The Skinny Confidential A lifestyle blog, podcast, and brand by Lauryn Evarts Bosstick. For the girl who wants to be the best version of herself, on her own terms. Fri, 10 May 2024 19:52:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Build an Unbreakable Bond Between Mother and Daughter Sun, 12 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, mother figures, big sisters, moms-to-be and dads filling both roles. Being a parent

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Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, mother figures, big sisters, moms-to-be and dads filling both roles.

Being a parent is no joke, but one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. It takes constant compassion, respect and education to understand our kids and how they fit into the rapidly changing world – not to mention all the planning, organizing, homework, sports, birthday parties, play dates and SNACKS.

We’d like to think it’s every mother’s dream to have a relationship with their kids that is unbreakable and built on trust, honesty and mutual respect. So when Lauryn ran into Heidi and her daughter Maddie in San Diego, she had to invite her on to talk all about their enviable mother-daughter relationship.

Heidi Dixon is a fashion influencer, stylist, wife AND, you guessed it…supermom. Her and her daughter Maddie have an admirable relationship, and after witnessing it first hand, Lauryn had to have them on the blog for Mother’s Day this year.

From how to create quality time, instilling trust and respect to appreciating all the pick ups and drop offs, Heidi is here to tell us how she created an incredible bond with her daughter and how you can do it too.

Let’s welcome Heidi to the blog.


Motherhood, itʼs the greatest love imaginable! Everything from immense feelings of worry and guilt to an unseeable measure of failure or success. Much of which is not really in our control. Itʼs far from anything perfect and cuts deep at times because after all, it feels like a reflection of us. Thinking about what works in a parent/child relationship can be a fully loaded subject, it is circumstantial and yet, I wonder, can there be ideas that make these relationships work universally? I’ll share my thoughts on what has been a remarkable journey in shaping the mother/daughter relationship I have today.

My name is Heidi, I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood in Utah. I was raised by a single mom who climbed the government ladder, starting as a secretary in the 80s, to her retirement forty-plus years later. I had nannies who taught me how to walk, tie my shoes and say my ABCʼs. Most days, the smell of my momʼs perfume or occasional voice over the telephone was the only indication she was around. She was at work before the sun came up and preoccupied by days end. I would easily describe my mom as a strong, determined, smart, independent, very strict, logical career woman, who was an excellent cook.

She was quite loving; however, her focus was primarily on providing me the necessities one needs and then off to enjoy life. My father was a livestock investigator in Wyoming, and I saw him every summer. I was a city girl with my mom and a cowgirl with my father. I learned how to adapt and/or figure out things on my own, independently with little to no advice. I made many avoidable mistakes and didn’t have a clear idea on what I wanted or what opportunities I could have with little, to no guidance, throughout my school years.

I obviously turned out just fine, HA! But really, I share this with such honesty primarily because understanding where we come from, analyzing what shaped your life for better or worse, is key to understanding how or why you parent the way you do. Here I will share five areas on how I have created an amazing relationship with my now, fifteen-year-old daughter and a few tips on the things we love to do together.

How to Build an Unbreakable Bond Between Mother and Daughter

Time is sacrifice

Being present is not an easy task, but it is a real privilege and builds a bond from the beginning. I think that is crucial. Teaching my daughter she can come to me and how to do that with honesty was a top priority from the beginning. It has really paid off over the years. Trust builds early on in their lives and it requires your patience, time and energy. Having all the shared quality time together has brought so much understanding of who she is and who I am to her, which helps us both in the choices we make.

Finding the quality time to be together is a lifelong journey. This looks different at each stage but the most important thing at every age, is routine and dependability. Those two things make all the difference and the earlier, the better!

Tips: Talking in bed late at night at all ages. Watching Gilmore Girls (age 15) currently is our thing, so relatable and hilariously fun; other series include Emily in Paris, Succession and Project Runway. We’ve watched shows together at every age and it brings back a lot of good memories.

Build appreciation

To this day my daughter appreciates the time we have together, especially since I work too. I regularly explain how thankful I am that I can do what I do for her and what it takes for me to do it. The list is long when it comes to the things we do, giving an overall sense to this understanding will lessen the shock later when the tide changes in their direction.

Picking up and dropping her off every day from school and golf has been my thing and it’s challenging with my schedule but I make it work every day. What I know now, is there is no replacing what you get on those car rides together and tides change, the fact she drives next year, you can’t go back- it goes by way too fast!

Tips: Her sport is golf so we practice and play a lot of golf together; she made the High School Varsity team as a freshman this year and is forecasting future goals through this sport. We maintain strength in our private workouts with Kim Kelly, she is fun, upbeat and you never know how hard you’re working out! She has an online platform if you’re not local to Southern CA. Kim also provides us with supplemental help and wellness motivation to our routines. She is amazing!

Balance work

Growing up watching my mother’s commitment to her work was good for me and I was proud of the career woman she came to be. I think it’s important to embody work ethic throughout your life so they can imitate this in their future. Work ethic is the key here, just doing something that you are passionate about makes a difference, I realize that looks different for everyone.

I took a few years off work to be more focused at home. After about three years, I wanted to go back to work. Itʼs important to not feel guilty about prioritizing other things besides them, itʼs healthy to balance it out.

Tips: She earns allowance through chores. Shopping together has definitely become our thing. Currently, we stalk every TSC product Lauryn launches along with all her product suggestions, we learn so much. Lauryn is the only reason she will wear sunscreen after all the years of me trying- hallelujah! It pays to have mentors. Maddie also ice rolls every morning before her makeup routine. We love a good Sephora haul and the online “wish” lists are long. I’m lucky because as a stylist, I get to do her hair and we love getting our nails done together every two weeks.


One topic that has more opinions than a presidential debate; Phones, screens, social media, etc. they are all a way of life now. I know we are here to teach our kids how to be responsible, decent, kind, productive humans, that don’t ruin their futures by negligence on social media.

We talk about it all, why or why not, the implications of what could be if done wrong and the opportunities if done right. Information about media is happening daily. It’s an animal that continues to morph. We look through it together, we have fun with it and we both use the examples of what you see being put out there to commentate on the impression it gives. Most likely, if they aren’t learning it from you, they are learning it from somewhere else and they all want to be part of it. I suggest starting at age-appropriate levels with different apps (you can message me if you’re curious) and keeping an eye on screen time- even adults could use less screen time. Keeping a handle on it is critical.

Tips: Browsing Instagram and social media together keeps it normal to see each other’s content. We share Instagram reels and posts daily and there is never hesitancy if I want to look at her phone. We scour the latest skincare ideas and trends, combine our skincare routines and research a million products to try.

Trust and Mutual Respect

Getting clear, like really clear, on what rules are flexible and why; and what rules are total deal breakers and why- saves time and headaches. We’ve chosen 3 “rules” that are deal breakers. They fringe on safety issues and/or (our) moral standards and these are to be absolutely respected and if not, she understands her life will, as she knows it, change. Everything else is negotiable!

