for starting your own business or brand. Consider a business idea that aligns with your passions and interests. Having a business that you’re passionate about will help you stay motivated through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

I am passionate about wellness and the overall well-being of others, and I’m great at building community. That’s part of my reason for building Sweet Life Sundays. I have held on to pouring into Sweet Life Sundays through the peaks and valleys because what I create is tied to my purpose.

Consider the impact you want to make on the world. Successful businesses often address a problem or fulfill a need in the market. Sweet Life Sundays addresses the inclusivity and diversity gap within the wellness space by offering a community where aligned individuals feel safe to show up as themselves and engage in transparent and transformative conversations while connecting over a shared wellness activity. Understanding your purpose will guide your business decisions.


One of the things I admire about Lauryn and her line of habit-stacking products from The Skinny Confidential is that Lauryn has receipts to back up her shit! Every time Lauryn releases a product or collaborates with an aligned brand on a product, she sets out to make whatever product is already on the market better and enhances a product through brand collaborations. Conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience, competition, and industry trends; this will help you identify opportunities and potential challenges.

Validate your business idea by getting feedback from potential customers. Validating your ideas can be done through surveys, interviews, or even creating a minimum viable product (MVP) to test the market. When I started Sweet Life Sundays, I attended many wellness events throughout LA. I noticed not only the lack of diversity and inclusivity but also the format of events and how most of them felt transactional (for me), with much left to be desired. Though the events were lovely, with many Instagramable moments, they lacked a feeling of authentic community.

I created different surveys and sent them to friends who aligned with my brand’s mission. I would follow up with attendees I connected with at past events and send them a survey on the events we both attended. In doing so, I could see what they enjoyed about said events, what they felt was missing, and what they looked for in a wellness community. Now, I conduct post-event surveys for the events I host on behalf of Sweet Life Sundays. So that we are continuously improving and providing what our community and audience desire.

Jackie Sweet Tips for New Entrepreneur


You know the saying, “Your network is your net worth”? The saying is true. However, it goes a bit further than that in business. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network of mentors, advisors, and fellow entrepreneurs can provide valuable insights, guidance, and potential partnerships. If you’re unsure where to start, I love the platform and community Jasmine Garnsworthy has created at Female Founder World. Many people think that they need mentorship. And though it is helpful to have a mentor, I think it is nice to have rather than a need.

I don’t have a mentor, though I would love one. I have looked to podcasts like The Dream Bigger podcast by Siff Haider, the founder of Arrae, the Balanced Black Girl Podcast by my friend Les Alfred, and the Dear FoundHer podcast by Lindsay Pinchuck to get advice and insights. I’ve enlisted them as my mentors by listening to the free advice they give weekly on their platform; mentors can come in various forms!

Attend industry events, join entrepreneurial communities, and engage with people with experience in your field. Learning from the successes and failures of others can help put you ten steps ahead on your entrepreneurial journey. Don’t sleep on LinkedIn’s platform, especially if you’re a corporate baddie embarking on entrepreneurial endeavors or creating a side hustle. Let those transferable skills shine through. You never know who’s watching! I landed our first partnership with a big brand by posting on my LinkedIn about a panel I produced and moderated. Shortly after posting, said brand slid in my LinkedIn DMs about how they would like to support me and Sweet Life Sundays on future events.


Always be a student no matter what arena you’re in! In the arena of entrepreneurship, be open to continuous learning and adaptability. The business landscape is dynamic, and successful entrepreneurs can evolve with it. Stay informed about industry trends, changes in consumer behavior, and emerging technology, and use it to your advantage to work smarter, not harder. Invest time in improving your skills related to your industry, leadership, or general business management. LinkedIn offers a lot of free training. And many thought-leaders in various industries often go live on LinkedIn with industry peers who are also highly regarded in their field to offer mini master class sessions on their expertise. In 2024, one of my goals is to invest in a business coach. Investing in a business coach can yield high returns, both in terms of financial growth and personal development.

Jackie Sweet Entrepreneur advice

I hope you enjoyed the top tips that helped me the most with starting my entrepreneurial journey. Of course, creating a business plan and exploring which business status to file under are essential steps. I encourage you to research, as each person’s journey is different.

If you enjoyed these tips and begin to implement them, please feel free to tag me on social media @jacklynsweet, and if you’re a wellness enthusiast and craving community, please feel free to follow @sweetlifesundays on Instagram and subscribe to our ‘Wellness Weekly newsletter here. I am also excited to announce that I will launch the Sweet Life Sundays podcast on January 14th, so subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to listen when we launch!

x, Jackie Sweet


We hope you loved this post and found some inspo if you’re thinking of starting your own business. Be sure to follow Jackie on IG and check out Sweet Life Sundays.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ stalk the small businesses we love.

++ check out this business advice from David Meltzer.