Making mistakes is essential to all our growth, none of us are perfect, we need time to figure things out and someone who can be there to support us through it. So, for us when any of the other “rules” are broken we talk it out and I ask a lot of questions, giving full opportunity to tell the truth. If truth is given, consequence is typically her choice. Encouraging truth builds trust and how you handle the truth builds mutual respect.

Tips: Talking about relationships in their lives and how to navigate the intricacies of friendships starts very early. It can begin as early as third grade. Preach, teach, forecast, and repeat. I had a lot of experience in navigating three’s-a-crowd scenarios and wildly, not normal cliques at too young of an age. I am totally open to discuss if you want more info, you can message me on Instagram @heidixxon.

The greatest love imaginable is a complicated yet beautiful experience; forming these delicate bonds are the true building blocks into a connection and friendship that’s lifelong, so I end it with this last thought: Acknowledging imperfections creates authenticity and loyalty, it builds respect because you are willing to not pretend to be perfect. Consider the effects of a thoughtful apology when needed and contemplate the effects this can have for their own needed forgiveness with you. Emulating behavior keeps you in the driver seat of how they are the reflection of you. It’s one of the few ways you’ll have your hands on the steering wheel in their life and if you’re lucky, one day, they will want to be just like YOU!

Some resources I recommend: Untangled, Cory Muscara teachings and workshops, soul type quiz.

Wishing you all a Happy Motherʼs Day!! XXO


We’re not crying, you’re crying. We hope you loved all these incredible ways to enhance your relationship with your daughter, or son, for that matter. Happy Mother’s Day to all you mother figures. Hopefully you’re spending YOUR day exactly as you want to.

Oh, and if you forgot all about Mother’s Day and need a gift ASAP, we’re here for you. The Skinny Confidential digital gift cards arrive instantly and give your amazing mom the freedom to choose whatever she wants. Win win.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ Are you a mom running on fumes? Here’s how to look less tired.

++ 10 self-care habits to upgrade your life.


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Mint Roller: The Most Compact, Charming Tool to Depuff On the Go Thu, 09 May 2024 18:58:27 +0000 The Skinny Confidential Mint Roller has made its debut.  May I just say, it’s the most adorable launch to date. 

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The Skinny Confidential Mint Roller has made its debut. 

May I just say, it’s the most adorable launch to date. 

Think of it as your mini ice roller that fits in a clutch- take it anywhere really. She’s versatile. 

The Mint Roller is all the things- efficient, mini and goes wherever you go. It has an all aluminum roller that stays cold even without the fridge or freezer, all covered in buttercream and baby pink. Its compact size means you can just ask a flight attendant for a glass of ice and place it inside for a few minutes. BEYOND. 

Good things really do come in small packages.

The big ice roller travels well, especially in the Sleeping Bag, but the team and I wanted to create something that you could REALLY take on the go. With the Mint Roller you can romanticize the day, every day, at any time. 

When I had my double-jaw surgery and an ice roller was the only thing that actually helped the swelling I WOULD HAVE DIED to have a mini version like this to bring everywhere. The Skinny Confidential’s goal is to bring you products that help you be the best version of yourself wherever, whenever and however. 

Now there is no reason to skip your daily ice roll because you’re too busy. You can still practice self-care, contour, depuff and fit in your lymphatic drainage anywhere and everywhere. 

We created our bite-sized roller to be like a cute little cryo chamber for your face and just like the bigger version, it still has all the instant benefits. 


+ Reduces puffiness

+ Increases circulation

+ Restores radiance

+ Shrinks pores

+ Reduces redness

+ Firms the skin

+ Caps for each end to keep it clean and pristine


+ The V-shaped side is designed for precise contouring and sculpting of the jawline and cheekbones.

+ The smooth side is ideal for depuffing areas of the face like eyebrows and under eyes.

+ Always roll up the face, then down the neck to drain the lymph nodes. Feel free to also use it on razor burn, rashes, or post-surgery. We love multifaceted tools. 

Our baby pink roller gets extra icy and stays cold longer than any other roller. Think of the Mint Roller as an amuse-bouche to your skincare routine. 


Keep your roller in your handbag, on ice, in the freezer or in the fridge. Clean your Mint Roller with a lukewarm, soapy washcloth every few weeks.

The Mint Roller gets cold as ice, so roll on your wrist about 8 times to ensure it’s not too cold on the face if you’re pulling it out of the freezer. Feel free to store it in the fridge or anywhere else. The aluminum will stay naturally cold to the touch and you’ll still get all the contouring benefits.

Ice rolling is a good idea whenever it works for you. The second I wake up, you can find me ice rolling. Before my skincare and makeup, you can find me ice rolling. Lounging at a beach club with a champagne bucket, you can find me ice rolling. 

Now with the Mint Roller I’ll be ice rolling on my circadian walks with Townes, every single time I’m in a car, at the foot spa, at the park with my kids, you name it – my Mint Roller will be there. I mean, I’m planning to keep one in every single jacket pocket and handbag I have. Too much?



Time is currency and we all want to use it wisely. The Mint Roller saves time in your day by being compact, effective, easy to use and it helps you get on with your day without sacrificing your leisurely morning routine.

Throw it in your bag or pocket- use it in the car, at work, waiting for your kid’s ballet practice to end, you get it. Airplanes, road trips, the gym, a leisurely lunch break, walking to your car after Pilates, literally anywhere you go, the Mint Roller can go too. 

The facial massager and ice roller are still ELITE when it comes to deep, thorough facial massage and lymphatic drainage. The large, flat surface of the ice roller is so effective and the grip you get from the facial massage will get deeper into your muscles. Mint Roller was made for for self-care on the go, when you can’t fit it into your leisurely morning.

You should know that we had a limited number of Mint Rollers at Dear Media IRL available to purchase. We kept them in these cute nostalgic ice cream carts and they sold out in 15 minutes. So be sure to get yours right away.

Once again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. A launch like this always goes back to the community: like-minded beauty and skincare fanatics looking for the most efficient, skin tightening, preventative products to seamlessly fit into your routines. We got you. 

X, Lauryn and The Skinny Confidential team

+ Learn how to use every single TSC product and tool here.

++ Mouth Tape is restocked, so grab your pink beauty tape now.


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Mother’s Day Gift Ideas Wed, 08 May 2024 15:54:19 +0000 When it comes to gifting the Mother figures in our life something special, we want to do the MOST. Here

The post Mother’s Day Gift Ideas appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

When it comes to gifting the Mother figures in our life something special, we want to do the MOST. Here are some gift ideas sure to bring a smile…and a chiseled silhouette.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Monogrammed Towels

These organic towels are luxurious and totally customizable. Choose your color, choose your monogram and voilà. Lauryn got them for her entire family.

The Body Kit

Perfect for anyone who loves rituals, this duo is the ultimate in self-care. Exfoliate and stimulate with Butter Brush, shower, then use the body sculptor to tone, chisel and detox. 

Neck Pillow

Lauryn’s latest evening obsession, this neck pillow can be warmed and draped over the neck for the most relaxing time-out. Grab your book, face mist and put your legs up to end the day with a totally zen vibe. Stalk the entire situation here.

Ice Roller

Our award-winning ice roller keeps showing up on our gift lists, and for good reason. The roller depuffs and contours instantly while reducing redness and smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. Plus, it feels damn good. And if your mom is a girl on the go, be sure to check out our soon to launch Mint Roller. She can take her self-care on the go to contour and depuff any time, any where.

Silk Robe

A step up from the traditional cozy robe, this elevated silk one makes you feel like a Queen even when roaming around in your slippers.

Caraway Cookware

The cleanest, most non-toxic cookware around, Lauryn uses this set every single day. Perfect for cooking anything, this set in cream is aesthetically-pleasing, chemical-free and lasts a lifetime. Use code HIMANDHER for 10% off.

For more gift ideas, be sure to check out Lauryn’s favorite things from 2023 and if you’re totally stuck, The Skinny Confidential gift cards deliver instantly and always save the day.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ If you need more ideas, check out Lauryn’s links and codes.

++ 10 self-care habits to upgrade your life.

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Running on Fumes? Here’s Exactly How To Look Less Tired Tue, 07 May 2024 21:03:24 +0000 Let’s talk about sleep. Who doesn’t love a good sleep?  There are some days where all you wanna do is

The post Running on Fumes? Here’s Exactly How To Look Less Tired appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

How To Look Less Tired

Let’s talk about sleep.

Who doesn’t love a good sleep? 

There are some days where all you wanna do is lie in bed and catch up on some z’s. We’ve ALL been there.

If you’re a busy bee, chances are you’re getting less sleep than you actually need.

But… we all know how important those 8 hours are. Good sleep = good health.

Sleep is the foundation of youth and productivity. So when you’re NOT getting enough sleep… things tend to get a little dicey. 

That constant exhaustion can have negative effects on your health, including your skin’s appearance, making it look dull and dry. So yes, there are many reasons to make getting a good night sleep your job, but in this post, we’re going to focus on appearances and how to wake up your face to make you look less tired.

Running on Fumes? Here’s Exactly How To Look Less Tired

Cleanse the night before.

We didn’t think we needed to say this, but just in case: you MUST cleanse your face every night before sleep. Even if it cuts into your beauty sleep, cleansing your face the night before is going to have you resting better and feeling better in the morning. The best way to cleanse is a double-cleanse, so see this post for a how-to.

Proper skincare overnight repairs and moisturizes your skin, ensuring a refreshed appearance in the morning.

Tape your mouth at night.

MOUTH TAPE can do so much for your health and beauty, like: 

+ strengthening and defining your jawline

+ giving you a stronger chin profile

+ brightening your eyes

+ increasing your energy

+ reducing snoring and bad breath

+ and yes, it can make you look less tired

You will have the deepest sleep of your life and wake up with so much more energy. Learn more here.

Sleep slightly upright.

Arranging your pillows so that your head rests slightly above the rest of your body can help ensure your face doesn’t get puffy overnight. This puffiness can lead to that “didn’t sleep well,” look, so beating your body to it by sleeping slightly upright can help you look more well rested.

How To Look Less Tired

Stay hydrated.

This step is E S S E N T I A L to, well, basically everything. Staying hydrated is the key to youthful-looking skin that can bounce back when you’re not getting sleep like you should. 

That’s why TSC mouth tape has that tiny hole at the center of the lips so you can take a drink throughout the night without removing it.

But when you’re behind on sleep, you may need some morning spa water to help you stay extra hydrated. Drink it on an empty stomach to help flush toxins out of your body first thing. Flushing toxins out can decrease inflammation that leads to puffiness and dryness. Lauryn always keeps one of these filled with Mountain Valley and nugget ice on her nightstand.


If you feel like you look tired, chances are that you’re noticing dull, grayish skin that is doing nothing for you. One way to wake up your face instantly is to exfoliate all that dead skin away.

When you exfoliate, you remove dead skin cells and other things that may be clogging your pores and you leave behind a bright, fresh canvas. Exfoliation also gets your blood flow going, which can bring a youthful flush to your face, helping you look well-rested and healthy. Lauryn’s favorite ways to exfoliate are by shaving her face, these peel pads and these toning pads (use code SKINNY for 15% off).

Ice roll.

This is one of our favorite steps in our skincare routine, and it’s so good for getting blood flowing to dehydrated skin cells. Thus, making your skin look bright and NOT tired.

It also can tighten up any areas of the skin that are swollen, like puffy eyes. Get to rolling with The Skinny Confidential ice roller anywhere that feels like it needs tightening! Here are some tips on how to use the ice roller on your face. And if you think you don’t have time to ice roll, think again. Mint Roller is ready to ship on May 9 and you can sign up to get notified right now. It’s your little self-care on-the-go companion. Anywhere you go, Mint Roller can go too.

What Does Ice Do To Your Face?

Try a facial polar plunge.

If you’re really needing a wake-me-up, try filling a bowl with ice water and dipping your face into it. Ice has so many benefits for your face. It works to constrict blood vessels, which in turn reduces puffiness, inflammation, and redness. 

Trying a polar plunge can really wake up your circulation as well, once again giving you a youthful glow after you’ve finished.

Use a depuffing and hydrating face oil.

Personally, we love the this depuffing oil because it’s designed to fight inflammation, cool the skin, and leave you looking PLUMP. Three things that can be hard to achieve when you haven’t had your beauty sleep.

When we get enough sleep, the processes that fight inflammation and boost collagen are able to work properly, meaning your skin looks full and fresh in the morning. This face oil can help you achieve almost that same look, even without the sleep you need. 

Use an eye cream or eye masks.

One of the areas that’s going to show the most signs of exhaustion are tired eyes. Tired eyes can lead to eye bags, dark circles, and fine lines around the eyes that show age more than they need to. And when you feel tired, you probably feel it most in your eyes. 

That’s why we need to wake them up. Using an eye cream can help soothe irritated blood vessels in the eye area and brighten the eyes for a more well-rested look. Lauryn loves these reusable patches by Barefaced (use code SKINNY) and these amazing ones by VREA. Keep them in the fridge for ultimate depuffing results.

Lauryn gym selfie

Use a dewy foundation.

If you’re trying to keep your skin looking fresh, matte foundation is NOT the move for you. Using a dewy foundation will even out your skin tone and give the appearance of hydration, leaving you looking like a glowy queen. This helps brighten your eyes and makes you seem more well-rested.

NEW Caffeinated Sunscreen by The Skinny Confidential is perfect for this. The glowy sheen it gives you is so dreamy. Lauryn often wears it without any makeup on top. It’s like skincare but with UV and blue light protection. Get it on subscription now before it sells out.