The post Tips for New Entrepreneurs: Purpose, Ideas, Community and Mindset appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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Small Business Saturday – The Shops We Love Sat, 25 Nov 2023 14:00:00 +0000 We know the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale hype is real for big box stores. There are major savings

The post Small Business Saturday – The Shops We Love appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Small Business Saturday

We know the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale hype is real for big box stores. There are major savings out there. But we wanted to feature small businesses in a blog post today.

They deserve our support and a huge shout out especially with the holidays coming up. Running a small business is a lot of work and not for the faint of heart. Buying from small businesses goes a long, long way in helping the entrepreneurs continue living out their dream. Lauryn knows this as a small business owner too. It’s no joke.

With that, let’s get into some small businesses Lauryn loved this year.

Small Business Saturday – Shops We Love:

House of Olia | @houseofolia

Lauryn is obsessed with the Tumbado necklace and the Ojita anklet.

Electric Picks | @electricpicks

You may have seen Lauryn wearing these earrings in Cabo. So chic and classic.

Set & Stones | @setandstones

We love the Chet ring and the Nora bracelet.

Shop Ange |

Everything is so fab, but Lauryn loves the Violet necklace and Chrissy earrings.

Smith and Mara | @smithandmara

Fine jewelry you can wear every day. Lauryn has these pearl dangle hoops and highly recommends.

Le Prunier | @leprunier

Lauryn is obsessed with the Plum Beauty Oil and Plumscreen.

Nosh | @noshbodyco

Mom & baby approved. Lauryn is in love with all the balms, especially the apricot oat calm balm. ::chef’s kiss::

Quickies | @getquickies

If you wanna skip the manicure and opt for fun, high-quality press ons instead, Quickies are for you.

Three Ships | @threeshipsbeauty

Dew Drops 4eva. Lauryn loves to use these before using her ffacial massager, or under makeup for a dewy glow.

Baked Beauty | @bakedbeautyco

Lauryn loves the headache relief stick and the lavender CBD bath salts.

Tallow Sisters | @tallowsisters

Tallow is all the rage right now. Cook with it, eat it, slather it on your skin and in your hair. This sister duo’s organic skincare line will keep your skin so hydrated and is also good to keep on hand for skin ailments like rashes, sunburns or exzema.

Pellequr | @pellequr

Lauryn loves the lemon drop Zen Pen and this body towel.

K’pure | @kpurenaturals

If you’ve been following Lauryn for a while, you know she always has to have a bottle of Settle Down spray. If you want to know more about why natural personal products are key, stalk this post from the founder, Karen.

The Golden Secrets | @thegoldensecrets

The Aura Beauty Mist is one of Lauryn’s favorites, but Jesse Golden is a master at creating clean, effective products inspired by ancient wisdom and traditions. Stalk her site and fall in love with her unique wellness practices here.

Vrea Cosmetics | @vreacosmetics

Our friend Alexandra Potora (meet her here) has the best eye masks. They’re Lauryn’s go-to lately.

The Skinny Confidential | @theskinnyconfidential

We had to mention TSC, duh. Our whole team is obsessed with everything & you know we all use our planners to the max.

TSC Small Business Saturday

Woo More Play | @woomoreplay

Lauryn loves the coconut Love Oil, Freshies & Vibez xxx. Be sure to try the new Shag Juice too.  It’s a new water-based lube that’ll make bedtime even more fun.

Lux Unfiltered | @luxunfiltered

Sivan Ayla’s line of body care products are an absolute dream. Vegan, paraben free, synthetic fragrance free, like just no nasties at all, the tanning drops and gradual tanning lotion are our faves.

L’objet | @lobjet

Lauryn loves the unicorn octopus letter opener.

♡ Adina Pallone | @adinapallone

The most incredible art you’ll ever see. Adina is so talented and Lauryn fell in love with the pieces she did of Townes and Zaza. DM her for a commissioned portrait you’ll have forever.

♡ Bedazzle Me | @bedazzlemestudio

Custom bling at its finest. April is so good at what she does and it’s so fun to add sparkle to anything your heart desires.

White Label Home | @whitelabelhome

Cutest candles, so chic. Lauryn just posted these on her IG. We love a clean, white, non-toxic candle situation.

Adina Pallone commissions

Small Business Saturday shopping
Small Business Saturday beauty tools
White Label Home
angels smoke weed lighter

Fashionkush | @fashionkush

Lauryn loves the rolling trays. So good for jewelry in your bedroom or bathroom. Lighters are super cute too.

DEUX | @eatdeux

Healthy cookie dough. Do we need to say more? Obviously we love Lauryn’s Buttercream Sugar Cookie.

Bread Srsly | @breadsrsly

Want gluten-free sourdough delivered straight to your door? Well, here you go. Lauryn has been ordering Bread Srsly for years and loves it with a pat of butter and French sea salt.

Peace River Honey | @peaceriverhoney

An organic, family run business with the yummiest honey products local to Alberta, Canada, but don’t worry. They ship to the US and even have lip balm.