Try a light concealer in the corners of your eyes.

Once again, the area that shows the most “OMG, I’m SO tired!” is going to be your eyes. Our goal is to minimize that look as much as possible. Brightening up the corners of your eyes with a little concealer can actually go a long way to giving you that bright-eyed and bushy-tailed vibe. 

Keep makeup light.

We just spent all that effort making your skin look dewy and glowy, we don’t want to weigh it down with more makeup than necessary. Keep it light around the eyes, and opt for a blush rather than a bronzer. 

This way, you’re drawing attention to the refreshed parts of your face (a youthful flush), and NOT drawing the attention to the more obviously tired parts (potentially your eyes). Check out this post for more on the best no makeup makeup look.

What are your tips for keeping your sleepless nights a secret?

We’ve got plenty of ideas on how to keep our skin looking plump and dewy, but we’d love to hear more. Do you have a trick that works wonders for your skin? Let us know down below.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ 10 Best Herbs for Stress.

++ How to Boost Your Mood During Your Period.


The post Running on Fumes? Here’s Exactly How To Look Less Tired appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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Money Saving Tips For Couples Mon, 06 May 2024 19:32:18 +0000 Money troubles with your partner? SAY LESS.  Finance is one of those things that can quickly become an issue in

The post Money Saving Tips For Couples appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Money Saving Tips For Couples

Money troubles with your partner? SAY LESS. 

Finance is one of those things that can quickly become an issue in a relationship. ESPECIALLY when you don’t see eye to eye with your significant other. 

In fact, according to tons of research studies out there (like this one, this one, and this one), money (and sex) are often the #1 reason why couples argue. Don’t think this is true? Check out these studies to see for yourself.

And we know…you’ve all heard this a million times; BUT communication is key in any relationship.

Although it’s way easier said than done, misunderstandings about finances can easily be avoided when couple’s take the time to CLEARLY communicate about their financial goals.

And no, this doesn’t mean you have to run out and get a joint bank account or make any huge life changes. There are other actionable things you can do as a couple to prevent this issue. 

So, today we’re sharing some practical tips on how to save money as a couple. As well as how to avoid future misunderstandings about financial goals and live your best coupled life.

Let’s get into it.

Money Saving Tips For Couples

♡ Educate yourself about personal finance. 

Before you can expect to achieve ANY financial goal with your partner, you need to check your own finances. Like, what is your credit score? Do you have a high credit card bill? Are you focused on saving for retirement? And down to the simplest of things: Do you have your own savings account and know how to use it?

This also includes taking account of your personal spending habits and educating yourself about personal finance in general, BEFORE you get ready to set up  a joint account with your partner.

Not sure where to start? We got you. Start here. Then, grab a couple drinks, sit down with your partner, and listen to our recent podcast episode all about finance.

♡ Discuss financial priorities.

Now, it’s time to talk about your financial goals, personally and as a couple. Are you saving for a house? Paying off student loans? Saving for retirement? Or, are you trying to save money to start a business? Whether you’re life partners, a married couple or in some other type of relationship, you need to discuss goals. 

No matter the why, it’s important to communicate your financial goals with your partner. Even more importantly, it’s important to LISTEN TO YOUR PARTNER’S FINANCIAL GOALS as well. If you plan on moving forward as a team, both partner’s goals need to be considered. 

Make a list of your personal financial priorities, and have your significant other do the same. Then, compare, decide what’s most important based on what you can afford, and make a plan from there.

This step might require sacrifices and compromises. But there’s nothing wrong with a little delayed gratification. Because saving that money and getting one step closer toward your goal is going to feel SO GOOD.

♡ Divide the bills.

It’s not the 1800’s anymore. If you’re in a serious relationship, both you and your partner should be taking responsibility for bills. In reality, you both use electricity, water, gas, etc, and so you are both responsible for these costs.

So, add up all those mutual bills, and divide them. It can be half and half. Or, the right balance for your relationship. 

♡ Share the lease. 

If you and your partner plan on living together, consider sharing the lease. Sharing a lease can save each partner SO MUCH money, as opposed to living separately and continuously commuting back and forth.

This is, of course, only a step you want to take if you’re feeling confident in the future of your relationship as a couple. 

♡ Share one car.

Ok, if you have a very different schedule than your partner, this might not be an option. But, for some people, sharing a car is totally doable and can save you a TON of money.

Instead of spending money on two gas bills, two insurance bills, and two maintenance bills, you will just have ONE of each. Then, you and your partner can simply split the lesser cost and reap all the money saving benefits. 

♡ Share subscriptions.

When it comes to subscriptions, there is almost ALWAYS a discount when you add more people to the plan (as opposed to each person paying separately). So, are there subscriptions you and your partner could share?

Think Netflix, Hulu, HBOmax, Spotify, and so on. Consider changing to a family plan, adding an extra screen, etc. to save some money – rather than continuing to pay more for a service you both use. 

♡ Create a budget for other shared expenses.

Other than standard bills and subscriptions, there are other costs associated with being in a relationship. We’re talking groceries, date nights, gifts, and even money set aside for each individual person to invest in their self-care.

So, create a mutually beneficial budget for these things. One that both parties can stick to. Even if this means choosing cheaper date night options, getting into some grocery store couponing, and/or choosing quality time over expensive gifts, you’ll be that much closer to your financial goals. 

♡ Have regular discussions about finances.

Communication is key, remember? So, if you’re serious about saving money as a couple, you need to have open discussions about finances on a regular basis.

Let your partner know if things are going well, if you incurred an additional expense, or if there is something you were hoping to invest in. The more you talk about finances, the easier it will be to stack that cash. 

♡ Hold each other accountable.

If both you and your partner are committed to the money saving game, you should take steps to hold each other accountable. This means minimal to no hidden spending, and having regular check-ins about individual spending habits.

Schedule a weekly or monthly sit down to discuss your budget and overall goals. Then, work together to create an actionable plan to achieve those goals.  A lot of people think the 50/30/20 rule works well. 50% of your income is spent on needs, 30% toward wants, 20% toward saving. Whether you do this with your separate accounts or combined income, it’s sure to get your future financial goals on track.

♡ And most importantly, be there for your partner. 

It’s important to understand that things happen. Even with open communication and a strict budget, unexpected expenses are going to come up. And when they do, couples should have a plan in place to solve the issue.

A plan that starts with open communication, reasonable expectations, and a clear path forward. Remember, teamwork. Being a team is important.

Of course, all relationships are different.

So, if one partner is willing to take on a larger responsibility because the other is working on changing jobs, getting that promotion, or building a business – that’s one thing. However, if both are expected to pull their own weight, the financial responsibility can and should be divided. 

And by the way, it’s never too late to start saving. The sooner you apply these principles, the sooner you will see positive results. Both with your finances, and your love life. 

We really hope these money saving tips come in handy for you guys and gals, so let us know in the comments below which you found helpful. And, if you have any tips to add, drop those below too.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ Learn more of Michael’s finance tips here

++ The do’s and don’ts of managing finances here.