♡ Hooch Booch | @drinkhoochbooch

Female-founded hard kombucha crafted from classic cocktails. Check out their espresso martini collab with Generous Coffee. They partnered with a women run farm in Honduras and all profits go to the Womaen’s Global Empowerment Fund.

Canopy | @getcanopy

We love Canopy for their CLEAN diffusers and humidifiers. It was a no brainer for Lauryn to do a co-brand with them. Stalk more about the effective, cute, pink diffuser & humidifier here.

Taja | @tajacollection

Lauryn has been a big fan of Taja forever. She loves to get custom, non-toxic candles for events and gifts. Vanilla bourbon anyone? It’s the best scent. Meet the founder here.

Piano Piano | @pianopiano

Super cool mugs, saucers and plates. Lauryn is obsessed with her green ones.

♡  Olivia Hughes | @avoirlechic

Another incredibly talented artist, this time on Veuve Cliquot bottles! Olivia’s work is just beyond personal and such a fun unique gift, especially for the person who has everything.

Caitlin Jaymes | @caitlinjaymes

If there’s one thing that Lauryn keeps reordering it’s bikini organizer bags by Caitlyn Jaymes. These are so helpful for organizing your drawers at home, and also incredible for travel. Lauryn even has some for Townes and Zaza.

Etsy | @etsy

Sellers on Etsy are beyond talented. Lauryn is obsessed with her sound bowls and her doorbell sign off Etsy. So many good gift ideas too. Don’t sleep on Etsy!

♡ Kit and Sis | @kitandsis

Zaza loves these craft kits. They have so many to choose from, some big, some small, but no matter what you choose it’s sure to keep your kids busy for a while.

Emma Lou | @emmalouthelabel

Emma Lou”s leggings are so unique because they’re debloating. You read that right (more here). Made of a special material out of her own necessity, Emma created one of Lauryn’s favorite pair of leggings.

Waverles | @waverles

Created in honor of her sister, the founder of Waverles creates sustainable, comfortable loungewear for all occasions. Highly recommend the pajamas if you’re planning on a bachelorette gift for your friends.

ANP | @anplosangeles

Elevated, sustainable basics, made with natural materials. Comfy, cozy, chic, you can’t go wrong.

Cover Swim | @coverswim

This swim brand gets it when it comes to SPF suits. They keep you covered and safe from the sun’s rays but are still super chic and sexy.

Brûlé | @shopbrule

Kenzie Burke knows how to do loungewear. From super cool sets, to men’s style boxers, you really can’t go wrong.


We hope these small business recommendations will have you nice and relaxed, draped in jewels and ending your day looking like a drowned rat.

Again, these all make amazing gifts if you’re looking for something special to give.

x, The Skinny Confidential team.

+ stalk the new waterless diffuser you need in your daily routine.

++ check out the best Kindle Unlimited books


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Mauricio Umansky On Marriage Rumors, Housewives, Business and Success Thu, 16 Nov 2023 21:37:08 +0000 Have you listened yet? The CEO and founder of The Agency, cast member of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,

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Mauricio Umansky On Marriage Rumors, Housewives, Business and Success

Have you listened yet?

The CEO and founder of The Agency, cast member of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Buying Beverly Hills and Dancing With the Stars, Mauricio Umansky was just on The Him & Her Show talking about ALL the things. Yes, even his relationship with Kyle. And we love him for it.

From Housewives BTS, his marital status, working with his daughters and what it was like to get out of his comfort zone on Dancing With the Stars, he shares it all.

What we loved most though was hearing about his journey from fired salesman to real estate powerhouse and the HUGE vision he always had for The Agency. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, into real estate (or not) or just want some advice on tapping into your strengths and disrupting an industry, this episode is for you.

Other Stuff You’ll Learn From Mauricio Umansky:

♡ His no-judgement approach to Real Housewives drama.

♡ The pros of getting into sales and what it can do for YOU.

♡ His business advice if you’re just starting out in your career.

♡ How meditation has impacted his life and how he got started with it.

♡ How he fostered the incredible relationship he has with his daughters.

♡ How he copes with media, gossip and all the noise.

We want more! Should we all petition for part 2 with his step-daughter and Lauryn and Michael’s friend Farrah? We all need to know the 3am yacht tequila story, right?

Check out Lauryn and Michael speaking at The Agency’s annual staff forum here and be sure to listen to the full podcast episode with Mauricio here.

Happy listening.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ stalk what we leanred from Brynn Whitefield and why we love her.

++ check out these productivity tips to set you up for success.


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The Unexpected Benefits Of Going to a Foot Spa Tue, 20 Jun 2023 15:31:13 +0000 Today I want to let you in on a little secret that has changed my life. That secret, my friends,

The post The Unexpected Benefits Of Going to a Foot Spa appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Benefits Of Going to a Foot Spa

Today I want to let you in on a little secret that has changed my life.

That secret, my friends, is a foot spa. But wait wait wait. Let me give you specifics of how this foot spa can change YOUR life.

The foot spa is basically my office. 

What I do is call to book an appointment on a casual Tuesday ( sometimes I use a fake name because it’s fun – LOL ), block off the 60-90 minutes in my calendar then go, relax & WORK.

Sidenote: if you’re in Aspen, do yourself a favor & check out A1 Foot Spa. There is nothing better than skiing the slopes than coming down & getting a perfect foot massage. Trust me. Everyone goes to this spot so make sure you get a reservation in advance.

The Unexpected Benefits Of Going to a Foot Spa

What You Can Get Done At a Foot Spa:

♡ return texts to family & friends

♡ answer Instagram comments

♡ reply to work emails

♡ get an Instagram post or story ready

♡ share on Twitter

♡ make a to-do list

You guys know I’m a big fan of batching things like texts & emails so this is the perfect way to sit uninterrupted & get SO MUCH done.

Here’s the key: you need to go to a tiny, hole-in-the-wall foot spa. One that looks a bit sketchy, but isn’t. No one will talk to you, you can plug in your phone, get so much shit done, WHILE enjoying the most relaxing, deep tissue foot & leg scrub,  a massage session, pedicure- whatever. 

A 20 minute massage is a lot.  It gives me a block of time where I can get tons of little stuff done that I just can’t seem to get to since Zaza was born.

This is called passive multi-tasking. Maybe I made this up, maybe I didn’t but I do it all the time. Passive multi-tasking is all about doing one thing that uses your brain & energy, WHILE doing another thing that is kinda mindless.

Examples of Passive Multi-tasking:

♡ listen to an educational podcast while getting your nails done.

♡ hop on a work call while you take a walk.

♡ answer emails while you get a blowout at Drybar.

♡ answer DMs & social media comments while walking on a treadmill ( my fave ).

♡ listen to an audiobook while you pack/unpack.

♡ call your mom or dad while driving to catch up.

My favorite way to passive multi-task is to listen to a podcast & LEARN while I do something mindless like fold laundry, clean the house, walk to get a coffee, that kind of thing. I’ve learned so much from podcasts over the years that I think of everyone as my own personal mentor.

Ok so back to why the foot spa is the best fucking place in the world.  If you suffer from headaches, high blood pressure, foot and ankle injuries – pregnant woman – or even after a strengthening exercise, massaging the feet one to two times a week reduced symptoms and makes you feel more relaxed.

You’ll get to answer 100s of emails, answer 100s of DMs & make a new to-do list for the week. Now, let’s get into the benefits of a foot spa.

Benefits Of Foot Spa

♡ reduce headaches

♡ increase sex drive

♡ reduce anxiety

♡ a relaxing way to decompress

♡ can reduce foot swelling

♡ helps with plantar fasciitis ( my experience with that here )

♡ helps reduce blood pressure

♡ alleviates PMS

Can A Pregnant Woman Use A Foot Spa?

Definitely yes! The most frequently recommended alternative treatment for expectant women is foot spa, and for good reason. Relax your feet and ankles and unwind. Relax, particularly after a long day of standing with extra load. You deserve it for doing a terrific job of carrying that child.

Other benefits of foot massage:

+ For people that deal with depression and anxiety – daily foot massages can send a signal that stimulates the release of hormones such as endorphins, causing a relaxing effect that decreases anxiety and lower blood pressure.

+ You should know that most peoples say it’s not good to get a massage if you’re under 7 months pregnant. There are pressure points on the foot that can induce labor. During my 9th month, I missed having my feet rubbed so I went every single second.

+ People suffering from headaches and migraines can also benefit from foot spa as it may be able to relieve your pain. A massage therapist or also called reflexologist typically applies pressure to the inside of your big toe and second toe providing relief to your temporal lobes thus relieves headaches.

+ For people with sedentary lifestyle don’t use their feet muscles that much can cause pain and discomfort in doing physical activity, foot massages can help to reduce muscle soreness and joint pain. If you combine foot massages with stretching, you can potentially prevent any future injuries as well as speed up the recovery process of a previous injury. A short massage session a few times a week will lessen the risk of an injury.

+ A foot massage relaxes you and can also increase your sex life and desire. It’s been said that particular areas in the feet and ankles are energetically associated with the reproductive organs that gives a feeling of mild arousal. With a few minutes of gentle massaging with fragrant oils can produce a relaxed, sensual atmosphere.

Most foot spas do neck & back massages too, but then you can’t get shit done on your phone, so I tend to opt for the legs & feet only.

So I hope that you love this little work hack, go to the foot spa & reap all the benefits. Sure, they might look a bit sketchy, but trust me, they’re amazing.  You won’t believe how much you can accomplish, even in just 20 minutes. After the massage session, you’ll come out with an improved mood, and improved circulation, physically and mentally.

x, Lauryn

+ scope what happened when I tried a foot peel.