The post Money Saving Tips For Couples appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore Sun, 05 May 2024 13:32:00 +0000 Branding. It’s something Lauryn has always been passionate about. Branding matters, your story matters and your product matters, too. But

The post How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore


It’s something Lauryn has always been passionate about.

Branding matters, your story matters and your product matters, too. But your product is nothing without proper branding, passion and a story.

We’re so lucky, because today Camille Moore is on the blog to talk to us about personal branding and brand stories AND why they both matter.

If you have yet to meet Camille Moore, she is a marketing expert and CEO of Third Eye Insights, a boutique agency specializing in creating powerful brand identities and strategic storytelling. And today, she’s here to talk about just that.

This post is useful to anyone and everyone, especially if you’re on the brink of an idea, about to launch a business, or just out of school getting ready to show the world who you are.

With that, let’s welcome Camille to the blog.

How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore


Is your personal brand holding back?

When you think of The Skinny Confidential, I guarantee it’s Lauryn Bosstick’s name that comes to mind. This connection is no coincidence; it results from a carefully crafted personal brand that Lauryn has created for over a decade. The connection between TSC and Lauryn’s name demonstrates the power and potential of personal branding done right.

Lauryn’s personal brand has become almost inseparable from her business. Her success lies in being unapologetically herself – she’s funny, controversial, straight forward and bold – and that’s what makes people want to follow her.

Creating a strong association between your name and certain qualities or areas of expertise is how you build a personal brand worth remembering. Lauryn has done this exactly, and it’s what you need to do to stand out. 

In today’s digital world, having a powerful personal brand is critical to survival and success, and too many are neglecting this area without focus or effective messaging.

Today, I will share my insights on the importance of a personal brand so you can have a following that believes in you and opens up opportunities you never thought would be possible.

Pause for a second and think…

When your competition, past clients, or the general public hears your name, what words and feelings come to their mind? 

It is important to be aware of this because this is how your story is spread. Consider for a second how you refer people you believe in to others, for example:

  • “You have to see Nicole—she is the best hair colorist on the planet. My gosh, does she know how to create a great blonde! She trained in LA under the top stylists and she does Taylor Swift’s hair.”
  • “My lawyer is a total killer. He speaks on TV about legal matters. He was a D1 tennis player who attended the same Law School as Robert Kardashian.”
  • “You have to try the new restaurant [name], the chef trained in Paris and lives in Europe half the year to improve his recipes and suppliers for the top ingredients. They change the menu weekly, and I’ve never had a bad meal.”

We sell through stories. We create micro-brands for the people we refer to in our lives, but we need to give stories to tell. Without a story, you are not interesting, and you won’t be remembered. Most people think they don’t have a story. This is wrong. Everyone has a brand and a story; you just have to invest in crafting your own narrative. 

Myth: Personal Branding Is Just for Entrepreneurs or Influencers

Contrary to popular belief, personal branding isn’t solely reserved for entrepreneurs or influencers. Everyone, regardless of their professional background, possesses a personal brand. Your online presence, from social media posts to professional profiles, shapes how others perceive you. 

You must ask yourself if your online brand is helping or hurting you. Chances are, it’s probably hurting you without you even knowing it. 

No matter where you are in your career, it’s time you start investing in yourself and creating a personal brand online. Whether you are finishing school, employed, starting your own business, or are job-confused, the best way to stand out and win is to have a strong online digital presence that captures and presents your personal brand.

How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore

You’re Missing Out Because No One Can Find You

The online world has changed. We no longer buy from influencers or faceless brands—we crave education and digital verification through human beings. We buy through our phones, and the competition is tough. The person who wins in the education war invests the most time, energy, and money to appear like the best person for the job. The catch is that the person who is best at marketing is not always the best person for the job– as often, the best is the worst at marketing themselves. Being humble holds you back. Your perfect job, client or business opportunity will never be realized because you can’t be found. 

Anything you sell, whether it’s yourself or a product, becomes intensely more valuable when you wrap a personal brand around it. 

Here is a story that will teach you a critical lesson about personal branding: 

Take Arrae. This gut-focused brand, known for its bloating pills, has transcended product status to become a household name among millennials. And what catapulted Arrae to this level of success? The personal brand of its owner, Siff Haider. Siff Haider’s personal brand allowed consumers to connect with Arrae on a deeper level. By peeling back the curtain and sharing the highs and lows of running a business, Siff made Arrae relatable and authentic.

Without a personal brand, a business can only go so far in its educational efforts. When product-focused content is perceived as an ad, its impact is limited. However, when a human, like Siff, educates on broader topics such as gut health and health and wellness, in general, her message transcends advertising and becomes genuine education.

Consider how you get to know the brand– Lauryn and Michael interview Siff on The HIM & HER Show. As podcast hosts, the group can collectively speak on gut health, and Siff can show that she is a subject matter expert without directly selling her line of products. Without a personal brand, the business can only achieve so much with how it educates– and how willing someone is to listen. 

When you listen to that podcast, what do you immediately think of Siff? How does she look, sound, and dress? What details did you take from her? What opinion did you form? All of these are data points that your brain collects and sorts from your internal perception of Siff’s personal brand.

Trying to capture someone’s attention for an hour without a personal brand or explaining your product’s benefits is nearly impossible.

Without a personal brand, no one cares, and you will spend multiples higher on marketing because you’re hoping to convert on an ad alone. But by investing in a personal brand, you can have a more organic conversation about what you sell—it creates customers without them realizing they are being sold to.

If Siff hadn’t invested in a personal brand, Arrae would likely never have become the brand and business it has. The two arms of her marketing and branding strategy complement each other and work to make the brand stand out in a sea of sameness.  

Without a personal brand, your business is just a business, and you will have to spend way more resources on ads to get new potential clients. Not only is this expensive; but it’s also dumb. You developed a product or service because you are passionate about the category you are in. Showing your passion through a personal brand works, period.

The Takeaway 

What you can learn from this story is that the power of a personal brand is universal, and it’s how you stand out. Siff’s investment in a personal brand not only allowed her to sell more Arrae products but also launched her speaking career and a platform on which she could grow and evolve. You don’t need a product line to see the importance of a personal brand. Whatever your career goals are, they can be achieved better and faster by focusing on presenting your brand online. We all need personal brands because we all need to stand out.

Take Control of Your Career 

Your personal brand is your professional reputation. It’s not just about selling products or services; it’s about:

  • Establishing trust and influence
  • Securing thought leadership
  • Opening up more doors and opportunities 
  • Allowing you to make your mark in your industry

Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or building your own empire, a strong personal brand in 2024 is non-negotiable. 

Personal Branding quote

Crafting Your Narrative: Stand Out, Be Seen, Be Remembered

Your personal brand is your story. It’s what makes you unique, valuable, and indispensable. 