++ hot tips to make your manicure & pedicure last


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21 Unique Productivity Tips Tue, 25 Apr 2023 17:56:20 +0000 Saddle-up & hold on tight because today, we’re talking about GETTING SHIT DONE.  Keeping your productivity up is essential for

The post 21 Unique Productivity Tips appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Unique Productivity Tips

Saddle-up & hold on tight because today, we’re talking about GETTING SHIT DONE. 

Keeping your productivity up is essential for tons of reasons. High productivity helps you better accomplish your goals and stay on top of the ball. 

Even more, it promotes those warm & fuzzy feelings of achievement & confidence. One of the best feelings ever, right?

But, in a world with more distractions than ever before, keeping your productivity up is not always an easy feat. 

Improving your productivity is a continuous journey. Especially when there are so many things that can distract you & cause your productivity to dwindle right down the drain. 

There are lots of super useful productivity tips that get shared on the internet over and over again, but if you feel like you’ve heard it all, this post is for you.

Here’s our roundup of unique, yet effective tips that can help boost your productivity. 

Productivity Tips to Try

21 Unique Productivity Tips

♡ Get a good night sleep. 

Sleep is so important. Not only for productivity, but for mental health, beauty, and managing your stress levels as well. 

In order to set yourself up for a productive day, make sure you’re getting 6-8 hours of good-quality sleep each and every night. You can do this by establishing a good nighttime routine for optimal relaxation and sleep

♡ Enjoy a peaceful morning routine. 

Your morning routine sets the tone for your day. If your mornings feel super discombobulated, so will the rest of your day. Instead, your morning routine should be peaceful, yet structured, and it should ease you into your day stress-free. Beginning your day with good structure will help you better structure the rest of your day.

Establish a morning routine that works for you. Be sure to include time to drink your water, get some morning sunshine, meditate / practice mindfulness, eat a balanced breakfast, and take at least 10-15 minutes of personal time. Yes, even if it means you have to wake up earlier. 

♡ Get a planner & USE IT.

Raise your hand if you’ve purchased a planner before and then never even used it. Yeah…we’ve all been there. The thing is: planners are so useful. They allow you to store an abundance of important information, so that your brain doesn’t have to. That means more mental capacity to take on your day. 

There are all types of planners out there, depending on your specific wants & needs. But before you run out & grab the next one you see, you’re going to want to check out The HOT MINUTE Planner. Why? Because it’s made for hustlers just like you, with space not only for your to-dos, but for your beauty routine, goals, affirmations, and daily prompts as well. 

♡ Create a dedicated workspace. 

Unless you only ever work in an office building, you NEED a dedicated workspace. A place where you can go to take care of business, totally distraction free. 

For all you remote workers out there, this might mean finding a dedicated workspace in your home like a spare room or a corner in your garage. Wherever it is, make sure it’s quiet, and away from the hustle & bustle of your household. 

♡ Vibe up your workspace. 

Not only should your workspace have all the necessities, but it should have A VIBE. When you walk into your dedicated workspace each and every day, you should feel motivated, inspired, and happy. Because motivated + inspired + happy = productive. 

Grab some aesthetic wall decor, stationary, candles, plants, rugs, tapestries, and more and give your workspace a make-over. Make it a place you really want to be. 

♡ Add plants / greenery to your workspace. 

Going along with vibing up your workspace, studies show that adding plants and greenery to your workspace improves productivity. 

Adding a little bit of nature to your workspace may also help with stress and anxiety. And furthermore, it gives you a sense of purpose (now that you’re a plant parent, that is.)

♡ Dress for success. 

This is one we’ve all been hearing since middle school…”dress for success”. But contrary to popular opinion, this doesn’t always mean dressing in your best biz attire everyday. Instead, it simply means to dress for what you want to accomplish that day.

When you’re already dressed for what you need to accomplish, you’re not only more confident heading into your day, but you’re more prepared for whatever the day might bring. Both of which can give you that extra little kick of productivity. 

♡ Practice mindfulness.

We hear the word “mindfulness” thrown around a lot, but what it basically means is to be present in the moment. Multi-tasking, personal feelings, work drama, and so on are all distractions that can prevent us from handling the tasks at hand in the most productive & efficient way. 

To increase your productivity, make it a point to practice mindfulness throughout the day. As you focus on each item on your to-do list, give it your full attention. You will find that you not only complete each task faster, but also with more accuracy (less mistakes and re-do’s.)

♡ Stop all that multitasking. 

Your brain can only truly focus on one thing at a time. While we’re sure that many of you are mutli-tasking QUEENS, thinking / worrying about too many things at once can actually lower your overall productivity.

When you’ve got a whole ass laundry list of things to do, take it one item at a time rather than trying to accomplish multiple things at once. This will not only amp up your productivity, but it will, again, also help prevent possible mistakes that can arise when you’ve got too much on the brain. 

list of unique productivity tips

♡ Work in chunks / time blocks.