My personal brand is what has changed my career and my life, but I hated video in the beginning. When I first started my agency, I told all of my clients to be on video but didn’t make time for it myself. My partner told me to get a grip and start creating content, and it was the best decision I ever made.

Creating video-based content was uncomfortable in the beginning. I feared judgment and criticism from all the people I knew–not only did I fear looking stupid, but the bigger fear was that I didn’t feel like an expert or that I was good enough to share my opinion publicly. The success didn’t happen overnight; the videos compounded, and without excitement, you realized that people started to recognize you by the brand you display. 

Reaping the benefits of a personal brand takes time, but its power is evident in those unexpected moments when strangers recognize you as the ‘branding girl’ or whatever your equivalent will be. Or when business owners or past connections, who have been silently following you on social media, come out of the woodwork wanting to hire you because they see you as the only person for the job. Or when your dream client slides into your DMs and says their CEO wants to meet you ASAP.

Moments like these make you realize that having a personal brand is the only way to get the most out of life.

By embracing personal branding, you’re not just shaping your reputation; you’re shaping your professional career. 

If you want to learn more about how to build a personal brand as an employee, business owner or thought leader, leave a comment below. I would love to come back for a Part 2!

~ Camille


There you have it: the importance of a personal brand whether you have a business or not.

Do you have a personal brand? How has it helped your business or your professional life? Let us know everything below.

Should we get Camille to come back for Part 2? We think so…

x, The Skinny Confidential team.

+ Check out these tips for female entrepreneurs.

++ 10 ways to skyrocket your productivity.


The post How to Build a Personal Brand With Camille Moore appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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Chicken Enchiladas For The Best Cinco De Mayo Meal Ever Fri, 03 May 2024 13:28:00 +0000 If you follow Lauryn on Instagram, you already know that her assistant Katie kills it professionally and that she is

The post Chicken Enchiladas For The Best Cinco De Mayo Meal Ever appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Chicken Enchiladas

If you follow Lauryn on Instagram, you already know that her assistant Katie kills it professionally and that she is an amazing home cook.

And if you follow Katie on Instagram, you know that she makes and delivers the Bossticks sourdough bread weekly, helps Lauryn and Zaza prep meals in their crockpot and has a newsletter that brings quick, easy and satisfying recipes right to your inbox.

Today, in honor of Cinco de Mayo this weekend, Katie is here to share her green chili chicken enchiladas. Think healthy, quick, minimal ingredients with a kick. You can prep this dish along with Katie’s peach habanero salsa ahead of time, so whether your celebrating at home or out with friends, you won’t have to lift a finger all day.


My mom made these for us all the time as kids, I really don’t know how to make a small batch of this LOL. Makes 8 servings.


1/2 a rotisserie chicken, meat pulled off the bone

1 cup “that green sauce” from HEB or a canned green enchilada sauce

1/4 white onion, roughly diced

1/2 c tomatillo salsa or any green salsa

1/4 c cilantro

1/2 c whole milk Greek yogurt

1 c shredded monterey/colby jack cheese

1 clove of garlic

corn tortillas

salt and pepper to taste

1 green onion, sliced – to garnish

more cilantro – to garnish

Chicken Enchiladas recipe


+ Preheat oven to 375F.

+ Mix chicken, green sauce, green salsa, cilantro, garlic, yogurt, 1/4 cup of cheese, onion, salt and pepper into a food processor. If you don’t have a food processor, just chop everything very small until you have a paste-texture meat mixture.

+ In a 9×13 casserole dish, dump in 1/2 c of your green sauce or enchilada sauce into the bottom and spread evenly, this will help tortillas from sticking to the pan.

+ Warm your tortillas in the microwave for 30 seconds just so they’re malleable. Scoop about 2 T of the meat mixture into each corn tortilla and roll up end to end, placing it seam side DOWN in the pan until you use all the meat filling. Just squish them all up against each other nice and tight until the pan is filled all the way up, but enchiladas are in an even single layer.

+ Mix the green salsa with remaining green sauce and pour over all the enchiladas (don’t forget the edges!) evenly.

+ Top with remaining cheese all over the top. Bake in the oven for 30min or until the cheese is melted and golden on top.

And nothing goes better with enchiladas than an ice cold skinny margarita…


+ 1.5 ounce blanco tequila
+ 1 ounce of Cointreau ( use Triple Sec if this is unavailable )
+ limes
+ a little lemon
+ a speck of agave (a SPECK)
+ option: 2 squeezes of a grapefruit or even pomegranates
+ half rim of salt or Tajin

+ use a lime to rim the glass & then add salt to only half the rim. In a shaker add 3/4 fresh lime juice, one squeeze of lemon, then add Cointreau (or Triple Sec), & tequila.

Rule of Thumb: when making a cocktail, start with the cheapest ingredients first & finish with the most expensive last. Add ice to the shaker last (you don’t want the ice to melt into your ingredients). Add ice to rimmed glass & shake and strain your cocktail over the ice. Garnish with a grapefruit slice or lime wedge.  Lately I prefer a Baccarat glass but the classic blue rimmed glasses are always chic.

There you have it. Like we said, prep the enchiladas ahead of time and pop it in the oven for a lovely Cinco de Mayo meal, or keep it in the freezer to use another day.

Be sure to sign up for Katie’s newsletter if you’re into food and cooking, plus follow her @hangryhobson for quick tips and recipe ideas. Plus, her ‘day in the life’s’ working for the Bossticks never disappoint.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ Learn about the ‘make him fall in love with you sandwich.’

++ More quick and easy meals on the go here.


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10 Self-Care Habits To Upgrade Your Life Thu, 02 May 2024 18:39:47 +0000 My recent solo episode went live and keeping on theme with my last solo, tips to upgrade your morning, I

The post 10 Self-Care Habits To Upgrade Your Life appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

Self-Care Habits To Upgrade Your Life

My recent solo episode went live and keeping on theme with my last solo, tips to upgrade your morning, I want to share 10 self-care habits that will upgrade your life.

It’s always important for me to say that everything I list below is the goal and sometimes it doesn’t happen. Being a wife, mother, CEO and entrepreneur means that I can’t expect every day to go perfectly. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. But these are the things that help me increase my clarity, manage my mood, be a better mother, move the needle of my business and show up for myself in the best way I can.

10 Self-Care Habits To Upgrade Your Life

Warming neck pillow.

This is a must. It smells like herbs, is slightly weighted and I use it every single night. You can put it in the microwave but I got a salon warmer and it’s such a good hack. If you’re into this, read this post where I discuss my entire evening situation.

Do something for your skin.

Whether that’s facial massage, ice rolling in the morning or a sheet mask – anything that can improve your skin. As soon as I wake up I ice roll and always do a quick 5 minute routine. No 20 steps, nothing crazy, but something to give my skin some attention.

If I’m really short on time, I’ll do my skincare in the car. Recently I got a makeup bag and filled it with skincare so that if I’m in a rush I can do it while Michael drives. I”ll do anything to get invigorate and get my circulation going.