Do you ever sit down at your computer and you literally don’t get up for the whole day? That’s a big no-no in terms of productivity. You might have gotten a lot done, but at what cost to your brain, eyes, and body? 

To max out your productivity, work in time blocks. Think 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hour, or even 3 hour chunks. Set a timer, work the allotted amount of time, and then take a break. Get up, take a walk, get some food – whatever. But take a break and give your brain a reset. 

♡ Take strategic breaks throughout the day.

Not only should you take several breaks throughout the day, but they should be strategic. Don’t just plan your breaks for random times in the day, plan them where they make the most sense to keep up your productivity. 

Good strategic break times include: in-between tasks or meetings, at meal-times, mid–morning + mid-afternoon, times when you need to clear your head, and so on. Any type of break is good, but strategic breaks are better.

♡ Try the 1-3-5 rule.

Working on something big & intimidating? Consider implementing the 1-3-5 rule. It can help you conquer big projects and to-dos in smaller, less stressful increments. 

Basically, if you have 1 large project / task, start by breaking the project into 3 medium sized tasks. Then, go even further by dividing those 3 tasks into 5 smaller tasks each. So now you have 15 tasks (which might seem like alot), but each one is suuuuper easy. And when all are completed, your large project is done! 

♡ The Ivy Lee Method

If planning & time-management aren’t your strong suit, try the The Ivy Lee Method. This method is a productivity hack that helps you prioritize what’s most important by: making strategic lists + knocking out tasks in order of priority.

This method is SO EASY to follow and perform. For a full-on breakdown of this method, click here

♡ Utilize your stationary. 

Stationary shouldn’t be…well, stationary. Although your staplers & cutsie little thumbtacks do look totally adorable on your desk, each piece of stationary has a purpose that will help keep you better organized. So use them. (See our top stationary picks below.)

♡ Get some fresh air.

Studies show that being cooped up inside all day is a no-go for productivity. Why? Because the air inside is not as fresh and clean as it is outside. (While this does vary by location, most of the time the air is fresher outside.)

Make sure your brain is getting a fresh influx of good, clean air at least every few hours. Your brain will function better. You will physically feel better. And, you’ll get a little Vitamin D kick. So many wins with just a quick step outside. 

♡ Eat several small meals throughout the day.

If you want to have a truly productive day, you need to fuel your body. This whole skipping breakfast & eating a carb-loaded lunch thing is the perfect recipe for a midday crash. Nodding off at your computer? That doesn’t sound very productive….

Instead opt for several small ( & healthy ) meals throughout the day. This ensures your brain & body have the protein, carbs, fiber, vitamins & minerals they need to help you conquer your day without fatigue and / or “hitting that wall”. Plus, scheduling in small meals throughout the day is the perfect excuse to take some “mini-breaks” from whatever you’re working on.

♡ Adjust your work lighting. 

This one is so simple, yet so helpful. Don’t get us wrong, dim, yellow lighting is a vibe. It’s just not a get-shit-done vibe. Dimmer lighting tells our brains it’s time to start thinking about bed. Whereas natural sunlight and bright, LED-lighting tells our brains to wake the fuck up and get moving. 

So, if you’re routinely working in dim lighting, consider amping up your lighting game. Throw those shades open and soak up allthe natural light you can. And when you can’t, make sure the lighting in your workspace is white & bright. 

♡ Use positive & uplifting self-talk. 

When we talk about positive self-talk, we’re usually talking about body positivity. But as it turns out, positive self-talk goes beyond the self-care niche and also has benefits in the productivity niche as well. 

Swap your “I don’t know if I can get all this done today” for “I am going knock my to-do list out of the park today”. Set your intentions & manifest them through positive and uplifting words to yourself. Speak them out loud or write them in your journal – either way, you’re setting your productivity in motion. 

♡ Utilize a helpful app. 

There really is a mobile app for everything. And there are TONS for productivity. While all productivity apps are not created equal, most usually provide a user-friendly experience, with features for personal task management, file sharing, and team collaboration. As well as real time project management tools like time track, video calling, and even remote team collaboration tools. 

Here’s a roundup of some of the most popular productivity apps:

+ Google Workspace / Google Drive

+ Hive

+ Calendly

+ Trello+

+ Evernote

♡ Read books on productivity & self-growth. 

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to productivity out there. The tips and practices that work best for you might not work as well for the next person. 

To see which productivity tips are out there & to help decide which are best for you and your lifestyle, educate yourself. Snatch up some books on productivity & deep dive into the science behind productivity tips. See our top productivity book picks BELOW. 

♡ Listen to the experts. 

Sure, some (or should we say most) of the sh*t you see on social media is mumbo jumbo. BUT, there are plenty of science-backed resources out there that can help you adopt the necessary life changes it takes to increase your overall productivity.