Facial at least twice a month.

This may not be for everyone, and I totally get that. Investing in my skin is much more important to me than buying clothes or handbags. Lucky for me I’ve found facialists who give me exactly what I ask for, which is always lots of facial manipulation. In Austin I see Brooke at The Road and in San Diego I see Staci Christie and Mo at Heal Thy Goddess.

Plan out your day.

While I’m meditating or doing an activation (try the ones by Mimi Bouchard), I like to visualize my entire day. I envision it working out seamlessly, harmoniously and completely in my favor. Then, I’ll go to my planner and write it all down. The priorities are listed out first, in order of importance. I’ve come to realization that prioritization is KEY, for business and your personal life. Taking the time and space to be thoughtful about what you do in a day helps you perform at the level you want to perform at.

It helps you focus on what going to move the needle and is absolutely essential. This way of managing your to-do list is called The Ivy Lee Method and it’s worked for Michael and I for years. It helps you be thoughtful about your whole day.

Sex up your water.

Add anything you want. Herbs, citrus, electrolytes, Kion amino acids and creatine, colostrum, ginger – whatever! Spicing up your water gets you nutrients and helps you drink more. Optimizing your water is just efficient if you ask me. There are tons of spa water recipes for you here and I’m currently obsessed with this water bottle.

Self-Care Habits To Upgrade Your Life

After I’m nice and hydrated I’ll have a coffee with raw milk. I love raw milk. You get some protein, some carbs, minerals and vitamins, not to mention pre and pro biotics. Try waiting 90 minutes before you have your morning coffee. This is good for your circadian rhythm and your body will feel way better because you’ll be hydrated with electrolytes and minerals first.

Habit stack.

When I wake up and make the bed I listen to something educational or inspirational. Same goes when I’m getting my nails done. I don’t want to listen to trash or gossip first thing in the morning especially so I turn on something inspirational like Lousie Hay, Robert Greene or Ryan Holiday. Any chance you get to learn while you’re doing something else that’s more passive, take it.

Water your relationship.

Every single day I try to do something that waters my marriage, as if it’s a garden. It might be scheduling a date night, putting my phone away in the car to really listen to him, set up something sexy at night or just doing something new together. My marriage is the foundation of my entire life. We have kids together, businesses together, work together so that foundation needs to be strong. Most people put their kids first, but we put our marriage first so our kids can see passion, respect and a good, healthy relationship.

Find your hole in the wall.

For me, this is a foot spa. It literally is a hole in the wall and it’s where deep work happens.

When I’m in the office, I’m fluid. I’m talking to my EA Katie or other members of the team, organizing, having meetings, but when I go to the foot spa for 2 hours, the amount of work I get done is astounding. You get uninterrupted time to work however you want. Sometimes I answer emails and texts for an hour and then work on a project. I started writing my next book and actually get things down that affect the business. More on how this works for me here.

Self-care is beauty.

For me. This may not be the case for you, but a lot of my self-care has to do with beauty. A manicure, a blow out, a facial, having my makeup done are all things that make me feel good which means I can show up as my best self. Usually I will schedule work calls while I’m going through the ‘beauty car wash’ and this helps me be more present when my kids are home.


Reading keeps your interested and interesting. Over the last couple years I’ve opted for a Kindle and I have a full Beauty and the Beast size library on there. It’s helped me read more. Reading is so relaxing and a non-negotiable in my day. It gets you outside of yourself and the best thing about a Kindle is it’s easy to have more than one book going at once. I like to be reading on business, one on self-care and then a fun one. If I do read a hardcover, it’s with this red light book light. It makes all the difference.

Legs up, magnesium tea, warm neck pillow and a good book (this one is so good) – nothing better.

Other stuff.

The other little things I do that I consider self care are:

Salt rock nightlight – in our house it’s salt rock light, red light or natural light, never a yellow glaring light.

Hot shower at night – essential to wind down and wash off the day (I do a cold blast on my face), a bath works too but it’s not something I can manage with 2 kids under 4. Add eucalyptus and you’ll never look back.

Grounding – getting your feet in the grass or on some sand will instantly change your mood and the whole vibration of your body (more here).

AM sunlight – getting sunlight as soon as you wake up is so good for your circadian rhythm and hormones (if I can’t do this on my own I go with my kids and their books to our patio and sit there, it’s the best and your body will crave it).

Tell me all your self-care hacks and how you fit them into your day. The little things add up to big things so I’m all about the quick and seamless tips.

x, Lauryn

+ Listen to the full episode for more details on all the above.

++ 80 gratitude affirmations for a better day.


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All My Storefronts, Links and Codes Wed, 01 May 2024 18:43:18 +0000 You’ve heard me say before: we do not gatekeep at The Skinny Confidential. Always wanna be sharing what works for me

The post All My Storefronts, Links and Codes appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

All My Storefronts, Links and Codes

You’ve heard me say before: we do not gatekeep at The Skinny Confidential. Always wanna be sharing what works for me and my team when it comes to clothes, beauty, supplements, tools, gadgets- you get it.

You also have our LTK store to shop and we’re always updating the Amazon storefront with favorites. So I want to use this blog post as an easy referal for all storefronts, links, and codes that you all can use seamlessly shop our favorite brands.

Think of this blog post as a once stop shop that’ll take you to all The Skinny Confidential platforms. Let’s lay it all out.

All My Storefronts, Links and Codes


Shop The Skinny Confidential products (on Amazon, Nordstrom, Revolve, Free People too)

HIM & HER Show (Apple | Spotify)

*NEW HIM & HER weekly & monthly newsletter

Morning Quickie Show (Apple | Spotify)

GTFOOTS limited podcast (Apple | Spotify)


A Babe’s Sexy, Sassy Fitness and Lifestyle Guide


LTK Storefront

Amazon Storefront

Revolve Favorites

Shop My (personal)

Shop My (podcast)

Emma Lou The Label

Dé Rococo jeans




Arrae – SKINNY for 10% off one time purchases or 25% off first month’s subscription

Athletic Greens – free 1 year supply of Vitamin D3 & K2, plus 5 free travel packs.

Beekeeper’s Naturals – SKINNY for 25% off your first order

Better Help – SKINNY for 10% off your first month

Cymbiotika – SKINNY for 15% off

Alkamind – SKINNY for 20% off first purchase

Get Kion – SKINNY for 10% off

Golden Secrets – SKINNY for 10% off

Feel Free Tonic – SKINNY for 25% off

Heart and Soil – SKINNY for 10% off

Hiya kids vitamins – SKINNY for 50% off your first order

Just Thrive Probiotics – SKINNY for 20% off

Kim Kelly Fit App – use this link for 20% off your subscription

Kroma Wellness – SKINNY for 15% (new customers)

Liquid IV – SKINNY for 25% off

LMNT – SKINNY for free sample pack with purchase

Melissa Wood Health – TSCBEAUTY for one month free.