Luckily, this subject comes up on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER Show pretty often. So, you’ve already got the perfect place to start. Hear from Lauryn & Michael, as well as other professionals & experts on productivity:

+ How To Boost Productivity And Stop Procrastinating By Taking Massive Action with Lauryn Evarts

+ Secrets To Personal Growth Time Management, & Productivity With Serial Entrepreneur David Meltzer The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast

+ Alexandra Potora On The Secret To Success & The Key To Productivity

+ Lauryn’s Time Management & Productivity Hacks

+ Michael’s Master List – Routines, Book Recs, Productivity Tools, Wellness & Supplement Products, Tech Tools, Fitness Routines, & Intermittent Fasting

Productivity Tools That Are Helpful AF

You can stalk Lauryn’s favorite office supplies here and we highly recommend these books.

list of the best books on productivty

books on productivity:

+ Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

+ Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

+ The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery Strategy, and Human Nature

+ Tools Of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

Use these tips & tools to step up your productivity game and stay on top of your game.

Being highly productive doesn’t mean you have to structure your day from morning to night. What it does mean, though, is taking advantage of the tips and tools at your disposal to make the most of each and every day.

We hope these tips & tools will come in handy besties.

x, The Skinny Confidential team.

+ stalk this post for even more productivity tips.

++ how to say no and get stuff done here.


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10 Tips to Skyrocket Your Productivity Sun, 16 Apr 2023 15:13:30 +0000 Are you ready for one of the most useful posts about productivity you’ll ever read? Not only useful, it’s so

The post 10 Tips to Skyrocket Your Productivity appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Tips to Skyrocket Your Productivity

Are you ready for one of the most useful posts about productivity you’ll ever read?

Not only useful, it’s so easy to implement. Ok, ok, forming new & healthy habits takes time, but when you can do them with just a pen, notepad, planner and calendar FOR FREE, starting now, we’d call that easy.

Lara Nercessian is here today to tell us her tips & tricks for top notch productivity. If you’ve been reading The Skinny Confidential for a while you know that Lauryn is a big fan of having goals, but more importantly, putting systems in place to help you reach those goals. So if you love the color-coded Google calendar, the time cube, batching, and more recently, THE HOT MINUTE Planner, my god this post is for you.

If you have yet to meet Lara, she is the founder and host of Boss in Heels, a podcast and channel specializing in career and mindset coaching. She is also an Executive for a huge corporation, loves her routines, and smart as a whip.

With that, let’s get into with Lara.


Hi! I am Lara Nercessian, the brains behind Boss in Heels, host of the award-winning show The Boss in Heels Podcast, Executive for a Billion Dollar Corporation and Personal Coach. What initially started as a series of blog posts evolved into a highly successful brand encompassing a weekly podcast and a personalized career and mindset coaching business. 

From my early days working as a Psychology Graduate and Assistant in Human Resources, I soon recognized I was living on pre-set tracks:

  1. Graduate from university
  2. Enter the workforce
  3. Begin the treacherous journey of climbing the corporate ladder on your own

The problem with this approach is that I quickly learned the artificial limits that I had placed on myself from early childhood, which became the habits of my norm. I recognized that my dreams could never fit within the constraints of a corporate office and that I was destined for more. 

I got curious and asked myself big, life-changing questions like:

  1. What is my purpose?
  2. What kind of impact do I want to make in the world?
  3. What would happen if I unapologetically went for it?

The answers to these questions led me on a journey of self-discovery and founding a purpose-led blog site – a place where I could share my personal growth, career insights and elite habits that I had established, while helping others overcome their fears of showing up IRL and online.

Since the launch of Boss in Heels in 2016, I have employed the ‘founder’s mentality’ by uniquely positioning the brand and inspiring individuals to achieve greatness through focused attention, planning and productivity. I’m on a mission to creating a movement for ambitious individuals seeking to focus their energy, establish elite-level routines and develop CEO mindsets so they can overcome their fears and build a magnificent presence. 

Lauryn and I recently met in a hair salon in Austin while we were multitasking,  answering emails and getting blowouts (because how else could two people who are obsessed with habit stacking and productivity meet)? They quickly connected over their shared loved of self-care, routines and habits. 

In this blog post, I’m going to share all my tips and hacks for productivity and ticking things off your list.

Lara Nercessian

10 Tips To Skyrocket Your Productivity:

♡ Carve out time to plan on a weekly basis 

I am completely and utterly obsessed when it comes to enhancing focus and maximizing productivity. I believe that one of the greatest productivity hacks comes down to planning, which is why I created The Boss Planning Method. As the old adage goes “if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”

Boss Planning comprises of a weekly time that I set to plan out my entire week. I personally love to do this planning method between 4-5pm on a Sunday. This way I feel like I get to enjoy my entire weekend switched off from work. And then dedicate some time at the end to plan and map out my week. I make the Boss Planning Method an enjoyable experience for myself – I light some of my favorite candles, play soft, calming music and make it a real vibe.

Come Monday morning, I know exactly what I need to do and I truly feel like an unstoppable force.

♡ Review your prior week’s productivity

When I sit down to do Boss Planning, I ask myself a series of questions:

  1. In the week that just passed, what worked well? 
  2. In the week that just passed, what didn’t work so well? 
  3. What changes can I make to optimize my productivity moving into this new week? 
  4. Were there any moments where I completely lost focus or became distracted? If so, what was the catalyst? 
  5. What key lessons & learnings can I integrate into this following week?

Being real about your current status and identifying key areas for opportunity is the best way to ensure continuous growth and optimization. 

♡ Get everything in your mind down on a page

I used to suffer from a really bad case of Sunday night anxiety. It used to hit a certain point on a Sunday afternoon. And I would experience significant feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. My mind started to tick over and start thinking about the endless list of things that I needed to get done in the week, and often resulted in experiencing poor sleep quality and stress. I knew something had to change.  

As part of Boss Planning, I sit down and do a brain dump of all the things I believe I need to get done. I keep asking myself “what else?” until I can no longer think of anything – even if they are the most seemingly small and minutiae tasks (like ordering groceries, folding laundry or replying to messages). 

Once everything in my mind is down on a page, I instantly feel a sense of calm and control. 

Lara Nercessian productivity tips

♡ Identify key priorities 

Once I have written my to-do list, I then ask myself the following question:

What are the highest priority actions that will get me one step closer to my vision?

I identify and make note of the top 2-3 needle-moving items that absolutely must get done in the week. This enables me to gain laser-focus on the tasks that matter the most. 

♡ Plug outcome-based tasks into your calendar 

Once I have identified my key 2-3 priorities of the week, I plug in specific, outcome-based tasks into my calendar. Ex. rather than writing ‘work on my new program’ – which is incredibly vague, I will write ‘finish writing content for Module 1 of Boss Routines.’ 

By plugging in clear & specific outcome-based tasks I know exactly where I stand and whether that task has been completed or not.

♡ Plug in all other items into your calendar 

Working off my calendar rather than a to-do list has been a real game-changer. Let’s face it – whilst I LOVE a to-do list, it often becomes more like a bottomless wish list. 

Plugging in all commitments and tasks into my calendar means that I have a clear view of what I need to work on and when. I then assign realistic times to those commitments. I broadly group these into the following categories:

+ Business – corporate meetings, tasks & commitments 

+ Coaching – meetings, programs, sessions with clients 

+ Podcast – recording episodes, pre & post production tasks 

+ Health – morning routine, gym workouts, walks, lunch & other breaks, evening routine 

+ Personal commitments – beauty appointments, life admin 

+ Social commitments – events, catch ups with friends & family 

+ Self-care – Time to look after me

♡ Commit to the plan 

Once I have established my plan, I then commit to it! I fast-forward to my future self and ask “how will I feel when I get to the end of the week and have followed through on everything I set out to do?” I know I feel amazing when I get to the end of the week and have accomplished everything I wanted to achieve. It truly is the most rewarding and satisfying feeling, and helps to build so much self-trust. 

♡ Build contingency 

Whilst I aim to stick to the plan at least 80-90% of the time, there are moments where life happens. One email can shift my priorities for the day. Perhaps one day you wake up unwell or need to care for a child or loved one. For these reasons, I build contingency into my calendar. I block out time and utilize it in the instance where things run over or take longer than anticipated. Building contingency gives me breathing space to accommodate and deal with the unexpected.

Lara Nercessian productivity tips

♡ Planning & preparing so your week runs smoother 

In addition to the Boss Planning method, I am constantly seeking new ways to increase productivity and make every week run smoother. Some of these include:

+ Meal prepping 

+ Planning and laying out my outfits the night before 

+ Packing my gym & work bag the night before 

+ Laying out my gym clothes 

+ Outsourcing cleaning and other tasks wherever possible 

I am constantly seeking, trialing and testing new ways to maximize productivity and output. The more my life runs like a well-oiled machine, the more time I have to focus on the things that matter the most. 

♡ Creating elite level routines 

Creating and instilling elite level routines has been an absolute game-changer when it comes to maximizing productivity. I treat myself as though I am a world-class athlete training for the Olympics. I love to rise early, follow a pre-determined set of steps to optimize my productivity and focus. In fact, scientific studies have shown that most world-class performers have a solid & consistent morning routine, rise early and have a specific plan for how they are going to spend each day.

Being intentional with your time ultimately means having personal power in your life and as Jim Rohn so famously said “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” 

My Instagram handle is @lara_nercessian_ You can also learn more about The Boss Planning Method and other tips to maximize your focus and productivity via my website and The Boss in Heels Podcast.


Hope you found this post as valuable as we do. And remember, before a successful morning routine comes an effective evening routine. Lara’s tips are so our vibe so we hope you love them and can easily implement them into your life.

x, The Skinny Confidential team.

+ check out what Lauryn’s former mentee learned from her here.

++ stalk these small businesses we love.


The post 10 Tips to Skyrocket Your Productivity appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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