Moon Juice -SKINNY for 20% off

No Days Wasted – SKINNY for 20% off your first order and free shipping

Nutrafol – SKINNYHAIR for $15 off your first month

Paleo Valley – SKINNY for 20% off first purchase

Ritual Vitamins – SKINNY for 10% off during your first 3 months.

Sakara – SKINNY for 20% off your first order.

Water + Wellness – SKINNY

Wellnesse – SKINNY for 15% off


Bread Srsly – SKINNY for $5 off your first order

DEUX – LAURYN20 for 20% off

Dry Farm Wines

SakaraSAKARAxLAURYN for 20% off your first purchase

Strong Coffee – SKINNY for 20% off

That’s It. – SKINNY for 25% off


Air Doctor

Branch Basics – SKINNY for 15% off

Brooklinen – LAURYN20 for $20 off your purchase of $100 or more

Blue Cube Baths – SKINNY for $500 off

Caitlin Jaymes bikini bags

Caraway Home – SKINNY for 10% off

Cold Plunge – SKINNY150 for $150 off your order

Ice Barrel – SKINNY for $125 off

Jaspr air purifiers – SKINNY for 10% off

Salus Barrel Sauna

Sunlighten Sauna – SKINNY


Agent Nateur – SKINNY for 15% off

Kérastase – SKINNY15 for 15% off

Manscaped – SKINNY for 20% off and free shipping

OSEA – PINKSEAWEED for 10% off your order

Pellequr – TSC25 for 25% off

Toups & Co. – SKINNY for 15% off

Vegamour – SKINNY for 20% off

And if you’re in the market for a website or blog update and need help with SEO you have to check out INFLUENCER SEO. They know what’s up when it comes to driving traffic to your site and since I’ve been using them we’ve noticed such a difference in the user experience and readership of the blog. Highly recommend.

Before we go, if you’re into quick tips from me and Michael, be sure to sign up for our new HIM & HER newsletter where we’re sharing our monthly favorites, plus weekly tips to enhance all areas of your life.

Happy shopping.

x, Lauryn

+ stalk YOUR monthly favorites here.

++ if you love reading, be sure to follow on Goodreads.


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Seeing Red? Here’s How To Reduce Redness After a Chemical Peel Mon, 29 Apr 2024 13:15:00 +0000 If you’ve ever gotten a chemical peel, you know the healing process takes a WHILE. And in the meantime, you’re

The post Seeing Red? Here’s How To Reduce Redness After a Chemical Peel appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

How To Use an LED Face Mask and How To Reduce Redness After a Chemical Peel

If you’ve ever gotten a chemical peel, you know the healing process takes a WHILE. And in the meantime, you’re left with a top layer of the skin that might be red and inflamed SO not the vibe. So, what do you do?

While the immediate aftermath of peel services might leave you wanting to pull your skin off (oh wait, you already did that), peel services have tons of benefits that make the side effects TOTALLY worth it. Let’s get into it.

While there are different types of chemical peels, chemical peel treatments all pretty much work the same: a chemical is applied to the skin to remove the top layer of dead skin cells. This procedure can increase cellular turnover (clearing pores), reduce acne bacteria, and fade acne scars and uneven pigmentation, promoting healthy cell regeneration. Like we said totally worth it. 

But, there are definitely a few undesirable side effects. And if you’re dealing with those, we got you. Here’s how to reduce redness and irritation as your skin heals. 

Seeing Red? Here’s How To Reduce Redness After Chemical Peel 

Schedule Recovery Time

You may not need a day of recovery, but if you don’t want anyone seeing you at your reddest, schedule a day off after your chemical peel. Those with sensitive skin may want to schedule more recovery time, as it may take longer for the redness to decrease.  

You’ll also want to avoid intensive exercise for 2-3 days after the chemical peel, as working out can lead to an inflammatory reaction AKA MORE redness. 

Adjust Your Skincare

You’re going to want to avoid most acidic products like retinoids and AHAs such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, or salicylic acid. AND keep the exfoliants in your cabinet. Your skin has had enough of that for about 2 weeks.

Instead, focus on moisturizing and healing products, such as moisturizers with hyaluronic acid.

Here are some products we recommend for use after a chemical peel:

+ Dr. Dennis Gross Hyaluronic Marine Oil-Free Moisture Cushion

+ The Skinny Confidential depuffing oil

+ Agent Nateur face serum

Moisturize Frequently

Speaking of moisturizing, you’re going to want to do it often. How often should you moisturize your face? All the time. At first, you might want some petroleum jelly on the treated area to help lock in moisture. As the skin starts peeling, you’ll want to be using non-comedogenic moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated. Additionally, hydration will help the skin begin to repair itself and reinforces the skin’s protective barrier, reducing redness and irritation.

Stay Hydrated

Your skin can’t stay hydrated if YOU aren’t hydrated. It’s so important to drink lots of water after a chemical peel, because your skin is going to need it. Lauryn loves this morning spa water to stay nice and hydrated and you can find her latest water bottle obsession here (wrinkle free drinking!). If hydrating is hard for you in general, here are some tips to make drinking enough H2O simply effortless.

Get The F*ck Out Of The Sun

After a chemical peel, it’s super important that you prevent any sun exposure in order to keep any additional redness from popping up. Protect your skin from sun damage by wearing GOOD-QUALITY sunscreen that has SPF 30 AT LEAST. Yes, even inside. And if you MUST go outside, we also recommend wearing a hat for obvious reasons.

Take Vitamins

Vitamins A, C, and E are the key vitamins you want to take after a chemical peel. Vitamin A works to support cell growth and regeneration, so it’s essential for reducing redness. Vitamin C strengthens the new skin by aiding collagen synthesis, while Vitamin E protects against oxidative stress, which can delay healing. You can take these vitamins as supplements or serums, or both. Lauryn and Michael both take AG1 because it ensures you get everything you need in one scoop a day.

How To Reduce Redness After a Chemical Peel - use an ice roller

Keep It Cool

Probably the best way to reduce redness after a chemical peel is to use ice. Ice can help soothe inflamed skin and reduce irritation, leading to reduced redness. Just grab your ice roller and go to town. For tips on how to use an ice roller, check out this post.

Try Light Therapy

After a chemical peel, light therapy can add some serious speed to your healing process. How? The red and infrared lights encourage cell regeneration and collagen production, which helps strengthen and even out your new layer of skin. Lauryn recommends this light therapy mask from Dr. Dennis Gross

Chemical peels can leave you red and irritated but you don’t have to stay that way.

If you’re seeing red, just follow these tips and you’ll have your glowy post-treatment skin you’re aiming for in no time.

Got any tips we missed? We’d love to hear them down below. For more skin care tips re: peels, check out this post with Stacie Christie of Staci Christie Skin Care. She’s got all the best tricks for getting that GLOW.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

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The post Seeing Red? Here’s How To Reduce Redness After a Chemical Peel appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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